3370 E LA PALMA AVE (13)CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CItyofAnahelm i<5a^prpvisionsqf.tfife adoptofi and amended by The City ofThisstructurehasbeeninspectedpursuanttotheappi Anaheim.<■ Any change in the character of occupancies df.,this occupancies requires a new Certificate of Op6upancy^ ifferent division or group of DESCRiPTiON OF OCCUPANCY: BUILDlilG PERMIT:BLD2021-00885I OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION /AoOR AREA:692.277,5131.136991NO.OF STORIES / CONSTRUCTION TYPE BUILDING OWNER:ENDEAVO (X3370ELAPALMA'>\^.i'^t3^ihli;BUILDING ADDRESS DATE OF ISSUANCE:02/22/2023 TERRANCE ALFORD PROCESSED BY:MARY M BUILDING OFFICIAL