0933ORDIN-,NCH NO. r Y O tUIlyl ldCi'; OF THE CITY OF A t�.n:�I hlfLlvDIiv(� t.R't'IC�.y D. , CHe-P'TEXi 2 OF THE AiVAHE I I I.1UfJ I C I.i'AL CODE ; Lh T I i C 10 2HE ES TABL ISHidENT OF ZONES I:'_d THE CITY OF A13AHE IM idol) T +' EIN i,UGULi.TI1iG TIE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF .8UILDIt3GS �!M YARD SP',CES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUIv-DARIES OF SAID u0,,TFS; DEFINING THE TERtgS UaLD i •&REIA; PROVIDING .FOR ADJUSMOINT, AM11DK+ MT AND EN- FGRCEbB14T; P.EUSCR.IBING PEN.tLLTIES FOR VIOTjiTION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN GMT- FLICT I'HEW3WITH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANCIM XG ;S OADaIIi �%S FOLLOw U: �Th2alExS, the City Planning Commission of the City of rZ,,aheim did . retsf ore duly pass and adopt a resolution declaring its intention to change the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter mentioned and described and. slid fix a time and place for the holding of public hearings thereon in the ::fanner and as prescribed in Article IX, Chapter 2 of the rLnaheici Municipal Lode and did duly hold and conduct two public hearings to consider such _pro- posed change of zone or zones and did receive evidence wnd reports frog: per- sons interested therein and did recommend a change or changes of zones as snt forth in Resolution(s) ivo(s). 13 -- Sprigs 195L-55 of the City Planning Commission; and IJiiEii AS, upon receipt of the report and recommendation, oi the City Planning Commission, the City Council did fix the 3,4th day of . September.-, 19 5- , as the time, and the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim as the place, for a public hearing upon said proposed chan€re or changes of zone and did give notice thereof in the manner and as provided ix: said Article IX, Chapter 2 of. the Anaheim Municipal Code; and tiMER PLS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing the City Council did hold and conduct such public hearing and did give all. persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidence and reports and did thereupon consider the recommendations of the City Planning Commission and did thereupon adopt Resolution. (s) Fo(s). 2520 finding and determining that a change or changes of zone should be made as set forth in said resolution(s). 14OW , 11 FORE , "THE CITY COUNCIL OF ThA CITY OF AIiIAHZ I1 i DOES ORDA II: aS FOLLWS : 32;(�TIQN 1. That Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code "es tablish-• ing zones in the City of Anaheim and therein regulating the use of land, height of buildings and yard spaces; adopting a map showing the boundaries of said zone; defining the terms used in said Article and Ch,,wr)ter; providing for amendment and enforcement thereof; prescribin-, penalties for violation and re- pealing all sections or parts of section in conflict therewith" be, and the same is hereby, amended by changing the boundaries of the zones set forth in said Article IX, Chapter 2 by adopting a sectional Zoning Asap or Maps showin; such change or changes as follows: 1. That all of the area situated in the City of Anaheim, County -f. uj a -e, State of California, described as follows, to wit: Lots Nos, 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Tract No. 1969, being a portion of Lot 9, Anaheim Extension, ar3d being located at 1522-1590 East Center Street. now is Zone R-1, and that it be changed to, and incorporated in the R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE, upon the following conditions: 1. That the owner or owners of the property deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 10 feet in depth along East Center Street for future street widening purposes. 2. That a strip of land 20 feet in depth be reserved at the rear of Lots Nos. 1 to 4, inclusive, for a possible future alley. SECTION 2. The City Zoning Map shall be, and the same is hereb:r, amended and the property above described shall be excluded from the zone in which it is now situated, and incorporated in and made a part of the zone or zones as above set forth, and said City Zoninc- Map as amended is hereby adopted and the City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare a sectional zoning map to be added to the City Zoning Map and inserted in the Anaheim Municipal Code showing the changes hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be printed once within fifteen days after its adoption, in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circu- lated in said City, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full force. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE is approved and signed by me this , ,t,_, day of _October , 1954- j R OF THE CITY'OF ANAHEIM. ATT ST: CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAH M. -c- STATE, OF CALIFORNIA ) C OUITTY OF CPAN= } s s . CITY OF ANANE I NI ) I, Dl'IM M. WILLII'M , City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheir, held on the 28th day of aey?tember, 1954, and that the same was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the l"th day of October, 1954, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILiTEM Pearson,. Fry, Sehutte and Van Wagoner. TOES: 001MCILMEN: Norge ABSKITT: COU1TCI ,NMiYj: Wisser. AI17 I FL' 1 ZE CERTIFY that the 14wyor of the City of Anahei^i,,ap.,rove(i and signed said Ordinance on the ijth day of October, 1954. 1_'T WITIIESS gIVREOF, I have hereunto set my hand an,-" affixed the seal of the City of Anahei>i this lath day of October, 191), City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. SEAL) I, DENS M. WILLIAMS, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEiM DO HEREE3Y CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGG.) NG ORi)IiVAN.: NO._3_3 WAS PU_ LISH�D ON'.:;:. IN THE ANAHEIM BULLETIN