71R-442 RES'OLOTIOH NO. 7'lR-. 442 - ......-..- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ,COURCIL OF THE. 'crry OF AHABBDl DECLARING .ITS ~'IHTBN'J.':roN ~- VACATB '. CERTAIN 'REAL PROPBK'f,Y AND PIXI'NG A' DATE POR BEARING. '1'HBRBON. WBBRBAS, the ,City Council of the 'City of ADaJ\eu. has elected to proceed under. the proviSii'ODS 'of the ':Stree'.t Vacation Act ,of 19-41 in colme.ction wi,th '.a request:. for. vacation and aban- donaen't of oer'tain real property helteinafter. .des~cribed, subj',ect to the followin9 conditions: 1. Reservation of a 10.... publii'c. utilit:y .easeaent: :aloD9 northerly .line .of 'area to be. 'abandoned. . 2. Cons.'trl1ction of a standard 25' rad'ius. 'curb. :return at the northeast corner of Beach. 'BouleVud and Rome Avenue., .construction: of curb .and ptt:er from the new' curb. ~re'turn to the. 'ezisti~, cUrb '.and. gutt.er on the north side .of Rolle Aven'ue and reaoval 'of existi~9 81:ree.'t improvements' -be,tween the 'new .curb ' and the new 'property line. All' of the .abOve to' be as approved by the Ci t.y. Engineer and at DO cost :to, the City of Anaheia. . HOW, 'lHBREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by. .the ',Ci.ty Coun.ci.l of the City of Anahe11l that it hereby declares 'its 'intention to' vacate,' abandon and close to .public" use' .portions 'of' roadways, all'eys 'and easements 'as they may .relate to' the fo11owi.nf} des'... cribed proper1:y' si'tua'ted in the. City. of Anaheim, Coun.ty of Orange, and State of Cali'fornia, to wit:' That portion of a certain 46. OQ. .foot wide service road 1ocat.ed in the Ci'ty. of Anaheim, County of Oruge, State. of Cal'i.fornia, to be' abandoned, .described as 'fol1ows:' B8CJiDDing: at the. northwest .comer of Lot .16'8 in Tract Ho. 2.228, as shown on a map recorded in Book '.69, pages 34 'throu9h 37,' inclusive, Miscel.laneous Maps,' .records ' of said county; thence S '0. 10', 300 W. 106.96 fee.t 'along the we.at line of sa'id Lot 168 t:o. the. b~innin9 of a 'tan- gent :curve .concave Dortheast'er.ly .and having: a radius 'of 13' 'feet,. thence Southerly and Basterly along said curve 'through .a central angle' of 90. 10' 58n an arc distance of 20.,46 feet to an intersection with .a line 'paral1e'l with :and 30 feet northerly of the :centerline of Rame Avenue; thence S 890 59' 32 II tl, 43. 99 feet '.aloD9 sa'id parallel line to the. heqinning of a t~gent curve .con- c~ye northeasterly ADd hAvin9 a radius 'of 15' feet; thence NorthWesterly' and Northerly along said curve through '8 central 'angle' of 90. 10' 58" an' arc distance of 23.61 . feet 'to an intersection wi t:h a line paralle'l wi:1:h .and 46,.00. feet westerly of the west'erly' line of said Lot 168; thence N O. 10 I 30" E, .10'4..95 feet along sa'id paral-' leI line to an intersection with the. wes.terly prolo~gation of the. north line of said Lot 168; thence N' a90 59' 32ft on ..~ ^^ .II__.L. .&.._ .&..'L._' __.!_..L. _~ w__ __~__~ ~__ __ and it elects to proceed under the 'provisions of .ebe .Street ' Vacation Act of 19-41. ....-..., BE IT PUaTIIEK ,RESOLVED that the ',City. Council hereby declares ~t it intends to vacate .and abandon said' real, property subject 'to the conditi,ons. 'her.einaboye. 'stated. BE .1'1' 'PURTHER RESOLVED that a time and place '.for hear- ing all persons interes.1:ed. in or ob~:ectin9' t.o .the ',proposed vacation and abandolUlent has been. fixed on the' 26th day of Oct-ober , 19'71, at. '1: 30 .0' clock '1' .M. in the 'Council ChaDlber in the City. Hall- in the 'City of Anaheim. AND BE rr PUR'l'HER RESOLVB~ 'that the 'Ci t.y Clerk shall' . cer~ify to ~e pasSAge of this resolution and shall cause' the, . saae 'to be~ 'publi'shed in a manner pres:.cribed by, .1av 'in 'the 'Anaheim Bulletin, a news.paper of general circulation, 'prin.ted, publishe.d and circula-ted in sa'id ci t.y of Anaheim. THE l'ORBOOING RESOLUTION is 'approved and signed by: me this 5th day of October I 19'71. /~ ATTEST: . / I, , ['[~.~ ~.~':!. Dt.C":_;~T, r.rrv C!.EHK OF THE CITY 0::- ~ -, ".1'":''"., DD FL ,",1.:. j '( C::_!~Ti;' Y THAT Tr-lE FOREGOING IS .....:,J..: . ~ ....: .':- ;' I . ,,- ~. .......,: iA:_ RC"("rl' ",-'-...... "'0"'1 ZlR 442 .............:..11.1...'1'\1 :', '.--- - -:'-------------DULY Prl\.S;:.~<:D . . ;"1 . :'J.t.;Tt....') 1:._ .". l....I ,._ I :<7~ :NAHEIM Cil.t:!UNCiL ON.mQ&.to.be.t: 5 1971 ~ _.. -.....----------.. -.. --..... .... po' elL~ ..--.....................----.----. . CITY CLERK I, DBHE M. DAOUST, .Ci'ty Clerk of. 1:he 'City' of Anaheim, do hereby cer.ti.fy that the. foreqoing Res'olution No.' 71R-'4~2 'Y" vas pas.ed and adopted .at a . ~~~--- regular meet~g of ,1:he ,C1ty . Council held OD the' 5th day of 'October', 19'2!.., by 'the fol1ow1ng vote of the llellbers 'Biireo,f: STATB 0., CALIFORN,IA' ) comrn OP 'OIWfGE ) CITY OP AHAIIBIM ) ss. AYES: ' COUNC~: Roth, Pebley, Thom and Stephenson NOBS :' COURCILNEN: None ABSEHT:. COUNCILMEN.: Dutton Pro-Tem AND I. PUR'.rBBa .CER'1'U'Y that .the Mayor/.of the. '.City, of Anaheim approved and si9Ded said reso1ut;ion on 'the- ~ day. of' . . October' , 19 71 . - IN WI.'l'HESS 1IBBRBOF, J: have her.eunto set. my hand and 'affixed .'--" 'the seal of 1:ha 'City 'of Anaheim 'this 5th day of"' October' , ,19'-2:.