71R-354 RESOLUTION NO~ 71R-"354 - A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY CQUNC.rL OF THE. CITY or ANAHEIM CON1'I~ING THE I'l'EM I. ZED- Wl:lXTTEN REPOllT or THE Ft1\E CHIEF SHOwrNG THE COST OP WEED ABATEMENT IN F~ONT OF OK .ON EACH SEPl\RATE PAACEL OP LAND. LOCATED IN TIlE CITY WIIEU SUCH WEEDS ~VE BEEN lUKOVED OR 1Ull\TED BY THE CI.TY 1\ND DI1\ECTtNG THE PILING 0., A CER'1'XI'IED COpy TIlEREOP WITH THE COUNTY AUDITOR, WHEREAS, the Fire Chief of th-e City of Anahebu hAvin9 file.d his report showing the cost of reDlovin9 weeds .and rank growth, rubbish and refuse fram any parcel or p.rcels "of real property and public street.s in the City of Anahda, as .heret.ofore ordered by Resolution No. 70R~197, and the City Council having heiU:d sald report, and no objecti.ons having been r.ised. by" 'the property owners li~l.e to be asse.ssed for the work of abat1nq such nuisa.nce. NOW; THE:RE!'ORE; the City Council of the City of Ana,he!m does. hereby -reso.lve and order as follows =: 1. That the Report of said Pire Chief be and the same is hereby confirmed, 2. That the cost "S to each lot, _,,"8 .set forth. in sai4 report of the Pire Chief~ is ascert_ined and dete~ined to be a correct cost. 3. That all sums for the cost of r~oy~l of weeds, rubbish- and refuse not paid on or befo2:e .'the .-flrs.t: of July I 1971 , ue hereby dec.l.red to be a lien upon 1:he .ps!opert:y frClll. which such weeds, rubbish "and refuse ~ve .be.en resq.oved by the :Fire Chi.ef; and shall be. collected with "'the taxes on said property.' 4. That the City of Anahetm Pinance Director be and he is hereby authorized and directed to file wit.h .the County Audit.or of th-e County of Orange~ on or before AUCJust 10, 1971, a. cex;tified copy of thi.s resolut.l-on ~d a certified copy of the Report of the Fire Chief hereby conflxmed, and the County Auditor is authorized and requested to enter each assessment on the County tax rolls opposite the parcel of land, and add the amount of the assesSltlent. to the nex.t regular tax bill levied against each of said parcels -for municipal purposes. THE POREGOI-NG RESOLUTION is approved. and s1<Jned by me this ~~ day of August, 1971~ ,....... . ATTEST: ~J;ll~/ . ~_n_.M C . Of' ~TY OP AN,AHE.IM r - ms .-... STATE OP CALIPO~I~ ) COUNTY 0., ORANGE ) SS . CI:TY OP ANABEDI ) ............... I, DEN& M. DAOUST, City Clez'k of t.h:e Ci:tr of 2\nahem., do hereby certify ~t the foreqolllCJ Res'olut1on No ~ '. . "71R.3.S4 was passed -.nd adopted at. a" --~-'--- re<<Ju1., aee,t.tll9 of the Cit.y Council held on the" . 3td d-.y of'" "August ~ 19'11 , by the following- vote of the members thereof: !' -. AYES, NOES; COUNCILllENf Roth, Pebley and Stephenson COURCILMEN: None ABSENT J COUNC:ILIIEN! Thom and Dutton Pro-Tem AND r PORTHER CEIlTIl'Y that the .ayor' of the City of Anaheim approved and si.CJned said reso'l\1"'tion on the' <3rd day of' < ". ", :'August- , 19 -ll- IN WITNESS WHDEOP, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the 'City of Anaheim 'this 3rd d"y 'of'" " . ":AU8t18t: , 192!-. ~ ~LO~..... -- c "e. . 01' T .. C OP ~IM (SEAL) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of ~naheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 71R-354 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August 3, ,1971. [)p ~ ")r [).p II ~ - .J- City Clerk . ...............