59R-5382 -- USOLUfIOB 10. 53132 A USOLU!IOI OJ' mJl CUY COUICIL OJ' !l'D CUY OJ' AI.ABlIIC J'IDI. All) DI~IIIIG mAT A CBAIG. OJ' ZOU IS DOII....Y II' _!AII' .AUAI OJ' 'l'D cut, .ABD !BAt "'!ICLI IX, CUPDJl 2 OJ fD .ADDIN MTJIICIP.u. CODl mOULD U .AMDDID !rO ACCOM~ LID SAID ClI!LUGI OJ' ZOD. ~.,., the Oit7 llaaning O.-.1..ion of th. Oit7 of Aaaheimh.. h.re- tofor. 4ul7 p....4 and adopt.4 . r..olution 4.claring it. int.ntion to chanc. the baaatari.. of the son. or son.. herei.at'er mention.d and 4..cribed ... di4 fix . Um. and place for the holding of . :public h.aring thereon in the aau.er and .. pre.cribed in Articl. IX, Ch.pt.r 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and did dul7 hold and coDduct wach public he.ring to con.id.r .~d propo..d chance of sone or zone., and 4id receive evide.ce and report. fro. per.on. inter..ted th.rein; and pilon'., within. p.ri04 of fort7 (40) dq. following the final h.aring th.reon, the PlaDaing Co..i..ion did du17 aunounce b7 for.al re.olution it. find- ing. of fact. and declare it. opinion. and re..on. for reco....ding an ..eadaent to ..id Article IX, Ch.pter 2 of the AAakeim Municipal Oode to effect the propo.ed change. in the boundaries of the sone h.r.inafter ...tioned and de.cribed; and ~.'S, upon receipt of the report and recoamend.tion of the Cit7 Plaaning COlllllhalon, the CU7 C01Ul.cll did thereupon fix the 28th dq of ,Tuly , 19 ~q ,.. the Ume and the 001Ul.cil Cham'ber in the Oit7 Ball of the OU7 of An_el. .. the pl.c. for . public h.aring upon ..14 propo..d chanc. of zon., and did give noUc. th.r.of in the .ann.r and .. prOTided in llaid Articl. IX, Chapt.r 2 of the Anah.im Mamicipal Code; and ~lS, at the Ume and place fix.d for .aid public h..lq, th, Oit7 Oouncil did dul7 hold and conduct ~ch Jablic h.aring and did give all p.r- .on. int.rellted th.r.in an opportunit7 to be h.ard and did r.c.iv. evidence and report II , and did th.reupon coa.ider the recoaaeDdation. of the Oit7 Plaani.g 00..1II.ion; and ~I'., the Oit7 Council do.. fiDd and d.t.r.ine th.t the propert7 aDd are. propo.ed to be chanced from the zo.e in which. it 111 now al w..ted to . diff.rent son., .. hereinafter lIet forth, i. more .wit.ble for the Eone or sones to which it 11 propo..d to chuc. ..id prOpert7 and ar.. and th.t the incl'a.alon of ..id property and are. in .uch n.w sone or E~.e. will iner.... the value of .aid prop.rty and ar.. ad will .ot depreci.te the value. of property in adjoin- ing 10.... lOW, 'IInI1I''I'Ollll, :BI IT llll80LTD 'b7 the Ci t7 Council of the CU7 of Anaheim that all of the property and are. lIit.....ted in the CUT of Anaheb, County of ~., S~at. of C.l1fo1'Jli., 4ucrillod .. follow., to wit: TYe 3c;~:d~L,I,~3U f~jet of te En st half of tre Soutb.1~Jest q' ',.rter Ot the SUJtLvT6st (I"1?Yter' of Sect;.on 12, Township L Sur.th, Ran' e 11 'fiest, S.-::. .': 1'1., described as commenc- i:l;; c:.t a .Joint in tLe SoutL line of' said Section, North 890 Llt ~ast 6~2.75 feet ~rom the Southwest corner tersot'; thence Noy.th 0" 13' West 1326.09 feet to a point; tllence i\OI.tL '>90 lilt 10" East 663.LLL~ feet to a point; L~eD('e So'th 0" lLI' );';,1' East 132:3.05 feet to a point; thence South 890 hl' West 662.~5 feet to the place of beginning. ..r"~ Ex.ceotin therc-fror~l tLe t~Jest 330 .L'ee-G. Also exee tin~ tnerefror the SOJth 40 feet. -1- F-57-58-1 -- be chUCed. froa R..A, RESIDEI~:;:IAL-A3HICULTURAL ZONE to C-l, NEIGHBOR- HOOD-COlv.J'IERGIAL ZONE, upon the fo llowin [' condi ti on s: 1. 'I'nat t:'e owners of s".bject property place of record standard City of Ananoin C-l Deed Restrictions, g0~)110Vea by t118 City AttoIlney. 2. (a) 'I'tlat all en~ineering reqnil'el1lents of the City of AnaheIm, SlJC.c as cnrbs Emd gutters, sidewalks, street lights, street;rad:i.ng and pavIn,:, drainase facilitIes or other pertinent work, be complied w1.th as reqrdred by tIle Oi ty Ene:ineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the o~fice o~ the C4ty Ensineer; and (b) that a bone in an amount and form sati sfactory to tl'8 01 t:T of Anahei!1' be posted wi th the City to j ," 'V ~uaraDteo the installation of said engineering PRO" i rement 3. U IT J'UJl!DlR RBSOLT.ID that the CU7 Attone7 be, and he 11 hereb;?' aathorlnd _d directed to prepare and Bubal' to the CU;?' Council an _eD4llent h Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anahelm hJl1clpal Code to _end .aid Anahel. Municipal Code to acco.pll8h ~e object herein found _d deteralned to be nece..ar;?' and proper. 4I.v of !'Em J'OBmOOIJD BJlSOLU!'IOB is Biped and approved by me 'hie 28th July . 19 59 . (! ~ l. 7JcL ~ UTU OJ yn CI!r OJ .AJWIIIII. .- ~T: ~-_.- ~. , . , ~'- / .~ / i . . ';J( < iA/'.or p:/:.,. - ..~ eIft 0 OJ TBI CIn rg' .A!TjBJIII. -2- - sun OF ClLI.roUIJ. ) COD'l'I OJ' ORUG! ) 1111. CITY OJ' OlBEIX ) -, I, DEli M. WILLIAMS, C1 t7 Clerk of the Oi't7 of .baheh, do hereb7 oert1"'" that the fonpla, rellol.tio. vall iatroch1oed ad adopt..- at a replar ...t1ac proTid.cl b:r lav of the Oi t7 Co_eil of the 01.. of Jaaheh, held _ o. the 28th da:r of Jfl1:r, 19'9, b7 tJil. follovia, _te I J.IU I COlJlfOILMEJh Bord,., OOCllII, l'r7, Pearsoll<. &lid ScltaUe. IOESI CODOIIJIDI lone. ABSUT I CODOILMD I loae. J.Il) I J'UIlTIID CUrln That the Xqor of the 01't7 of ADalteia approved aa4 siped llaid re..l.tio. oli the 28th da:r of Jwl:r, 1959. II WITlESS WIDOF, I have hendlaW ~et rq hmd aad aft1aed the official .eal of the 01't7 of halteh thb 28th da:r of Jal:r, 1"9. L h, k?=:-~ CITY CI.DI OJ' '!'BE OI'l'I OJ' DOIDI ( SIlI.) ~