71R-542 RESOLU'I'ION NO.. _7lR- 542 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF' ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: k~AIIEI~~l HILLS GOLF COURSE 8'RADING, IN THE CI11Y OF ANAEEIM~ WORK ORDER NO. 1501. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published ln a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated ~n the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Bulletin, on he 29th da of Jul and the _ 3t~ .jay of August r 19 , a notJ.ce J.nvJ.tJ.ng sea e proposals for furnishing the fcllowing: All plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance Wl.th the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on fi,Ie in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of 7\naheim, the following public improvemen t, t~o w~ t : Araheim Hj.lls Golf Caarsa grading, in the City of ~naheim, consisting of qradinq, including excavation, comuact8d emi")an:{:11ent ,1.nd construction of terrace drains, dO'v'n dra ins, v;; l,)c i tv reducers and 12 II R. C. P. ~ stri~uina. and a;.~ourt<~nant i..,or~( as more oarticu1ar1" 'f . t"h' ~ . . 1 :) . f . t .' f . 1 .. set or... 1!1 ...;)E 9 an3 ana spec1.. 1.ca lons on 1. e l.n the- Office of th,_~ cit? ~l(-r~: or City Engineer, Work Ora er No. 15 C 1. . Ln accordance with the design~, plaps, profiles and specifica- t.:ions prepared by the PunlJ.c WorKs Department , and the notice J.nviting sealed proposals, which said notice specified that sealed proposals as specified in said notice would be received up until 2:00 o'clock P.M. of the 12th day of August , 19 71 , and which said notice did state and declare that, pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of the r,abor Code, the City Council of the City of Anaheim had ascer- tained the prevailing rate of wages for each type of labor needed to execute said contract, and did state that the prevailing hourly wage scale so ascertained was on file in the Office of the City [....lerk; and -1- WI-U~REA~; I on August 12 , :~.9 71 , at the hour of .. ~_ :> I clock P. M. ; .-the Ci fi C1Eirk and 't.he Ci ty Engineer of :he Ci ty l:>f Anah~J..m dl,d oper:. Sc::..;. d sealed proposals received 'up ~..o that tIme for r:.he furnish i.n~ of all plant., labor, services, -!.laterJ.al~, and equ tpment:! ana al.l ut.J,lltJ.es and transportation, ~ncludinq power. fuel and water. and performing all work neces- :~d.ry to ;:;.onstruct and. complete. ~.L d good and workmanlike manner, ,.n strict accordance wIth the spec~fications, plans and drawings '~.herefor on fl.le .~.n the Offi~;e ct ~..he City Clerk of the City of :.inahelm, t:he pub ~ ~.C trnr,-r.ovement .,e.'('e.1nabove more particularly ..iescrlbec and 5er,:. fCirt:b.. L.n pi.J.t-.llt r ,~n the C.l.ty Council Chamber .,n t.he C:'it:y Hal~., Anahf.~lmf Callfor'l.1.a, and the City EngineeJ:' did ':..abulate the reS.:l.:.t of ~al.d sealed. f:roposals and did make a ~l3port tf) the Cl t'..' Cour,ci'1 c''C 1 ts ~ext ------------ regular ""fleet lng; and WHE REA;, the C1 ty C OLnCl i of the City of Anaheim did, H~ its next ------------ regt:.:;'ar meet~ng, held on the 17th .iay of" Auaust _-===..~- 19--11-. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock ::.:: .. M, c' consider the sealed propcs.3..1 s submi t ted for furnishing the <:atet'ials and performi.ng the w:,:-.rk herelnabove more particularly .iescribed and set fort~, and dld thereupon find and determine that '.~.he sealed proposal submi tted t,y _ HUDSON CONTRACTING CORPORATION, 1051 So. Beach Boulevard, La Habra, California 90631 {or the constructl.on:-Installat i.on and completion of said Anaheim riills Golf Course Grading, in the City of Anaheim, Work Order :~o. 1501 ----....-.--.-....-.--..---..- hereinabove mentioned ind desci.lEe.cL--'-:~.iis-t-he'..lowe..si .....resp.onsible proposal submi tted ..rierefor, and thereupor accepted sa1d b~d and did award a contract .0 saId HUDSON CONTRACTING CORPORATION .--. .-. -.-.-----.---.-. for- furnishing all plant, labor, ::;.e-ivlces -;-.ma-terl d 1s an.c1- equTpment dnd all ut.ili ties and transpor- ':a.t:lon, .~nclud.l.nq pClwe~:..f fuel and 'dater, and performing all work '.1ecessar~ to ,:..~onstruct and comf lete ,. J.n a good and workmanlike ,fldnner, In s'trl.ct: acco:rdance wIth the specifications, plans and irawings t the saId. pub.; lC Imprcvement as spe~ified in said notice nVltiog sealed jJl'"oposals; and did duthor.l.ze the Mayor and the ~ty Clerk. of thf~ CIty of An-3helffi ~:c execute a contract for and ,P-; oehalf -:>f +:hE> (~iti (;1" hnaheim w:..th HUDSON CONTRACTING CORPORATION which said '.In-tract.was-....duf~F .ma.de and ent"ered .-into on the 16th day of AU'iust. __ __.' . (J...1.L; and WHEREAS. the said HUDSON CONTRACTING CORPORATION ..-- .-lias furnished all plant, labor, --...- -_. .--..--..---..--..----,--- ~ervices, materials and equlpment and all utilities and trans- .-A:>rt.at ion ,. and performed al.l iNcrk !"1ecessary for the construction .Inti completIon, ;.!1 a good and 'lIiorkmanlike manner, in strict .":;cordance wi th ~~he speci fi. cat lons.. plans and drawings of said iJbilC lmprOVement. 3.5 speci.fled IT. t.he notlce inviting sealed :.;roposa.ls and ir t he detaIled des.l.;;Jns, pI ans, drawings, and '.~:}ec.1.f icat i..~ns prepare0 by' the Public Works Department , 3nc the-con~ract made and entered into ",. :fl1-..... ~-= rii~:=~.. -by. "+:.1ie--."f:}. t~}; ':>f Anahe 1 In;: and WHEREAS. tne Director of Public Works .,,:is duly cert .Lfl(~d to the const.ruction and completion of said -1:.1b11.:; improvement. her€:.l.nabove mentioned and described, in accord- ,:'ice \~ith the plans anc:i specl f teat lons and the contract documents l;lly made and entered :toto '.rJl.th saId HUDSON CONTRACTING CORPORATION .-- .. - -... -...... . ... _...---_.~_._-- ; and .~ t.- WHEREAS, the c~ty Council finds that said contractor ~:dS completed said publlc improvement hereinabove more particu- larly described in accordance wlth the provisions of the contract ~.~nd the contract. documents, a.nd that notice of completion should UE~ .f lled and payment of the ba lance due said contractor authorized . ,. accordance with the c;ontract documents. NO\v, THEREFOflli I BE 11' RESOLVED by the Ci ty Council of tne City of Anaheim that all plant. labor, services, materials .:ind equipment and all utiliti.es and transportation, and the performance of all work necessary to construct, install and com- ~lete, in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance ...'<1 t r. t he spec 1 fica tl.ons. plans and drawings therefor on file in :. ~ie Of fl.ee of the Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty of Anaheim, together ......~ th t.he appu rtenances ther'eto, sa~d public improvement herein- ,~oove more particularly descr1bed and set forth, in the City of !-~aheim, by said contractor, be, and the same are hereby accepted, '::..ibject, :levertheless, to all the terms, conditions and provisions .: f thE' contract documents, and 1:hat the balance due said con- ~r.actor for sa~d work be paid to it thirty-five (35) days ~rom and after final acceptance of said work as evidenced by the ~~option of this resolution, but not sooner than thirty (30) days ..fter the date of t.he fIling of notice of completion, excepting .'I"li such sum or s~ms as may lawfully be withheld in accordance ....;.tr~ t~he provisions of said contract and contract documents. :-"..at. acceptance by the ~:=ontract()r of said payments made in accord- . ;'.ce with sal.d final est: imat.e shall operate and shall be a release th(~ Cit.y of Ana.helm, ltS off.:..cers, agents and employees from ;1 c]alms and l.laoilit~es due ~he contractor for anything done : furn~shed or 'Ni t.hheld or fcn anfth~ng relating to the work or ._.:r l' act or neglect of the Ci ty, its officers, agents and em- ~ .~..oyees; excepting only cl.a~ms d.ga~nst the City for amounts with- :....r-ld by the Ci ty at the tlrne of such payment. AND BE IT FUR'fllER RE~:.t)LVI.[) that t.he I.layor and the City ;.':.erk of the C~ty of Anaheim be, and they are hereby authorized !.c execute and flle a notice of completion of said work as lequ~red by law. THE FOREGOING RLSOLUT[ON ~s approved and signed by me r. j',l.S 14th day of December., 19--1L- MA~l~~o<f~HE ;~~J OF ~~~~ i:~"TI:;S'I' : L:< -'- M L/rt_&'-.a...~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAI-IE IM -]- ,........ STATE OP CALlPORHIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~ I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cer~ify tha~ ~he foregoing Resolution No. 71R-542 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Counc11 held on the 14th day of December , 1.971 , by the following vote of the members thereof: - AYES: COUNCILMEN: Roth, Stephenson, Pebley. and Dutton NOES: COUNCILMEN: Thom ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 14th day of December , 19 --1.! · IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 14th day of December I 19 71 . ~~oP~~~ A1WIEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 71R-542 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on December 14, 1971. J1~ )n. ~ City Clerk ~.