59R-5128 .- .;<'~" RESOLUTION NO. 5128 A RESOLUTIQN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF mE CI'rY 0' ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVnING !O THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT l1'OR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTtLI!i'! PORPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Council ot the City of Anaheim 1. desirous ot purchasing the hereinarter described real property tor pub114 purposes, to wit: An easement f'or road and publiC utility , VIll''Doses ; and WHEREAS, the owner s ot said property ha ve otr.red to sell and convey the same to tn. City; and WHEREAS, the City Council ot the City of Anaheim tinds that it is ror the benetit and best interest ot the City o~Anahei. to accept said orrer and purchase said real prope~tyo BOW, THEREFORE, BE I! RESOLVEP bJ the City Councll or the City of' Anaheim that the otter at Evert., S. Peterson and Anna Louise Peterson, husband and. wife; and Robert C. AurancI lind Hi ta J. Aurand, husband & wife to.ell to the City at Anaheim the following described real p~operty situated in the City of' Anaheim, County ot Orange, State or Call- rom!.., to be used f'or road and public utility P\11'1)OSe8 , aDd more particularly described as f'ollows: An easement for road and public utility purposes over, under and across that parcel of land described as follows: That portion of Dreyfus and others land as shown on a map of SIlrvey made by William Hamel. Records of LOB Angeles County, California, a copy of which is filed in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California, in Book J. Page 163, et seq.. entitled Los Angeles County Maps, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of South Street and the westerly line of the 50.00 foot Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way as described in a deed recorded in Book 407. Page 35 of deeds, Records of Los Angeles County, California; thence South 740 21' 04" West 15.25 feet;'thence South 720 21' 17" East 18.22 feet to a point in the west line of the last mentioned Railroad right-of-way, said point being distant South 150 30' 56" East 10.00 feet from the point of be- ginning; thence North 150 30' 56" West 10.00 feet to the point of beginning. ~ -., &a4 the same is hereby,acoepted by ~e Oity Counoil of 'he City ot ADabelm, a.nd the. t the C1-ty of Anah.~ accept a oonveyuce of.' ...1" property. -' -1- - ,.-- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor or the C1t1. or Alilahe1llll be, and he is hereby, authorized to pa1' to the ovnera ot ..i~ rea], property. out of' General Fu.:cda of' the C1ty ot Anaheim., ta. aum of One Dollar ($1,,00).. . . THE FOREGOIBG RBSOLUTION Is approved and 81gned by.. 31st day of Marolt . ! ' 19......22..... . ~1a -~&~ At~1 .'-- ~ J:J~ 2/;'; ~ . . fh~.I UWi.tal 01" ~o~~i ~F Al'lAHE.IM '.1'B OJ', <J.&LIPebIA ) CGl)JiI'h: OF ORUGE ) 88. CITY OF AJU.RRtH ) I, DEB M. WILLIAMS ADabel., do hereby certi.fy' that the &ad. adopted at an adjourned regular lMld .. the ';lBt <<..,. of March lowiDg vote 0 the members 'thereot: . g City Clerk ot the Cl~1.~ . foreaoing resolution va. ,I..... aeeting . ot the 01t1 0...... . .f 19.-Z2-. 'br th. :r.l. . AYES: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry and Schutte BOBS: COUNCILMEN: None ABSJDT: CotnfCIUmIl: Pearson uP. IFURTBER CER!IFY that the Ma1'or ot the City of AlilahOs.. aJ9reved and signed laid reaolutioD OD the 31st da.1' or March. . 19 59 0 III WITNESSWHERE01l', I haTe upeuta .et ~ hand ant ..rf'1~.. ~o.s9":1 or the Ci t)" of' ~:q..Ae1a th1a . Jlst -7 or ~~ch I. l I .. .. 1. . CUlL) /" ./ "'----. ,-------., ~.' ----_: . ~W~ . .. '01" ~~r6Y...n"_QI ,- -2- ~ . - '. f