Cultural & Heritage 2021/06/17MINUTES CULTURAL AND HERITAGE COMMISSION FOUNDERS’ PARK, 400 N. WEST ST., ANAHEIM, CA 92801 JUNE 17, 2021 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: William Camargo, Chair Jane Newell, Heritage Service Manager Karen Uyematsu, Vice Chair Holly Unruh, Community Services Superintendent Alejandrina Arellano Eleanor Granflor, Sr. Secretary Kristen Maahs Robert Sanchez COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Suman Marwah A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Camargo called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sanchez. 3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None. 4. SCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None. 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Camargo presented the April 15, 2021 minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Commissioner Arellano made a motion to approve the April 15, 2021 minutes, seconded by Vice Chair Uyematsu. There were five votes in favor to approve the minutes; Chair Camargo accepted the minutes. 6. SUB-COMMITTEES: a) Center Gallery: Holly Unruh reported with the re-opening of the Downtown Anaheim Community Center, the Center Gallery will also be re-opening. There are previous artist applicants who are currently in the queue to display their exhibit. The Commissioners were encouraged to contact their networks and submit an application for an exhibit. Holly also reported the young artist showcase continues virtually. b) Public Art Program: Chair Camargo reported district meetings were held within the community the last few weeks. Holly Unruh reported community outreach will continue at public engagements and through flyers that will be provided at the public libraries. The Public Art Plan survey is available online and the Commission was encouraged to share the survey with others. A community meeting was requested to be held in Spanish and is scheduled for June 22nd at Ponderosa Park. Holly also reported there are incentives provided for the community if they complete a survey or participate in the treasure hunt activity. c) Poet Laureate: Holly Unruh reported the changes to the ordinance will be completed this month in order for the recommendation to be completed by the Fall. d) Heritage: Commissioner Maahs reported the sub-committee met last month and shared the sample of what the Heritage Plaque will look like. The first plaque will be for the original City Hall and will be installed at 201 E. Center Street. e) Culture: Commissioner Sanchez reported he will be contacting members of WAND to possibly revive the WAND BBQ and have an enhanced cultural event, the sub-committee will be researching cultural events that local cities are hosting, and the “Anaheim: A Walk Through Local History” exhibit at the MUZEO has information on events that have previously been held in Anaheim. Cultural and Heritage Commission 6/17/21 Page 2 A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N 7. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Chair Camargo reported the MUZEO opened this week and shared information for the Juneteenth event that will be held at La Palma Park on June 19th. Holly Unruh reported the summer is kicking off and shared the following upcoming events: Juneteenth event in the Center Greens area sponsored by Supervisor Chaffey’s office on June 19th, July 4th celebration at Peralta Park, Family Friday Nights at Pearson Park Amphitheater, Nature Nights at Oak Canyon Nature Center, Concerts in the Canyon at Ronald Reagan Park. Holly reported the following is open and running: swim lessons, camps and youth programs. The Summer Guide was shared with the Commission. Jane Newell reported the Heritage Center opened on June 15th and shared information for the reopening of Founders’ Park on July 3rd. Commissioner Sanchez reported updates for facial mask guidelines can be found on the Cal/OSHA website. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Camargo adjourned the meeting at 7:01 p.m. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via Teleconference.