71R-357 STATE OF, CAL'UOaHIA ) COUH'l'Y OP ORAHGB' ) ss . CITY' OP ANABEEM ) .............. . I, DBHB'M. DAOUST" City Clerk o~ the. . City. of Anahe.im, do hereby.certi.fy' .that .the for~CJoiD9 ~~ut.i:.o~ No..' . -7lR~357 was pas88'd and adopted at. '8 . . - ~ ~ ~ -'-;" ~ . req.ula'~" : ....'tin9 "of 'l:Ile Ci,t.y Council held on the 10th day of' 'August , 19'.2!., by the followinC] vote of the aembers tliireof: AYES: COtnfCILIIBR: Stephenson~ Pebley and 'Dutton NOES: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: None Roth Thom !. . AND I I'UR'l'BBR CER'l'.ZPY' that 'the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approve4 and ai9Ded said res'olution on the: 10th day of August , 19 71 . " IN WITNBSS ,1IHi:UOP, I have 'he.revnto set mY," hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim 'this' 10th day of August , 19'71 . &~.~ OP ANAHEIM (SBAL) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify th.t the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 7lR-357 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August 10, 1971. f)~1 ht- j)~ r City Clerk , ............, .-,--- RESOLUTrON NO. 7lR-357 A RESOLUTI:ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CZTY' OP ANABEDt 'GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 22.71.' WHEREAS, after a request. for v~riance by JENNIE L. DINKLER, OWner: PREDRICKS DEVELOPMENT '.CORP.., Agent,. was' "rec.eived, a public hearing be.fore .the. Planning COllllllission of the 'City' of Anaheim was 'held upon due and proper notice as 'a resu1 t .of which Variance No. 2271 was 'granted in part, cover'ing the following des.cribed property: Parcell: That portion of Lots 2 .and 3 in Block 23 of the 'Golden State Tract, in the City of Anaheim, as shown on a map t.her.eof' recorded in book 4, pages 66 and 67, Miscellaneous Maps " records of Orange County., desc'ribed as 'follows: Beginning at a point .on the Northe.rly line of said Lot .2 ,. which sa'id point is 401.10' feet. West'erly from the. '.North.- easterly corner of said Lot 2, then.ce Southerly, parallel with the Easterly line of Lot '2, 12'4.4.68 feet; thence at . right an9les Wester.ly 337.70 .feet to. a point on the'South- westerly .1ine of Lot 3 of said Block 23, thence Northwest- er1y, along' said Southwest.erly line, 17'4..90 .feet 'to'. a point in the Easterly line of land described in deed to Georqe P. Yoakam reco.rded August 30, 19'06 in book 13'8, page 135, of Deeds; thence Northerly, .parallel to, the . Easterly line of said Lot. 3 and a1oD9 the. .said Easterly line of Yoakam, 1141.90 feet to a point on the 'Norther1y line of said Lot 3; thence Easterly along said Nort.herly line 476.50 feet to the point of beqinning_ EXCEPT .THEREFROM any' portion of said land lying Northerly of the 'Souther.ly line of Frontera street as 'described in the 'Deed to ~e State of California recorded March '26, 1963 in book 6480,. page 46.6, Official Records. Parcel. 2: That portion of Lot 3, B1o'ck 23 of tne Golden State Tract, in the City of Anaheim, County of OranCJe, S'ta1:e of Cali- fornia, .as shown on the map recorded in book 4,. p~CJes 66 and 67, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange' County, lying Southerly of the Westerly prolongation of the line describe.d as "North 810, 48' 0411 East '660 ft.", on a map of Tract 17185 as 'recorded in book 268, p~ges 49 and 50, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Ora~ge County. Note: Said land is described on the. County Tax As.s'es'sment. Roll for the fiscal year 1969-70 as A.P. No. 74-l73~13; CA 1-'039. WHEREAS, ther,eafter, wi thin the time pres'cribed by law an interested party or the City Council on its own' motion caused the review .of said Plannin9' Commiss'ion action at 'a public hearinC] noticed and held as prescribed by law and as 'a result thereof the City Council does hereby make the following findings:' 1. That there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, t.opo9raphy, -1- location or surroundings, which .do, not apply to, other property. under identical zoning class'i'fica- tion in the vicinity. 2. That, becaus.e of sp'ecial circumstances 'shown in (1) above, st'rict application of the. '.zoning code deprives .the property of priv~le'cJes: "en.joyed by. o~ property, under identical 'zoninq cla'ss'i'fica- tion in t:he vicinity. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by 'the 'City Council of the City of Anaheim that a conditional zoning variance be.,' and the same is 'hereby granted, permit.ting the '.es'tablislmien.t. of a 19'3 unit apartment complex on the property he.reinbetore des'cribed with waiver of the following' sect.ions of the Anaheim Municipal Code: Sec.1:i'on (5) - KuimWll 'b\1ild'inq 'haiqht: wi:thin 150 'fee:t 'o'f It-A 'proper:1:y..' (One' "s.t'ory permi t.t.ed ; two. 'story proposed ~ ) Sect.ion 18.2'8.05'0' (7.) - Minimum d'is'tanc-e bf!.t1teen bui1d'inqs ("24: '2-2' .'and" '19' 'fee.t .required and 1'0' ..tee't proposed) That said variance be grant.ed subject. to the following condit.ions: 1. That this variance is granted subj'ect .to the complet.i'on of Reclassification No. 70-71~61. 2. That subj,e.ct property shall be ,developed subs.t.anti'ally in accordance with pl.ans and specifica.tions 'on file' with . the. City of Anaheim, marked Exhi.>>it:s. Nos.' 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. 3. That 'Condition No.2, abo.ve menti'oned, sha'll' be complied with. prior to final buildi~9 and zonin9 inspections. BE' IT PURTHER RESOLVED that. .the Cit.y Council he.reby reserves the right to revoke suCh variance permit for qood cause or failure of sa-id owner, her he'.irs, su'ccessors 'or ass'i'CJIls .t.o comply with t.he Anahe,im Municipal Code and regulations 'and the conditions herein. Said variance is 'granted for ~e t~ pre- scribed by the Anaheim Municipal Code unles's' otherwi:se specified herein. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this lOth Day of AU9\lst, 19'71. , .~ 1 ,:' \ ' I -' .' , ~f:.m~'.o'~ '.-./' .._h. ATTEST: ~ ~ . ~. c. -. ~'11: OF 'l'BE CrrY OF AtWIEIM -2- WPH :ms