59R-5126 -- .- RESOLUTION NO. 5126 A RESOLUTIQN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE oITY oIl' ANAHEI~ ACCEPTING A GRANT DEEDOONV1i:YING '1'0 TIm CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUllLIC UTILIfi PURFOSES. WHEREAS, the City Counoil ot the City ot Anaheim i. desirous of purchasing the hereinafter desoribed real property tor public purposes, to wit: An easement tor road and public utility purposes : and WHEREAS, ,the owner s ot said property ha ve Cl.rt".~ed to .ell and oonvey the same to ine City; and --- WHEREAS, the City Counoil ot the City of Anaheim tinds that it is for the benefit and best interest of the City o~Anahei. to aocept said offer and purohase said real pro'.~t7. HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT BEsQLVEP bJ' the C1 ty oOw:lc11 ot the ei ty of Anaheim that the otter of Marcus p. South and Bazel M. South. husband and. wife; and Leonard E. South and Mart .to South. husband and wife; . to 8ell to the City ot Anaheim the tol owing desoribed real p1"operty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State o~ Cali- :rom!_, to be used for road IJld UIlbli~ Yility uurnOS8S , aDd more particularly described as 0 ows: .An easement for road and public utility purposes over. under and across the Southerly 32 feet (as measured at right angles from the centerline of Sycamore Street) of that parcel of land described as follows: That portion of the Vineyard Lot "E2" as shown on a map of Anaheim. recorded in Book 4. Pages 629 and 630 of Deeds. records of Los Angeles County. California. lYing Easterly of the Easterly line of that certain strip of land 60.00 feet in width. described and ex- cepted in the deed to the Union Pacific Railroad Company. a Utah Corporation. recorded February 7. 1955. in Book 2948. Page 207 of Official Records. - -" M, ... the same is hereb,.-,acoepted b7 the City OOw:loll of the C1ty .t Anaheim, and that the 011;J' ot ADah.~ accept a cODveyaDce or ..1. property. .. ..1- -, r- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor ot the c:tty, or 4naheu be, and he is hereby. authorized to pay to the oW1Ulr. .t 8&ld real property. out or GeneralPUnds of the CIty of Anaheim, the .um at Or:Ie Do Uar (tl. 00) .. . THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed b1' me -,is Jlst da1' ot Marc? I , 19~. ' ..~{lJcm~ 4'''''', /'- - , -- ~C2,-- H ~d~ ~~lfAHEm ftAi'B or GUdNbIA ) COoK.! OF ORlJlGE ) u. OrTY OF ..'R'IM ) . I, D:8lllE, M. WILLIAMS Aaaheim, do hereby certify that the aa4 adopte4 at an -!!.1ourneCl, regular _14 .. the 31st -'1 or March lW1nS Tote or the members tiler.or: . , City Clerk or the C!'tJ ., roftlolng resolution wa.,....." .eting ot tht 01t1 C~ . . .f 19,.L. 'b1 th* tal. 411183 COUNCILMEN: Borden, Goons, Fry and Schutte .0B8: COUNCILMEN: None ABBNT : C~C:rLMEB: Pearson .(Ji'P IFt7RTHIR CER!IFY that the Hayor ot the C1t1' ot UQ.W _"!'eTed aDd aigned Mid resolution on the 31st I. day ot' Ma.rch. , 19 S9 0 I.ll WITNESS WHEREOF , I lulT. "I"euato ..t my hand aD" a.tf'1~." 1Ihe ...1 ot the 01 t1' ot ~lQ.la.1a this il,~ -7 ot M~~~ I '11 111 J. 19 ,59 . CaaAI, ) ~~~~.... - -2- .'~ .' " ,