59R-5092 - ~. USOLU!ICD BO. .5092 .1 BI8OLU!IOI OJ '!III CIn COUI'OIL ~ !HI OIn OJ .1DIIII JUmII& jJ]) UftaulBIIG !IU! .1 CIIAIII OJ IOD II __laY IB aE!AII .6JlIAS OJ !HI CIft, .AID !'JU! ""IOLI IX, GlW'!II 2 OJ 51 .AJWIIII IUIICIPjL CO. 8ROULD :BI jllll~.hlJ) !O AOCOJlp... LID 8.11D CI!lASI OJ ZOU. p1!D1I'$, the Cn7 PlanaiDg eo.m..ion of the Cit7 of .....i. laa. h.r... tofON 4uJ.T p....tld and adophd a re.ollltion d.cbriDg it. int.nUOD to ..... ta. bcnm4ari.. of the une or sones h.r.iaafhr ..aUon.d _d 4..crilled .... 4i4 fix a ti.. and place for the aoldiDg of a public h.ariq th.reon in the ....1' 84 a. pr..erilled in Articl. IX, Chapter Z of the .1nahei. MaDicipa1 C04.. ... 414 tal7 hold _4 coD4uct n.eb pv.olic hearing to con.ider said proposed chaDp of I.U 81' z...e, and did r.c.iv. evi4.nc. anA r.ports fro. persons intere.ted th.reinl aDd YJl1Il'R-'II1, witain a period of fort;r (40) 4.,.s foll.wbg the fiDal heu'iJIC ther.on, the PlaDaing C.amia.ion did du17 aDnounc. bt formal r.eolllti.. it. fia4- iDgs of facts and declare it. .opiai..s anA reason. f.r r.co..en41Dc .. ........t to .ai4 Article IX, Chapter 2 of the .....i. MlUI.ic1pal C04.e h .ff.ct the pr.po.ed chupe in the boundaries of the BOn. h.r.inafter lleJI.Uoned..d d..crilled; u4 ~'e. upon r.c.ipt of th. report anA r.c...eD4atioa of the Oit7 Planaing Commi..ion, the Oit7 Council did th.reapon fix the 17th ~ of Jlc'oh _ . 19 59 ,as the U.. ..d the Ooucil Chu'Hr in th. OU7 Ball of the Oi t7 of .b_81. a. the plac. for a pv.blic hearing llpon .aid pr8pc..d chaaC. of sone, anA did CiT. aoUc. th.r.of in the ....er and .. pl'OTic1e4 i. aaid .&rUcl. IX. Chapter :2 of the Aub.i. Muic1pal Code I anA ~"S, at the time and plac. fix.d for aaid pv.'blie h.arlal. ~, Cit7 Council did 4ul7 hold and coDillct n.ch ~\lic h.aring and did giT. all p.r-- .ODS inter.at.d th.rein an opportUllU7 to be h.ard and did r.eaiT. evi4eae. a4 reports. u4 did th.reupon cOD.ider the r.c....a4ati... of the Cit7 Plaaaiac Co..18e1on; and. wvmD"R, the C1\7 CoUllcil 40.. find and d.t.rmin. ihat the pr.p.rt7 ad ar.a propoaed to b. cllange4 fr.. the IOD. in which 1i 18 now a1iuat.d to a diff.rent son.. .. h.reinafter s.t forth. 18 aor. suitable for the IOU .1' 10... to aich U 18 propo..d to chanc. eaid pr.pert7 aa4 ar.a .... thd the iacb.i.. of uid propert7 .... ar.a in sllch new Ion. or Ion.. will iner.a.. the Tal,.. of said prop.rty and area and will not d.pr.ciate th. Tal... of propert7 i. ad~oin- ing 10US. IOW, lIVDlIl'OlI. :as IT IISOLTID b7 th. CU7 Council .f the CUt of __eta that all of the prop.rt7 aa4 area ei tuated in the Ci i7 of Aubela, Cout7 of Or.ng.. Stat. of California, d.scrib.d ae followa. to vitI P.ARcmL A. The northerly 65.81 feet of the southerly 1)1.61 feet of that portion of the north half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 28. TownShip 4 South, Range lO West. S.B.B. & M., deecribed as follows: /""'" Beginning at the northeast corner of the south 132.00 feet of said north half; thence south 890 lSI 06" west lSO.OO feet along the northerly line of said .oath 1)2.00 feet; thence north 00 021 47" west 197.42 feet to a point on the northerly line of said north half, distant south 890 l41 36" west 147.00 feet from the northeast corner of said north half; thence north 890 141 36" east 147.00 feet to the northeast corner of said north half; thence south 00 551 00" east 197.43 feet to the point of beginning. -l- F-58-S9-S9 - PARCEL B~ That portion of the north half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 28, TownShip 4 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B. & M.. described as follows: ",.-. Beginning at the northeast corner of the south 1)2.00 feet of said. north half; thence south 890 15' 06" west l50.00 feet aloDt the northerly line of said south 1;2.00 feet; thence north 00 021 47" west 197.42 feet to a point on the northerly line of said north half, distant south 890 l4t )6" west l47.00 feet from the northeast corner of said north half; thence north 890 l4t 36" east 147.00 feet to the north- east corner of said north half; thence south 00 55' 00" east 197.43 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom the southerly 1;1.61 feet; be changed from R-A, RESlDENTIAL-AGRlCULTORAL ZONE. to R-:h MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDlIINTIAL ZONE, upon the following conditions: 1. That the buildings to be constructed on ~bjec~ property be erected essentially as per the plans ~bmitted to the Oi ty Council and on file with the Oity of Anaheim. 2. That the owners of subject property pl~ce of r~cord stan- dard City of Anaheim R-) Deed Restrictions approved by the City Attorney, which restrictions shall limit all buildings constructed on said property to one story in height. 3. That the owners of subject property deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 32 feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Loara Street for street'widening purposes. 4. That all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim. such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities. or other pertinent work. be complied with as required by the City Engineer, in accor- dance with plans and. specifications on file in the office of said City Engineer. 5. !hat the owners of subject property pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 6. That the owners of subject property pay to the City of Ana- heim the gum of $25.00 per unit for all dwellings construc- ted on subject property. for the acquisition of park and recreation sites. said sum to be paid at the time the building permit is granted. 7. That Conditions Nos. 2, ). 4 and 5 above mentioned shall be complied with within a period of 90 days from date hereof, or such further time as the Oi ty Council may grant. ,,- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City Council an amendment to Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to amend said Anaheim Municipal Code to accomplish the object herein found. and determined to be necessary and. proper. TEE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is day of March, 1959. si@D.ed and approved by me this 17th MAYO(1. ~"TY o~~~ -2- -- SUTE OF, 9ALIFOR!'lI/l ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerkiot the City of ADaheim, do hereby certify that the" foregoing resolution was introduced and adopteci at an aclJourned" regular meeting provided. by law ot the City Council" of, the City of Anahei:m, held on the 17th day of March, 1959; by the following vote: I . , AYES: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte NOES: COUNCILMEN: Borden ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None , L-~.~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SE#) , ;-)<'