Budget Investment Technology 2020/06/10 BUDGET, INVESTMENT & TECHNOLOGY COMMISSION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 – 4:00 PM ANAHEIM CITY HALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Rajesh Arora, Jaqueline Godinez, Leonard Lahtinen, Christopher Nguyen, John Noteboom, John Showalter, Avelino Valencia III MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Debbie Moreno, D’Anne Lee, Tania White, Charlene Unzueta, Marnie Hunter CALL TO ORDER Chair Valencia III called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS None APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MAY 28, 2020 Commissioner Noteboom made a motion to approve the May 28, 2020 minutes with a noted correction. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Godinez. 7 Ayes; 0 Nays; 0 Abstentions. FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET OVERVIEW Finance Director Debbie Moreno fielded questions from the Commission regarding the Proposed FY2020/21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program. Commissioner Lahtinen asked about: potential revenues from cannabis sales, land sale opportunities, user fee increases, and clarification on the ideal of freezing non- essential spending. Commissioner Arora asked for a description of what constitutes user fees. Commissioner Showalter suggested taking a closer look at the highest and best use of Peter Marshall Park, noting that over the years some of its amenities have become redundant. The Commission had a discussion surrounding the concept of assessing a gate tax on certain venues within the City. FY 2020/21 PROPOSED BUDGET – RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL The Commission discussed elements to include in its recommendation of the Proposed FY2020/21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program. Based on points of consideration suggested by the Commission subcommittee formed during the May 28, 2020 Budget, Investment and Technology Commission meeting, the full Commission body decided on language to be included in its budget recommendation letter to City Council. A specific point of discussion took place regarding the relative position of street maintenance as a higher priority during times of economic uncertainty. The Commission opted to vote on whether the recommendation letter should reflect street maintenance as such. 5 Ayes; 2 Nays; 0 Abstentions Page 2 of 2 Budget Investment and Technology Commission Minutes June 10, 2020 Having vetted topics to include in its recommendation letter, the Commission opte d to form a subcommittee for the purpose of crafting and submitting the recommendation letter on behalf of the Commission body. Chair Valencia III, Commissioner Godinez and Commissioner Nguyen were put forth to comprise the subcommittee. Motion made by Commissioner Noteboom, seconded by Commissioner Godinez. 7 Ayes; 0 Nays; 0 Abstentions FUTURE COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 26, 2020. ITEMS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Godinez inquired as to whether the City planned to revisit the Anaheim Police Department’s budget based on letters received as part of public comments during the June 9, 2020 Anaheim City Council meeting. Commissioners Lahtinen, Nguyen, Arora, and Noteboom commented on the letters’ form and geographic origin. The Commission body discussed the content and future ramifications of the letters. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS Debbie Moreno talked about Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reimbursable spending related to COVID-19. Director Moreno also provided information about secured and unsecured property tax. ADJOURNMENT Chair Valencia III adjourned the meeting at 5:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marnie Hunter, Secretary