59R-5653 - RESOLUTION NOo < 5653 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR. SERVICES. MJp TERIA1S AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANS- PORTATION INCLUDING POWER., FUEL AND WATER, AND PER:WORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: JJjS'l'4LLAT.lON OF STij~ET .J..IGHTIl'W IN TRACT NO. g~e.JOB~1J,1i. . ~e~~__ WHEREAS" t.be Clt,y Council of the City of Anaheim did caUSE:' t~" be publlshed .in a newspaper of general oiroulation, printed P'<~bHshed and circulated in the 01 ty of Anaheim. to wit: The Anar,.ei.m Gazette, on thee. 21.st and 28th days of May J 19~~,,!) a notloc inviting sealed proposals for furnishing the follcjlV'l"g~ All plant, labor, services, materials and equip- ment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the speoifioations, plans and drawings there- for on file in the offioe of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: The installation of 31 Pacific Union Metal Company No. G 31-B2-6 Modifioation No. 14 and L78 Line Standards and Pacific Union Metal Company No. GA 31-B2-6 Modification No. 14 and L78 Dead End Standards or equal, and appurtenant work, as per plans and specifications, Job No. 451. "'~ in accorda.noe with the designs. plans. prOfiles and specifi.ce..- tions prepared by, Thorpton E..L Piersall. City Engineer, and the notice inviting sealed proposals. whioh said notice speoi- fied that sealed proposals as speoified in said notioe would be rece! ired up until_'?:QOo_ o' olook P.Ke of the "'o..Ath day of . June ~,~~~~~~,)' 19:.5L>> and which said noti,oe did state and declare that. pursuant to the provls1.ons of Section 1770 of' the Labor Code, the City Council of the City of Anaheim had asoertained the prevai.ling rate ot' wages for each type of labor needed to exe- cute said contract and did set forth the prevailing hourly wage scale so ascertained; and WHEREAS, on .~.~~e J.i " 1922-J at the hour of ~OO. .'~. Q~clock P.Mq the City Clerk and City Engineer of the e, ."c.L,..... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that all plant. labor. services, materials and equipment and all utilities and transportation, and the performance of all work necessary to construct. install and complete, in a good and workmanlike manner. in strict accordance with the specifica- tions. plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the Clty of Anaheim, together with the appurtenances thereto~ said public improvement hereinabove mOre particularly de- scribed and set forth, in the City of Anaheim, by said contraotor, be, and the same are hereby accepted. subject, nevertheless, to all the terms" condltions and provisions of the contract documents, and that the balance due said contractor for said work be paid to it thirty~five (:35) days from and after final acceptance of said work as evidenced by the adoption of this resolution, but not sooner than thirty (30) days after the date of the filing of notice of com- pletion>> excepting only such sum or sums as may lawfully be withheld in accordance with the prOvisions of sald contract and contract documents. That acceptance by the contractor of said payments made in accordance with said final estimate shall operate and shall be a release to the City of Anaheim, its officers, agents and employees from all claims and liabilities due the contractor for anything done or furnished or withheld or for anything relating to the work or any act or neglect of the City, its officers, agents and em- ployees, excepting only claims against the City for any amounts withheld by the City at the time of such payment. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and they are hereby authorized to execute and file a notice of completion of said work as required by law. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 2uth day of November , 1922-. (i AT~ST: / '---- ( f/ -u \-- , vC/:/~--L-- /rr. /~/~p-:;_ _ ..,~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sSG CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLLAMS , City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was intro- duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 24th day of November , 19~, by the following vote: MAYOR 0 AYES: NOES: C OUNCILKEN: Coons, Fry, R'earson, Thompson and Schutte. COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and si~9ned said resolution on the 24th day of November p 19 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 2uth day of November , 19~. _ ~CtrRK ~r1THE1(~AN~ -3- (SEAL) 01 ty Ar;ahej_ill d.1j.~\pen Bali a prcpcaals racei vecl up to that t;ime fortbe t"lt'rd.shlngGf' a.L~\. pl;s'nt, labQ;~., services, materials and equipment, and a11 Ijr, tj e8 8Dd t.ransp:ClI' tat lol'l " including power l' 1'>1.e1 and water and p'" form." l).'! all w~n~k necessary to COl'.~ struct and cQmpJ..ete; n aI\10.r'km.a:nlike manner! in strict accordancei'll th thtc BPeclLl .:,r B. plans and drawings t[lerefor on .f'Ll ethane -r tv ('.I€'I'k of the Clty of' Ane.heim~ the pub_, ';,.rnpcc,veme'.' w'"'e pa:rtlcularly desoribed and se'1; forth ;n p.)bl. .(; Chamber in the City Hall. Anaheim CfU. J. a, alld "D\:;; Kn.gtneer d.ld tabulate the result of' said seeded propcsaJs, ar.d j make a {'aport to the C1.ty Council at its cext~! me(')tLng~ and WHEREAS. CIty CO GC ~Jf the City of Anaheim did. at .:Lts nex': ,.:.).".e.-.,~..,.L.a.. I iI...U'H~'T:j.ng! hel. d on the ... 9th day of ~~~~.~.l.1J.~.e J 9 2.9. a" nw~)f 7:~ oa clock P.M., ;;lonsjder 'cbe s""a,[ ed pi ~SI:U 10: s{;::rr;.c, od. furnishing the materi- als ,and perfc.::''ffiU'.g tl,f' W0X"k:.c :,abcvEl '.0.01"0 particularly described and S€it:Qrth, and d.Ld trwreqpLxJ :.' ad and determine that the sealed proposa, 81iDmi t t"d b( E!]).. JOHNSO~,A.l'!P~~9.()~I>ANY, Post Oi'fice Box 29 Anaheim California ._~~~._.~~..~~~._..,.L.._ ...~_..".,~, ,,,_,,..~ . '.'''.,".~_..,~_~. for the conatruct.i on lnstalLatl.Qr, and completion of said ...llW T ALLAT I Ql'tj:U:.91.Rf1E1~..L:LGH1'lI'iQXN,1BA C T_ NO...... ~!J.8 9 I JOB NO a !J. S'l hereinabo~Te menU ~H"ed and desc,r',J)\?'.d was the ::Lowest responsible pr>opoaaJ S:Jbmltted thE:refcr" at.J. ct),ereupon accepted said bid and d1.d award. a cODtraGt t (8a~c::l E., D.~.J:,Oj;;J:.1J.s.QJ:L~ QOJ1PAJIlY ~ =---~._""=. ,._,~.= , -, -~""'C~'. "_~ C'~',_- ~'.'C~:o'<=~-"----.c, _ for furr:ishlng all pla.tlt,. jaJlr~ l:ltc'I' Sf' materials and equipment a.nd a,1.1 iJtJ 'ties ar:.d tran..sp,:n::s.i:: (ir" lr:.clu.dlng power. fuel and water. 'i and per'formlng aLl. 111I;;;'1.1<.. ne:;;Hl!!iSary to. construct and complete. a good and 'wcrkroard lke mat,fi0J, " 8tr::c t aocordance wi th the specifIcs ':n;.s. pJ..ans .a.nd the iiHltd pUblic improvement as speclfied n saId r'Qtl0,1j~;9) t 00. proposals. and did author- ize the Ma;y:;r ard ,he C1 li':'l!: ..,' thf.~ Olty of Anaheim to execute a contract fe'r ar:d. on [)e!la..L.~C.:" :Jity of' Anaheim with .. '. ~~"..~.,..".~ .~!2.!.".. o!g)i.~S Q~. .~~12".9Qf"I'pA~'Y.. whlch sald \1ontl'act was duly ms..de and. ent:ered into on the lOth day of J1lJl~ . )9 59 ~ and. WHEREAS, t1l0 said E. D~..;rOH~.SO).'V AND COMPANY ~'.'~"'-~~"~'.~~ ...,_," _.,_ ".._~.. ...,~~~ has f urni shed all plant" .labot'" SE!r',FJ€S., Illat;<'lf'ial~ and ~q;!.l.ipment and all utilities and transportatl OrA, and per .9..).: work .necessary for the Cion- struction: and completion. a gOGo. and workmanlike manner, in str:i.ct accordance with the sp,,,Lf'j cations., plans. drawings> of said pUbl:l.c: :lmpr:Hlement as spec.i~ i. the r:cttoe tnviting sealed pro- posals and det:!lJl, a 1.16'., pl..avs, profiles" drawings and SpEH.df loati ons pL'epared 'rtQ~lJtQ~n~_g;,..~f~rs.al1L. City Engineer and the COD tract made and entered .;r Anaheims and "'==.-,~--.,.~,=._",..- lnto wlt.h WHEREAS, the certified to the construct ment hereinabcrlle mentioned. plans and 8pec'ifl catlous and . entered ,tnto Wjt'~'l aald B_"~~ CJ~Y.. Efl....&i!}~,~,:r..:_~...~. , ~~~ ........~has duly and completlon of said pub.dc lmprove- d.eacrS"Jed. in accordance with (he cCl\',:ract doc.u.ments duly mad':; and ])~. ..Q'QHN~.QR MJ?~ CQ!'1g~NY~__~__.~ ~_.3 and WHEREAS. the OUy CCI:.f.f.::J fLnde ('lat said contractor has completed sald p te ,mpre''lement herelna.l:o'.le more particularly de- scribed Ln accQ'rdance wtttlth8 pr'vii, elQn.s of' the contract and the contract dOGi.l.mer.l'~1S ,a1nd that r'ot', Q ..:it' <::ompletion should be filed and payment of tine ba.lallce due fi:a.1 d cQntraQtor authorized in accord- ance w.i tl1 tIle c.)t)t:ra-:;t dO':'!tll!i;:Jr:I,ti 0 Oity of Anaheim did open said B~aled. proposals received u.p to that time for the furnishing (jf all plant" lab()!' , services. materials and equipment. and all uti.lltles ar,d transportatlonp including power 9 fuel and water,. and perf"ormlng all work necessary to cor.~ struct and complete" a good loIrol"kmanl1ke manner, in strict accordance with the spe.c:tflGat s. plans and drawings therefor on file the Off If:1e :1' the 0.1, Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the pl.lbli.c !.mpT'ovemer.there ID(;l~e particularly described and set forth, i.11 publ. 0" ,tr: l;nt" C:i.ty Cc,unoiJ C:hamber in the City Hall, Anaheim. CalU'orr;, La, aLd tIle C: Engineer rlid tabulate the result of said sealed proposals and d 1 d make a {"eport to the C1 ty Council at its next.~,~ ".,~"" .r'sgulal' meettng; and WHEREAS., tho Cl.ty Council of the Oi ty of Anaheim didp at it s n. e... x..t.'..... .~..'.'~~'...~.~..-...'-....'..~...... ..,~..............~'<.~.J......e.'...~ ,.u.....l.'...a. r meeting, held on the 9th day of .,~~"~J~n~,,,, . "",,' 195.9,. a'l; trw hCd.lI" :Jf 7:00 onclock P.M., Cions1der the sealed pI cpcsal S Bubm: tted 1'01' furn.ishing the materi- als and performlng the work ]:lI'H"€llnabove more particularly described and set forth, and dld thereup,c.n C(,nd and determine that the sealed proposal fju:bm:'tt ted by ,,~,!,g,.~!g!:!.}[~9N ~,A!iQ.,.~ANY, Post Of'fice Box 29~ AnaheimL,S~llfgxn.!fu....""h~'____ ~ for the ccmstructlon,. lrJstallatior:, and completion of said INSTALLATIQlL,Q~E.~T~'L..Llilli'li~G Ll'I .TRACI NO. 2489, JOB NO. 41:)1 hereinabove ment10ned and desGr~bed), was the lowest responsible proposal submitted therefor, andt:hereapon accepted said bid and d1.d award a contraot to Baid .~..,..D..~ill'i~ AND COMPANY for'-fur-r::istlTngaif pl.ant" la:b:n:-8er;rc'e~s~~-materials and equipment and all ut.HJ.tles and tran.sportati v.1i1 inoluding power. fuel and water, and performing all w"n'k tRec,",ssary to construct and complete>> in a good. and workmanlike ma:nnero strict accordance with the specificat:tor:,8" plans,. and drawlng,s t:Je aa'id public improvement as specified In saJd notlcel nv.H<lng 8ea....ed. proposals, and did author- ize the Mayor and the (11 (11e!'~k the City of Anaheim to exeoute a contraot for and Ql)[j behalf the CUy of Anaheim with ._ E. D. JOHNSON AND COMPANY whic~h8aId'-c~or;:t:ract~wa'8~d.uI:y~~m;de- and'en-ie-red into on the lOth day of_.~.J@!L,___~_. :19,59..__. and WHEREAS, the aa:Ld I!L~ ,J2_~,. JOHNSON AND COMPANY has furnished all planf~ l:abor-.--g-er',;Cce-s,-'rr;a:c;;';rl.ais an(req;~ipll1ent and all utili ties and transportat;:i on, and perf'0i!'med ,all work necessary for the con- struction and co;mplet1.on" :1.rL a good and workmanlike mannerp in strict accordance with the spec:i.flcatiQns. plans. drawingsp of said pUblic improvement as spec.Hied the notioe inviting sealed pro- posals and ir)L the deta:l.l. dl;lstgn, plans" prof1.1es, drawings and speclfi.catj ona prepared b:v~~',t,nQ;rntQ:p E..Pl~rsall. ~i tv Engineer !' and the 00ntract made and entered 'intowith~'c:=~lI.c...~...~. ty of Anahelmp and WHEREASp the .~c._......~...~.~..:sy~.~i~~~ ~.~_hae duly certified to the c::mstruct:l.cri and completion of said pub:".lc improve- ment hereinabove mentioned and deacrlbed.. i.n accordanoe w1.thi;he plans and specificat.:l.ol1s and the con.tract documents duly made and entered into with saJ\.d ".c~~P.t.IQIJ:M.~.Q.RA1~!LCQ.tIlANY __ .~.~,_"_,~".~~~"....,...,."...~., .......,. m..~....._~.~.,~.,. ....__,; and WHEREAS" the CIty Co flnda that said contractor has completed said p1lbU.c Improvement herelna.bove more particularly de- scribed i.n accordance wi tb the prcnl.'l.sions of the contraot and the contract documents. and 'Ghat not,jc 1;0 ':::1' completion should be filed and payment of the balanoe due iHiLd contraotor authorized 1n acoord- ance with tne Gontrac:t dOOUiIll€Hl1'.;80 =2,~