655 Affidavit Of Publication RTATl-~ OF' CALIFORXIA ("'OrXTY OF ORAXn(i~. SS. I . . ...... _;..,. :~".~.~ r."~'. ~'.;h ~~:. ...... cf sa.id county. being first. duly :-,WOl'n. Muys--that she is a cit- iZ4.'ll of the United State:;. and of the. Stat.e of Califol'llia. ovel' 'lht~ II ~f~' of E..ighteen years: that she ha~ no interest ill. nor b; she u party to the matter herein mentioned; that. she is the pub- li~her of the ORANGE COUNTY N~~WS a weekly ,newspape)' 11rinted, pubUshed and' circulated in the. sa.id County of Orange 111at ~aid ORAXGE COUNTY X ~:\VS is a newspa.per of general ('ireulation with ~l list of paid suh ~1'I'ibers, and is published for thf' (Ii~semination of both local and gt'ueral news ancl intelligence of H ~eneral chara.cter; that it iR not devoted to the intere'sts 01' 1'Ilhlished for the entertainment 01' a p.articula.r class, profession, 11 aele., calling. race or denom1na. riou, 01' of any number thereof: that it ha.s beeu ;printed and ))uh- li~hed in the City of Ana,hairn. eOllnty of Ora.nge. State of Cali- fOl'llia for more tha.n one year IH'xt precedin~ the first day ot' I hl" publica tion hpreto attached: Ihal the- .\.J ~,:.)--., : _.j. ~ ;'_:.(;. :', . . _ ~ ~ ~ :'.. __ ~'.:~_ 9. ;~? - . . . .. . . .. ...... ... . - . . .. -.. .. .. -. -.. - ~ .. . -.. . . - . . - . .. . . . . . .. . - . . . . . . . .. - ................... .............. .......... - ........ .. - or whieh the unnexed i..; a prillte-d ("ory. Wa.~ .publi~herl ill ~a if1 llew;..;- PH pel' a t least . __.. :'}X:(~_~.:..._. ..... u... ('4inUueucing on the ----5.Qt.1.1 day ot ._. ..___.:;~~.._~:~~.__,.___.. 1!).~~.., ann f'll11illg 011 the ..___ .__.............. day of ...._.._.. .......... 19._______. and t ha t ~a.id ...... L'X:C: -.~_.:.J.;~Jl~.~ _......... was published on the tl'llowinp; days: _. _" .__.~i:}:A~!.. .~i(~_._1?:_'k~.... ._...._. , , .. -. . -... --_:...... nu..u. --. ..un...,'!!.. u_.. :.~-:... Subscribed a.nd sworn to be.fore D1" I his ....-- . .5............ t;:.:. day 01 .~.~:#n-~//,fiL~z4 -----~/.._.~~.;..ii-~..:- /7. . tar / 1,lb'~.L .. _ "" t-- c:r. t lp-- '..-'" . ~..- - I ORDINANCE NO~ 655 I AN OaDINAN(~E OF TH~ CITY Oil ANAH.gIM APPRO- PRIa\1'Il'JG I MO.i\loa: j4"OR' AD- VER'rISIN G 'PUR}:OSES. . THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'fH~ I CITY 'OF ANAH "~1J.~ DOES OR- j DAIN AS FOLI..OWS= I SECTION 1. That there be and I hereby is appropriated for the I fisca). year eadin2' JUll.e 30. L1948, I from the Gene)-a. Fund of the City of Anaheim .the stun I{,f Five I Thousand ($5.000.00) DoUars'l which sum .shall be ,used for the' IH:rpose <,I adveTti~in~ thp. City 'of Anabeill'~, and }-;ro.idinJr fn- mu- llfic and prom:ltion within the said City, sailf money to be paid by I direction {;f ihe City Council of I the '(:it~1 of Anaheim for said pur-I; 'PD..Bes. SECT ION 2. The City Clerk! shall. r.an~e this ..orrlinance to be," puhlu~hed lonc.-e ~n '.the l"aran~ I COtlnty Npws" a weelc:ly neW'spa. I per published and cir~\11nted in 1 the Citv of AnRheim, al'4i ~,:hall Itak(' effect thirty ('10) day~ after as final ~a~saR'e. The fQrp.J!'oin~ ordinance was shtned and annro\'erl hy me this 2Rth . 'dB" rf July: .1942. CHARLES A. PEAR~ON. Ma110T of the Cit.v of . Anaheim. ATTEST. CHARl,ER E. GRIFFITH, City nkrk of the City pf A.nahcim. STA TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Olt' OIlANGE ) S8 eIT Y: OF ANAHEIM ) I I, ,Charles E. GRIFFITH, City I' Clerk of tht, f;ity {.f Anaheim; do hereby ceJ'tify that the !.oreJ!.''ling- OrdiJlRnC"e was introduced at a I l'e~ulal' a.djourned meetin~ of th~ . City CUlll).cil of the City of Ana-. hf~im, B~ld on thE' 2] st day of July, 1942, and that the same was pass. ed and adopted at Ii regular meet- h~!!' of ~ajd' City Coun~il held Oll th~ 28th da~. of ,July, 1942~ by I the followinv.....'V'ote cf the members thereof: A~les: Coun~i1me~ Pf'arson, Van I' \\I aJrori'~r ,. Boney, SheTidan. Niles = Councilmen. none. AbRent. Councilman Barn.es. And I f~lrth~r certify tha~ the I M:-t.~r"r of the Cit'7 (.f Anaheim I si~nf:'d ann apP1"o\'~d s~id Or!iin-! ~lnce on the 28th day of Ju1.v.1 1~42. I IN' WITNESS. WHEREOF, I have he)"€'~nto set n'lY hand and 'lffixed -the. seal of ~3.id City Io.f A naheitn this '2~tl. d:-ty of Ju.lv, 1 !a42. (Renl) CRARL~~S 'E. GRIFFITH, r~tv "1<:rk of the Citv.of AnahE"im. .July ~O, 1942. .... --0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 ORDIIAlCI HO. 6~~ AN ORDIIAlCE ,OF THE OITY OF ANAHEIM APPROPRIATING ROlEY FOR AD , - RTISING PURPOSES. THI CITY COll elL OF THE CI!Y OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FeLLOWS; 5 SECTION 1. at there be and hereby 1s appropr1ated tor the t~Boal year ending 'Une 30, 1941, trom the General Pund ot the 01 ty ot Anaheim the sum t Five Thousand (15,000.00) Dollars, which sum ~.s:;C'IJ. s_al1 be used tor t e purpose of advertising the 01t1 of Anaheim, 8.I1d providing tor m 81e and promotion within the said City, said mone7 to be paid by direction of the Oity Council of the Clt7 ot Aaahelm tor said pu 'poses. SECTION 2. r:'. e City Cler~ shall cause ~B ordlnallce to be p.b11shed onoe 1n t :. .Orange CountY' lews. a week17 De.paper pub- lished and clroulat cl 1n the 01 ty of Anaheim, and aM.ll take effect thirty (30) dalB at !'er 1ts final passage. The foregoln, ord1nance was signed and approved by me th1s 28th day of July, 1~42. 6 7 8 . . t ,v' ", '~the .:. ot . "~~m _AT,S OF OALIFOlUfIAj ) Ql)tnI!y OJ' ORANGE j ) at!y or AlAHJJ:III ! ) I, CHARLES 1:; GRIFFITH, C1ty Clerk ot the Cltr of ~.l1e1ri, 40 hereby certlt1 t: t the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a "gular adjourned m' et1ng ot the 01 ty Council ot the 01 't1 ot Anahel. , held OD the 21st da ot JulY', 1942, and that the 'same was passed an adopted at a regula: meetlng of said C1ty Councll held on the 28th,\: day ot July, 1942, .1 the follow1ng vote of the members thereof: SSe AYES: IIOES; COUNOILMEN:: Pearson, Van Wagoner, Boney, Sheridan. COUNCILYEH: ; ABSDT: COUNCILYD:j Barnes. And I furthe~ cert1fy that the llayor ot the Cltr of ADahe111 a1gned and approvedl said Ordinance on the 2E!th day 'ot Ju17, 1942. . , .; :.,. IN WITHESS '.MERIOF, I have hereunto set mJ hand and affixed the seal of sald Cl~y ot Anahe1m th1s 2gth day of' July, 1942. . ;,". ~c