Parks & Recreation 2020/07/22MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TELECONFERENCE July 22, 2020 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Lynn Cudd, Chair Lawrence J. Pasco, Director Nichole Rupp, Vice Chair Pamela Galera, Parks Manager Ryan Balius Kimberly Kelemen, Community Services Superintendent James Cook JJ Jimenez, Principal Project Planner John Elwell Eleanor Granflor, Senior Secretary Craig Farrow COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Yogesh Shah A G E N D A A C T I O N T A K E N 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cudd called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice Chair Rupp led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None. 4. SCHEDULED COMMUNICATION: None. 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Cudd presented the June 24, 2020, Minutes to the Commissioners for changes or corrections. Commissioner Elwell made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Vice Chair Rupp. The motion was approved with 6 votes in favor; Chair Cudd accepted the minutes. 6. REPORTS a) Parks Activity Report – May/June: Pamela Galera presented the report and highlighted the assistance provided by the Parks Division in boarding the entrance of City Hall, Anaheim West Tower and the Downtown Community Center for demonstrations that occurred in the downtown area, and the park improvements completed by the Growth Opportunities through Athletics Learning and Services (GOALS) organization. b) Park Ranger Report – June: Kimberly Kelemen presented the report and highlighted the number of patrols, patrons, public contacts, curfew and alcohol related contacts made by Park Rangers. This month’s report showed a decrease in patrols and alcohol contacts, and an increase in patrons and public contacts. The Park Rangers have continued to assist with installing signs and patrolling the areas of park amenity closures. c) Parks Capital Project Progress Report: JJ Jimenez presented the report and highlighted the following projects: Barton Park, Maxwell Dog Park, and Modjeska Park Parking Lot. Questions were answered regarding the Wagner House, the delay of project construction during the Covid-19 pandemic, and Maxwell Dog Park. 7. NEW BUSINESS a) Selection of Chair: Nominations for Chair were made: Vice Chair Rupp nominated Chair Cudd and Commissioner Balius nominated Commissioner Cook. Chair Cudd received six votes in favor, and Commissioner Cook received one vote in favor, two votes against, and three abstentions. Chair Cudd will remain as Chair. b) Selection of Vice Chair: Chair Cudd nominated Vice Chair Rupp to remain as Vice Chair; there were 5 votes in favor and one abstention. Vice Chair Rupp will remain as Vice Chair. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes July 22, 2020 2 8. PREVIOUS BUSINESS a) FY 2020/21 Proposed Budget Update: Larry Pasco reported determinations have not been made for labor related budget reductions, the city has placed a hiring freeze, non-essential expenditures will not be made, and staff is looking into eliminating the extra security provided by Lyons Security. The city may receive federal assistance, which will provide relief for the city. Questions were answered regarding Lyons Security and revenue projections for last fiscal year’s budget. Larry reported further updates will be provided to the Commission. 9. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Kimberly Kelemen reported the following:  CampVenture Day Camp Program started in July at Peralta Park. This includes a Teen Venture Day Camp and Camp Venture for Kids programs.  O.A.K.S. Day Camp and Wilderness Survival Camp also began in July at Oak Canyon Nature Center  Swim lessons have started at Pearson Park Pool through the Anaheim Family YMCA.  Virtual classes continue that include cooking, exercising, etc.  The adult softball program re-opened for a short while, but re-closed until further notice. Commissioner Balius questioned if Movies in the Parks was scheduled for the summer. Kimberly Kelemen stated the event series was cancelled. . 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Cudd adjourned the meeting at 6:43 p.m.