59R-5685 RESOLUTION NOo 5685 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT. LABORp SERVICES, MA- TERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANS- PORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER. AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT TO WIT: ~!~l~ROV~ffiNT OF KNOTT AVE~UE, FROM LINdOLN ~VENY"Ji~TO BALL ROA~...PROJEGT NO. 72. WHEREAS" the CHy QOi~ncll of the City of Anaheim did oause to be pllblished i.n a newspaper of general oiroulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Gazette, on the ..~~~")6th and 23rd days of July. , 19~,>> a notice l.nvi t1ng sealed proposals for furnishing the fol1owingg All plant, labor, services, materials and equip- ment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete, in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings on file in the office of the City Clerk or City Engineer o:f the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: The Improvement o:f Knott Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to Ball Road, by excavation, construc- tion of 4-inch plant-mix sur:facing, removal o:f curb and gutter, construction of concrete curb and gutter, removal of sidewalk, construction of sidewalk and construction of standard concrete commercial driveway, remodeling driveway, installation of paddle boards, adjusting existing manholes to grade, construction of plant-mix berm, construction of plant-mix curb, and appurtenant work, as indicated on the plans, Project No. 72. in aooordanoe with the designs. plans. prOfiles and speoifica- tions prepared by Thornton E. Piersall, City Engineer and the notice inviting sealed proposals~ whioh said notice speoi- fied that sealed proposals as speoified in said notioe would be reoeived U. p u. nt.il 2:0~ o'clock P.M. of the 30th day of July .__~., 19 . and whioh said notice did state and declare that. pursuant to the provisions of Seotion 1110 of the Labor Code, the City Council of the City of Anaheim had asoertained the preval1ing rate of wagesi'o!' each type of labor needed to exe- cute said contraot and did set fOrth the prevailing hourly wage scale so asoertained; and WHEREAS, em _ J~l~ 30 _~>> 19~, at the hour of 2:00 Q'olt1'ck P.M." the City Clerk and City Engineer of the -1~ City Ana,)€) :.rr:l:.u. open sald aeaJ.e,i proposals received up to that time for ~;jin rie;' rdBtl.1ng r:rf all pia.Lt, labor." services, materials and eq:J.lpmett, :",rd ;'111. t 1<989.r.d t.ransportation, lr:cludlng power t I. and wa,;e: and per t'ormir:.g sJl wo.rk necessary to con~, str'lct s.r:d c.vmpJ. ete tn a g::odBndW'Qrkma.nlike manner, In. strict accordar"~e w~ tb ~ih' f;J.:.", 11)8.1;, ('rid':h plans and drawings therefor on f'51e) r; c;he Cfr ,;;e. ::r trie 01 (Jerk crf the City of' Anaheim, the p;'lbJ;J rnpr ern'.'f mere par '(;'L(~ularly described and aei~ forth ,; p,>.l (. :, Cl".amber :Ln the City Hall, Anahelm~ .1:'c'r"";~_,9.~ 8fk::' Eng,irleer dl.,d 'tabulate the result .)f sa:Ld fHl6l'ed:fiT eaJa a::id.:, lei make a l'epoI't to the City Council at!.t 8 ';'x'r . .acljQ\g'}J~.<i reg .",8.1' mee tl::,g: and WHEPEAS. G I l:O",.:;" ('f' t,he Ci.ty of Anaheim did, at ;,ts nex' ,.,,~l,<ljQJ..i.rJ)Sld <d1'egJ.,ar meeUng, hel.d on the 4th day of~,;;,.;1.),,~.s.:t .'959 at the nChlr of; 7:00 oDclock P.M., (;:ons:id.n';}iG S~j;::ted. pr,;;.p')sais s,ir;mtttei .~;or furnishing the materi<~ a1 a and ' I c' (tHo' work ;1abc!",r.", ,more particularly described and set: srth.. 6.;:'.2...11 ':: t:he:"EFlp~l' nd. .and determine that the sealed pr'='posa: '3i.tm" . ::>.1Jr..,1Y:,IiJ1.-k.t-JLCQlfTMCTING CO.. P. O. Box kI.3.~.;,..Qr:aIl~~...b~Q.a.t.LfQ..I.' ni!:l._.~ _;", . C' 'H__;'_ fer the Gorstru,ctLon Installat:lcr.and completion of said ~,]llQti.A.Y.eJ:UJ..~,~f:rQJtLlinQ.Q.lr;,. b..v:.emJS2,..to Ba 11, Rd.. Pro j act No. 72 herelnabcNe mert j ooed and des ('i""'bed , was the lowest responsible prG,posaj. s:il:mJtr.ed there fer , ar;drl'.\ere1.lpon accepted said bid and d.ld award. a raot j BEUd. SjJL!"X~J~:I,!.1;,.EfL.Q.ONTRACTING CO. ._ ~,,__ _ --"r.-.-,"---r'.~'.""_~'"--='_='==----"--= f'Ol' furrl.sLlng a).1 plant , ser'v\'ces" materials and equipment and all l.t;), 1 t Lus 8.r::d tra:r:sp,o;Y' t B.t (en including power. fuel and water, and performtng aIL '\\fiCa:" n.e':'('lSsary to construct and complete~ .fj a good arjdwCJrkll1ar.:,1tke marn"l:; ;1:' at;r.i.ct ac.cordance with the speclftcati <:Ins, plans and (lrav.rj Srie 8aLd pUblic improvement as specl fi.ed n said not::cce1 [;\n i, B,,'9..).:,:d proposals, and did author- lZ'Cl t;l'Je May;:;r (he ('j CL:;l: k::; the 01 ty of Anaheim to execute a oontra.:;t f'.or and ern tHeltlalf t ne City of Anaheim with S'TLLY-MILLi1:Ii C:ONThAV.CING CO. ,=='~.-=~~cc"~.-"_,,~- =_ ~___"'__'~"~,""."_'O-=_ ",-.c=,,"'~,"~."-' - -""'..=_'.' 'L'=-"_'.O'..~' - ".__""=,~_c_... --,.-' "'.'__"'_"'-~. _"~=~-~C." 'O'~.-'~"_"'~ whieh said ;~ontract was duly made and. entered into on the 5th day of'.~J:~.Y:..8ll.~.~ i 90..,2<t , and .;?QJ".~:{-IVlILlJ:.,R CONTRAC'rING CO. has furnished all pi8.nt-:.-~\ abor" 8er'\'t-;eB,~mate~rl ala 'and e!qufpment and all utili ties and transport;at:. (((, and perfurmed all. work necessary for the oon- structIon and 'Jcmp:J eUQI'J, 1 n a good and workmanlike manner, in strict ac;ccrdam::e wi th 'cho spe-c t::::atlons. plans, drawings, of said pUblic;i.IDpr>,:jcTemt,)nt al:' spect.rtedJt; the notice inviting sealed pro- posals and ->;:10 d !i.U., design pla!!L8" pr'of11es. drawlngs and spec! fl~at j Qnsprepared bvctt"y~~nbin_eer, , andt;he contract made and entered tyc.f Anal::elm; and WHEREAS, tl'H~ sa~d "",=. ,,=-,="'=,,"-"'~ lnto w:l . ,.,.it WHEREAS, the C tJ.~~~}~r1~eep~_u~has duly certified ;0 thE: construct:9f\d~omplet.ion of said plJ,b1..ic improve- ment here:i.rabc'\10 ment.l. r.med a.n.,) deaor'L1H'Jd1.n accordance wi th;;he pl.ans and 8pect fl ca1i;;lons and. the ccn1':'ract documen.ts duly made and enteN~dUj'to wUh sa1.d .' STJI:!LY-iV!Ig~~~__C2pTRAGTI~G CO. ____.__ '_~"""~u.__...;,___..~~..8 and WHEREAS the Cl Cn finds \:hat said contractor has completed said p;it;11c tmprC1\remen': here:tnabove more particularly de- scribed in a::::c<>>rdanc.;;w-l tn the p),()T~ slons '.;'f the contract and the {)ontract docu.ments, a:1d that note,,, of completion should be filed and paymen-c tr:e ba.l.a.loe d',w ..fl.'1 d. cont.l"a,::;:tor authorized in aocord- ance with :ne cnntY'lil:,t 6.ocU!))en':!;, NOW, IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cnuncll of the City of Anaheim that all plant> labor, services, mater'lals and equipment and all utilities and transportationp and the performance of all work necessary to construct, install and complete, in a good and workmanlike manner>> in strict accordance with the specifica- tions .<, plans a.nd d:r'awings therefor on file in the Office of the C1 ty Olerk of the Gl (;< f Anaheim, together with the appurtena.nces thereto" as.; d .:'~ .improvement hereinabove more particularly de- scrtbed and set ror th, in the City of Anaheim>> by said contractor, be. and the same are hereby accepted, subject, nevertheless, to all the terms ;::ondJt:Lons and pro"isions of the contract documents, and that the balanC'e du~ said cotTer-actor for said WOrk b~ paid to it thlrty~ftve "35) days fr01'll ami after f1.nal acceptance of said work as ev:! denced by the adoption of this resolution, but not sooner than thlrtr :<(1 )ia)'E'i after the date of the filing of notice of com- plet ,. except,.:ng only such sum or sums as may lawfully be withheld in acoQJ::"lanGE! wi th'Ghc provIsIons of sald contract and contract dooumentso That acceptance by the contractor of said payments made tn accordaI:ce lo'l th said final estimate shall operate and shall be a re leas\? :. c.he C: ty of Anaheim. it 8 officers, agents and employees from alA c1a1ms arId liabilities d.ue the contractor for anything done or furr:.lshed or withheld or for anything relating to the work or any act G'ee r:.eglect of the C:i.ty, its officers, agents and em- ployees, except:lng only claims against the City for any amounts withheld by the Clt.,y at the time of sl.J.ch payment. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk of the Ci ty of Anaheim be>> and they are hereby authorized to execute and file a notice of completion of said work as required by law" THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this ~~li.t.tL.,.".,~ day of ~~.. December~,~, 19~o A'l'TEST ~ { / /t:> 'J"?:/' ., ~, / ,/ ~~-??.L' .-,,/ /" {"--,r .:........ "/ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ~AHEIM PRO TEM ddllY~ dL~Ri'oF~m( c~ti; OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I __ DENE M. WILLIAY~ , Oity Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was intro- duced and adopted at a regular meeting prov1ded by law of the 01 ty Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 8th day of I;iaCF-mhfl:!:', 195.2.-., by the following vote: AYES: NOES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Thompson and Fry. COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Coons and Schutte. PRO TEM AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 8th day of l;)ec~lJiQe.;r ....f 19~" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 8th day of .~.Qecemb~L.._._..m.,~9 19~. ( SEAL ) . Q., I j, .. / ,,-..-e-h-€_ /x. ~.<'L/'-, _ ~~.. CITy CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM -}-