71R-412 RESOLUTION NO. 71:R-412. A RESOLUT:ION OF THE C:tTy CODNC:IL or THE .CZTY OF AHAIIBDI 'GRAHTING VARIANCE NO. 227.9., IN PART.." WHEREAS, aft:er a request. 'for. variance by MOBIL OIL COlU'.OiATION was received., .a pub1ic hearing before. .1:he. Planning ColImission of the Clt:y' of Anahe.im was he.ld upon due ,and proper notice .as 'a res'ult of which 'Variance No.. 2279. was '9rant:ed in part:, covering the fol1owinC} des'cribed property: . The Northerly 216 feet of th.e East'erly 20.3 feet . of the East half' of the Northeast 'quarter of 'the . Northeast. 'quarter of Section 17, T~ship 4 .South, Range 10' West, partly in the Rancho San Juan .de . Santa. Ana and partly in the Rancho. Los Coyo.tes'," as shown on a map t:her.eo,f' recorded in book 51, page 10 ,. Miscellanea,us Maps, records 'of sa'id Or~C}'e County. EXCEPTING 'l'HEREPROM the North. 66 fee.t .t:her.eo.f. ALSO EXCEPTING i'REREPROM 'that port:i'on of sa'id Secti'on 17', described as follows.: Beginning at .the interse'ction of the East'erly .line '.of said Sec1:ion 17',. wi1:h a line paral1e'l wi.th '.and dis- tant .SoUtherly 66.00 .fee.t measured at righ.t '~9les from the Hort:herly line of said See,tioD; thence .South- erly along sa'id East'erly line 20..00 .feet to', a line paralle'l.- wi.th and dist'ant: Sou1:herly .86.00 feet measured at 'right angle's "from said Northerly' line;. thence. West.- erly along" sa'id l~st. men.t:ioned paralle'l 'line" .a distance of 50.00 feet; thence Northwesterly in a direct: line,- a distance of 24. .14 .feet .to a point 'in sClid paralle'l 'line which passes throu9h the point of beginning1 said point: di.stant West'erly aloD9 said paralle'l line.'.a distance of 70.00 feet: 'from the point 'of b~9innin9; thence 'Easterly alon9 said parallel. line a distance of 70.00 feet .to the 'point of beginn~9. WHEREAS, ther.eafter, wi.thin 'the time prescrib.ed by, law an interested party. or the. City Council on its own' motion caused the '.review of said Planning' Commissi'on act1'on at a public hear- ing noticed and held as prescribed by law and as a result "'thereof the City Council 'does. 'her.eby make the. followin<,J findings:' 1. That .there are special circumstances. applicable .to the property, includ~9 si'ze, Shape,. tOP09raphy., location or surroundin9s, which. do not apply to. other property. under identical 'zonin9 classifica- tion in the. vicinity. 2. Tha.t, be.cause .of special circumst:ances shoWn in (1.) above, str.ict application of the. 'zoning code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other property under identical zoni~9' class'ifica- tion in the 'vicinity. thereto with a waiver of 'the follow~9 Anahe.i.Ju Municipal Code se'otion: Number of free.-,st:'anding signs permitted (one .free :standing sign permi toted J t:wo. proposed.)' . That; said variance be. '9rant.ed, subj ec't 'to the .follow~9 condi'tions: Section 18.62.090(S~1) 1.' 1'hat ..'the 'owners. of subj.ec1: proper1:y. ,shall pay .'to 'the C'it.y. of Anaheim 'the 81111 of $2 ..00 .per front foot 'along Lincoln Avenue 'and Eucli'd Street, for streeti 14l}'h:t~9' purposes..- 2. The owners 'of subj:e'ct property shall pay to the, . Ci ty of Anaheim t:he 'sum of 15_ per front. 'foot alo~9' Lincoln Avenue and Euclid Str.eet, for tree planting purpose's. 3. That Condition Nos.. 1 and 2, above, mentioned, shall' be complied wi1:h prior t:o. 'th'e commenceaen1: of 'the act:ivity aut:horJ..zed under t.h.is res'oluti'on, or prior to .the '.t'ime that the buildin9 perait is is.sued, or within a period of 180 ',days from. 'the date. hereof, whichever occurs 'first,' .or such. .f'urther time as the. City Council' may 9rant. 4.. That subj.ect proper.ty shall be .developed :subs,tanti- ally in accordance w~th plans 'and specifications 'on file' w~th the. City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos.' 1,' 2 ,and 3,' as revised. BE IT PORTHER RESOLVED that the City Council hereby reserves the riCJht to'. r.evoke such variance 'permi.1:'. .for C}Ood cause or failure of said owner., its 'success.ors 'or ass'i9DS. .to, comply with .the Anaheim Munici.pal Code .and re9Ula1:ions 'and the: ..condi- tions herein. Said variance is 'granted for the. .term pres.cribe.d by the Anaheim Municipal Code unless 'otherwise '.specified herein. THE POREGO'ING RESOLUT.:tON is 'appr.oved and. s~9ned by me 1:hi..s 141:h .day of Sel't.ember, 1971. _.--... , ....... STATE 0. CALXPORHIA ) ~'OF .OlWlGB ) ss.. ern' op ARAJIIi!1)I .) ~ I, DBHE M. DAOUS'.r" Cit:y Clerk of 1:he: City: of. ADahe'im, do hereby' certify that the. fore9oing aesi.oluti'on No.' . '7'lR4'12' .was pasll8d and adopted 'at . . '~-.:-i~'..... . re9UlJ.u aee.~9 of 'the Ci:ty coaacil, ~. OD ~,. -1.4til '~.Y of' s~ . ~ .19.!L,. 'by'.the .fo11owinC] vo'te of the 1aeaber.8., aiiFeo'f : '- . . ADS: COURCILIIBH: Rot:h,. .Stephenson, Pebley., ThO. and D1rt:ton HOBS' : COUNC:tLIIBH: NODe . ABSBR.T.:, CODNC.ILMEH.; None' AHD I: PURTBBa CBa!':In' that :the Mayor of 1:ba ',City of Anaheim approved and si9ned said .resolu'tion on tme. :~ dar of Sep1:eIDber , 19'7'1 '. . . IN WITNESS WllBRBOP, I. have hereunto set DIY hand and affixed the 8e'a1 of ~ City of Anaheim t.h.is 14$ day' of' 'Septe1lber , 1'971 . .~.)r~; .. c, . LBRIC or '.l' dlfyr : OP ANAHEIM (SEAL) It DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution .No. 71R-412 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on September 14, 1971. At );r./~ City Clerk ~