66-084 - RESOLUTION NO. 66R-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE WWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, " .FUE;L AND WA~R, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECES- SARY TO CONSTRUCT' AND COMPLETE THE roLWWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT:" THE' IMPROVEMENT 'OF" 'tA PALMA AVENUE. FROM PAULINE STREET TO MAYFAIR AVENUE. IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, PROJECT NO. SS 386B. WHEREAS, th~ City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim !ulletin ,on the 13th and 20th days of Januar~. 196 . a notice inviting sealed proposals for furnishing the following: All plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: The improve- ment of La Palma Avenue, from Pauline Street to Mayfair Avenue, in the City of Anaheim, consisting of excavation, including breakup of existing A.C. pavement, embankment, haul away and disposal; import borrow; construction of asphalt concrete pave- ment, aggregate base, P.C.C. curb and curb and gutter, P.C.C. sidewalk, P.C.C. driveway, standard alley intersection, R.C.P. Pipe (Sizes 18 inches to 51 inches), catch basin No.1 and No.2, manhole No.2, inlet structure, P.C.C. cross gutter, P.C.C. collars (Sizes 18 inches to 51 inches), P.C.C. encasement, catch basin, connection, brick and mortar bulkhead, center line" monument; trench sheeting; furnishing and installation of paddle boards; adjustment of manholes and water valve boxes to grade; removal of existing highway facilities; relocation of traffic signal, and appurtenant work as more particularly set forth in the plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Clerk and City Engineer, Project No. SS 386B; in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and . WHEREAS, said notice inviting sealed p~oposal$ for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk __ of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 21.th day of Januarv ,19 66 , for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials ana-equipment, all utili- ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and perfprming all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more -1- - - .-., -... puticularl,. _tloDed ad deacr:Lbecl, ad wb:l.cb DOt:Lc:. did ltat. ad d.l.. .that Cl:luat to th. ~ov:L.:lOD. of 8eetioD 1770 of th. !.Mor CocI.i t . C:LtHCouDc:Ll of th. C:Lt, of .......t.. bad uo..taiDed the ~...:Ll rat. of ..... :I.D the loc811t, ill 1IId.cb W. t". of labor I to be ,.fo~ fen: ucb cl:aft 01' t7P8 of wor'" 01: .-cbaPfc needed to __ate the CODtl'lIiCt. ad _lob .... eaal. :L. OD f:l.l. ill th. Ofl:l.o.. of dI. C:Lc, CIRk ad C:Lc, ....m.H. ..-"'8, tb. Clt1 Cleft of th. C:Lc, of ......111 did I'..i.. th. foil_IDa ...led pzo,o.81. pI':I.ol: to .2:00 0 · clock '.11. OD the 27th i1al 'of ~, l' 66 ,Sa n.~ to the DOt:Lc:. ator..aU ~~piiiti, ~o ..s.t: ' SULLY -MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY 'R. J. NOBLE COMPANY GRIFFITH COMPANY E. L. WHITE CO. tWAL ~ICB $149,052.57 156,068~78 162,776.06. 197,830.29 .. .. . .. . . . . AD 1IIIIUA8, the Clt, ....1_.. did t......,. ......". ad. tabulate ..U ...led pn,o'81. ad did 1'.~l't to th. CiC, CouDail tb. I'..alt of M. _~...t:lOD ad tabi1latlaD; aDd lr.*IA8, th. City CouDcll f1D.cl. Chat the ...Ied pn,o- .81 ......tted. by SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY. P.O.. BOx 43 ra e Ca11:tornia · . . ...t I:.'pon. . ',n,o.a .a tt r. . .. . of .11 plaat, labor, ..n:LC.', _tH:Lal. aDd ....Ul~.:.. 811 at:l.l:l.tl.. ad tra.portacloD, lDClud:lD8 ,..r, fu.l water ad pHfcmdq 811 WOft Dec....~ to ~OD.tzuct aDd ca.let. :Ia a .004 aDd ~r1maDlik. maDDer, lia Itrict accol:daac. v:Ltb the .f8Clf:Lc:8tlOD., pl.. aDd dr~. ther.for OD fll. Sa the Offic. of th. C:Lty Cleft of the City of ADabe:la, th. publ:l.o .bIpZ'oy....t bez.:I.aa..... _tIOD_ and d.eal:lbed, t...th_ Wlth the '8ppurt.- ...... ther.to, &Del .. .,.lfled. Sa th. DOt:l.c. llWltiDa ...Ied pt'O~..l., ... that ..:l.d pnpo'81 of ..:1.4 above..,.,.. it*'- .boiald b. IliCCepted aDd a cODtract _!:d_ to ..:1.4 b:l.ddft la 'acccmIaDc. ~.rew:lthi and ..au the CltJ' Council f:l.lUI. that th. alIove-.-t:lODed .ealed pn,o..1 I. tbl l...t r..pon.lbl. pl'o,o.a1 nO.l".. aDd that the pHlOIl, f:Ln or cor,oratloD aubldttlDa .dd ~,o'81 I. . I'~.pcm.lbl. ~r.OD. flm or cor~1:8tlOD aDd that th. papo- aa1 aubIIltted :L. th. b..t .u:Lted aDd fitted for th. publ:l.o ~._a.t to be,'COD.tructed. . mil . . IT D8OL9D by the City ~:l.1 of tile C:l.ty of 1Mb.:Ia.. that the ...led propo..l .ubllltted b7 SULLY -MILLER CONTRAliTING COMPANY .. for tile Dlns..uaa ot a1~ ~l.aDt, J.aboI: . .enI.C_. _tea.a~. ad equlpDent, .11 atll1tl.. aDiI tr....porta- tlaD, :l.Dcludq pGVft'. fuel aDd. _tar, aDd perfoad.as .11 'work -2- - - ..-..... ...--. ......-.... nec....ry tp con.truet'.nd co.....1ete, ill' a 100d and vor1aaaD11ke IilaDiier ~ in' .trict accordance with the .pecific.tloDe,' p1au. and drawl.... ttAerefor on file in" th. Office of' .tbe City Clen of the CitI of .ADabei.. and tbe notice invit1aa ...led p~oPO'.l.l.tbe ...- pab le work. ad lmproveaaeDt hereinabove IIOr. partie'ul.r 7 ..- tiODeel and d..cribed.. tOlether with the .p'~rteftaDce.'th~eto, b.. and the ._ i.. Dereby. accepted. ad that . cODtr_t for' . . the cODltructiOD and completion of .aid ~lic' iaaprov~t be. . ad the ._ i. hereby. ..rded to the .6id above-u.ecI bi~~.. -, . . AID . IT JUaTBD. DSOLVED .that the .ucc.I.m1 blclcler or bldder. Ul*l each contract ..rded .1 hereinabove ..t. fo~tb.. .b.l~ b.l and they are bereby required to aecut. a cODtraet 1D tDe re- qu red form with. the City of Anaheim upon tbe .terma and conditiOllI .pecified in the notice invit:1.DI lea1ed propo.all _d the propo..1 .u~tted by .aid .ucces.fu1 blader or bidder. and in ~cordaDCe "itb'~he plans and specification. for said public improvement here- iDabove described. and in accordance with the terllS, conditl~,' .and pzovl.ionl of this resolutlOD, and that said lucce..fu1 b~dder or bidder. to whom each contract is aw.rded sba11 be r~uired to far- ni.h a .urety bond in an aaaourat equal to one bUndJ'ecI 'per cent(100l) of tbe contract pric. for all labor. _teri61. _d 8q,-i,-nt to be - fami.bed aDd performecl. as .et fortb in the ...led propo..l .ub- mtted by .aid bidder for tbe con8tructiOll of ..id ~lic improve- IDeDt. t.etber witb the appurteaance. thereto. or .uch portiOD thereof.... i. covered by ..id contract. .. 1ec:Ut'itJ fo~. tbe faitb- ful' performance of .aid contract ad a .~pal'.t. >.urety bond in . e-ount equal to one hundred per cent (1007.) of tbe conltruction COlt of .aid public iaaproveaaent covered by .aaid ccmtrlllCt, .. aacu- rity for tbe payment of all per.ona perfOrmtna labor aDd fu:oilbl~ ..terial for ..aid projeCt. AIm . IT ruRTBlI. USOLVlD that .aid' .uccea.ml 'bidder or bidder. be. and tbey are hereby required to fub:llb to .the City of ADabeiID in companies ..tisfactory to the CitI of Anabei..~ public liability, property.d_e, cOllp...tion, 81liI otber ,in.urance in the amounts and for the purpo.e. a. 'set fortb and apecified in the aotice invitiag .ealed propo..l., and .ubject to tbe approval of tbe C,ity Attorney a. to form and .ufficiency. AD II IT IVI.TBII. USOLVID that the .yor and the Cl~y Clerk of tbe City of Anabeim be, and they are hereby.. autboriz8cl and directed to laake, execute and enter into, fo~'aDd on 'behalf of tbe City of Anaheim, a written contract with .aid .ucce..ful bidder or bidder. for the fumiahiDl of all plant. labor} _te- rla1.. and equipment and perfond.aa all work. .. bere:LnaDOVe .r. particularly describul for the conatruction, :Lu.tallation and caaqtletiOD of ..id pub ic illproveaaeDt bereinabove deacribed UfOIl the tenaa and cODdit:l.on. a. .pecified in the 'nOt;ie. invitiDl .' ...led pror.al., the detal1ed. dealaD, pl..., profil.... __i.. ad ,_era .pacificatlon..and detailed speciflcatimaa ad draw- i... ad. .11 adcl_da thereto, ancI all .aific.tion. iacorporated therein prior to the date of. the op.i. of bids, on file in tbe Offiee of the City Clerk of the Clty of ADabei.. and in .trict 8CcordaDce with tbe terms. conditions and proviaioaa of this r.aolution. and in accordaDCe witb all of tbe cODtract document. berelD aP8Clfied. .,. IWlGOUQ USOUJTIOR i. .laDed and approved by - t:bl. 1st cia,. of February . 19 66 . . . r?~d W#pG'~ ~: '- a~ 'I.'IlE c;n 01' _III !. c::;; ...... c ~~.~~ -3- .-. - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ..-. I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R-84 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 1st day of February, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and Krein NOES: come ILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R-84 on the 1st day of February, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 1st day of February, 196.6. (' ....... t " '-- .-., t:.t- .. -_ ~K~fmff;f;1:~~ (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution Ne. 66R~84 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on February 1, 1966. L4-~ .......... j H. "-'-" '--...- /~ . ~.' . ~ I .......,c./ CITY CLERK ~