59R-5102 -. r RESOLUTION NO. 5102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COO'lICIL 01' TIm CITY 0' ANAHEIM AOCEPTING A GIWlT DDDCONVnIHG TO TBB CI'l'Y 01' AlfAHEIM OERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR All EASEMENT FOR ROAl;) Ai'lD PUBLIC UTILITY PURPQSES WHEREAS, the City Council ot the City or Anaheta 1. desirous of purchasing the hereinafter described real property tor . publ1. purpo..s, to wit: AIl easement for road and public 'It.i'i1:y pU~n&Se8 J and . WHEREAS, the ovnerA- of said property ha!!- orttred t. .ell and convey the s&.me to tEa Citn aDd . WHEREAS, the City Council of the City ot Anaheim !inds that it is for the benefit and best interest of the City o~Anah.l. to accept .ald offer and purchase sald real prope~~y. J" An easement for road and public utility purposes .over. under and across that parcel of land described as follows: The Westerly 32.00 feet (as measured to the center line of Loara Street) of the Southerly 77.00 feet of the South one-half of the West one-half of the West one-half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 28. Township 4 South. Range 10 West. San Bernardino Base and Meridian. .1"""" -. ... the 8..e 18 hara'", aooe.pte4 ,~ tIl. 01ty O0W3oll .t the Oity .r AnaheIm, and tlW.t tha Cl1;y ot ADa:l:2.e. aa..pt a ...va,...e or -1.f..14 ~t,.. ..1- "--- ~-~-'--r ~ BE IT FtmTHER RESOLVED that the City Audltor of the Clt1'. of Anaheim be, and he is hereby. authorized to pay to the owners o~ aa1d real property. out of GetleralF'unda of the City of ADahel., tAe 8lU1l Of ODe Dol.lar <$1.00) l' . . ~HE FOREGOIIG RESOLUTION is approved and signed by .e _11 17th day of ~"l'Cl;l. , 19~. . . .uoa-~.o~~~ 4:", ~~~ ~;~~?MiilIll R4H OP OALIftDIA ) CuGnJl!% OF ~GE ) 88. crn OF .JA.RJl!DI ) . I, , Oi ty Clerk of the Clty .r ADenel., do here year a e or.coing resolution was paj... ..4 adopted at an ~~rned ..eUng of the CIty 0"'" _1d OIl tho. R.~""",-"y of MajCh, 19ZL. b1 tho ~.l.'" lowing vote of . e members the reo : AYElI COUNCILME1f: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte BOBS: COUNCILMEN; None ABSmIT: CotTBCILMEIl: None AlP' I .FURTBBR CERfiFY that the. Hayor of the Cl ty of AllahoLa appre'Yod an4 signed aid resolution On tho , . 17th j day of . I I "~rc:q , 19 59 0 Il WITNESSWHEREOP', I ...... ho.'Qto aet my hand u<< &t1'1x.<< 1Illo .oal of the City ot 4II--.il.s.. th1a HtJI. -,. of Mfr~~lL ,"'' . II . 19 j 5\~. ,~~~.. .~ ~ lIP ..-. . - --.4ldl (aaL ) ~ -2- , . .... ,