59R-5013 - ,- USOLUfItm BO. E5 013 A DIOLU!IOB or !II OI!! ClOUI'OIL or !II OI!!' or AUIIII J'IllDIIO .AD DlDIIIIBIBG BU.! A ClIAIGI or IOD II DC.UIT IB .!AIB .dIAl OJ !II Cln, .AID BA! ""IOLJ IX. OJWI!II 2 OJ !BI ADDII WlICIPjI, oom IIOULD U lJo!t~"1D to ACCOU- LIIB SAID CIUH:J or ZOD, AND DEFERRING ACTION ON THE RECLASSI- FICATION OF A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED. ~'&$, the Cit7 Pl.-niac C.-.1..ion of th. Oit7 of ~ei.~.. ~ere- tofor. dul7 p...ed and adopted. r..o1.tlon d.c1ariac it. lntention to caaace t~e baun4ari.. of th. zone or zon., h.r.lnatter ..ntloned and de.cri\84 ... d14 tlz . U.e and plac. for the holdlac of . public hearlnc thereon in the .....1' _4 .. pre.crlbed in Artlcle IX, Chapt.r Z of the Anah.i. Municipal Cole, aa4 411 4wl7 hold and coaduct .uch ~blic hearing to con.id.r laid propoled chaace of ZIDe II' zon.., and 414 receive ev14enc. and report. froll per.on. lnt.re.ted therein; aDd p1IllIlI&R, wlthin . p.ri04 of fort7 (40) 4.,.. following the tbel heU'izac thereon, the nannlDC Ooul..lon 4id ,4u17 announc. b7 fonal r..o1uil.a i h tia4- iac. of f.ctl and 4.clare It. ,opinlo.. aa4 r..lon. for r.coaaen41Dc aa ...daeat to .aid Artic1. IX, Ch.pter Z of th.,Anahli. Manlcipal 004. to .tt.ct the propo.e4 chanc.. ln the boundarl.' of the zone h.r.inafter ..n110n.d aa4 4e.erlb84; aD! yvmDlI&6, upon receipt of th. report aad r.coamea4.tlon of the Oit7 Planniac ColIII!illion. the Cit7 Oouncil did thereupon fill: the 3rd ~ of Februarv . 19 !i9 ,.. the Ulle aad the Oouncil ChaIIlHlr in the CU7 Hall of the CU7 of .b._d. ., the pl.c. for . ~blic h.arlng upon .aid propoeed chaac. of zone, and did give noUce th.reof ill the aaaner and .. prOTlded ia ,aid Article IX. Chapt.r Z of the Anah.l. Municipal Ood.; and w-n.&S, .t the time and p1ac. fiz.d for .aid pa.blic h.ariq, the Oit7 Councl1 did d1117 hold and coa4uct ~ch pab1ic h.arizac and 414 giv. all per- lonl lnterelted therein aa opportunlt7 to b. h.ard aad 414 r.c.iv. evid.nc. &ad r.poria. and. 41d th.reupon calid.r the reCOllll!ead.Uon. of the CU7 Plaaniac Co_illlon; and p1IllIlI&R, the Cit7 Council do.. tia4 and determine that the propert7 and area propo.ed to be changed froll the lone in which U 11 now .Uu.ted to . diff.r.nt Ion.. .. hereinatter I.t torth.1I 1101'. nit.b1. for the sone or .0.... to which 1 t 11 propo..d to chaace .aid prOpert7 and ar.. an4 th.t the tac1,..i... of ..ld propert7 and are. in IUch new sone or son.. will iner.... the Tal... of laid prop.rt7 and ar.. end will not d.pr.ci.t. th. valu.. of propert7 ia ad~oin- ing sone.. lOW, ~lI~aI, BI If alSOLTID b7 th. Cit7 Oauaci1 of the Oi17 of Anahei. th.t allot the prop.r':r aa4 are. lituated in the CU7 of Aubel., Coutr of 0reDc.. State of C.liforni.. d..crib.d a. follow.. to witl PARCEL 1. The West 200 feet of the North 250 feet of Lot 1 in Block nAu of Tract No. 13, as shown on a map recorded in Book 9, Page 12 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, Cal !fornia. PARCEL 2. - Lot 1 in Block "An of Tract No. 13, as shown on a map re- cor ded in Book 9, Page 12 of Miscell aneous Maps, recor ds of Orange County, California, EXCEPT the West 200 feet of the North 250 feet. -1- F-58-59-47 .",0;>."""- -. ,.-. PARCEL 3. The South 200 feet of Lot 2 in Block RAn of Tract No. 13, as shown on a map recorded in Book 9, Page 12 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. . 'be allalIaced frOll R-A. RESIDENTIAL-AGRlCULTqRAL ZONE to C-l. l'fEJGH~RHOOD- ODMNERClAL ZONE, with the exception of PARCELS 2 ana 3, and that actIon on the reclassification of these two parcels be deferred for a period of two weeka. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that PARCEL 1 be changed to C-l, Neighborhood-Commercial Zone, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the owner of Parcel 1 place of record standard City of Anaheim C-l Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney. 2. That the owner of $ubject property pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 3. That the above conditions shall be complied with within a period of 90 days from date hereof, or such further time as the Council may grant. BI I! J'UI.!BI1l DIOLTID that the Oit7 A'hrne7 be, ad he 11 here"7 ..'horized aDd dlrec~ed to prepare ad .ub.i~ to the Cit7 Council a ...a4ae..' '0 _Ucle IX. Chap,er 2 of the Anahei. Ilu.1cipal Code to ..ed lai4 Anahel. ...icipal Code " accoap1i~ the obJect herein found aDd de'erained ~. be aece"a17 u4 proper. !'D J'01l:JOOI. BIIOW!IOB 11 .Sped and apprOTed by .e thi. 3rd _ of February, . 19~. "J. r;;pJ~ UTa. .!! 0' ......~.. ~ J'" h1 2t:-T , L . ~t:"f...". ~./ " . CLIII or !HI CI!! OJ..AJWIIIM. -z- .. - " STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s s . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting at the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 3rd day of February, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte NOES: COUNCILMEN: Borden ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER. CERTIFY tha t the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said ResolUtion on the 3rd day of February, 1959. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixedothe official seal of the City of Anaheim this 3rd day of February, 1959. L /71. ~if4~~~~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) ~