59R-4998 USOLU'l'IOll 10. 4998 ,-- A DSOLUTIOJl OJ' THE CUY COlJJlCIL OJ' '1'RE OIn or .AI'.!BIIM ACCEPTING A GlWl! JmI]) connm !O DJ: OI!! OJ' AlABEIM CIIUIllUIAL P.ROPD!T 101. Il1J.JICIPAL PURPOS:lS. VVER.'8, the Oit7 of !nabei. did. heretofore enter .i.to an e.crow with .&nahei. 11.1oa Water Clollp&llT. a Oorporation, at lIo.e S-iDe. aDd Loan Aaeoc1ation, 211 ...t Ceater Street. .bah.i., Oaliforaia. f.r th. pvchue of the h.reinafter deeerned real propert7 aD4 certain el(Uipaeat appuhnant thereto for aanicipal parpo...; ..d ynmJlA~, saicl Bone Sayings aD4 Loan A88ociation 18 now re847 to cl..e .aid e.erow and a cleed has been prepared. convqiae s&14 real propert7 to the C1t7 of jaUei. tree and. clear of all .JlC1UIbr..c... except the second install_nt of tu:.s for the rheal Year 1958-5'; _4 COTenant.. conditio.., re.trictio... r.serYati..s, rights. rights-of-v.v end eaa....ts of recor4; lOW, fBJllUOD, D If DSOLVJID b7 the Oit7 Oouncil .f the Oity of juh.i. that the deed COJlT87Uc the f.l1oviJ1g described prOpert7 e1w.ated in the 011;7 of .b8he1a. . Ccl'aat7 .f Orag.. State of Celifornia. 10.-.1 t : :BecinaiDg at a point in the center line of Placotia AT_ue at its inter.ectio. vitll the :a..ter1y eEtension of the .orth line of Lot 6 of the South Plac.ntia hact Bo. 2 aa uovn 011. a aap record_ in :Book 5. Page 42, of Mhcen.B01lS Maps. records of sai4 OrllllCe oount1; theaoe W.st aloae the .orth 11ne of s&1d. :Lot 6 .... .aid extendOll thereof, ZOO feet to a peat; th.lICe ..rla....terly in a .traipt line '00 feet to the point of intersection o. a line which 18 parallel to .&1d .orth line of Lot 6. and which point of intersection is 250 feet Weat in a etr&1pt line froa the center line of said Placentia ATenue; th..ce Jlaaterl;y alOllg laid parallel li.. e&14 25G fe.t to the cellt.r 1be of Plaoentia AT8Jl.u; thence loutavester17 aloae s&1d coteI' line 10 0 the point of llecinniBg. to the Oit7 .f .Anehei.. tr.e and clear of all enCUlbrance.. exc.pt ... hereinaboT. eet forth. be, and the .... is herellf. accept... 117 the City of .bahem. D I!I! JOJl!Dlli USOLlB that aaid .Icrow holder lie. _4 it is here1l7' ..thoriseA to 4eliTer to s&1d "eador the _lNnt of the parella.. price for .&14 property heretetore depoa1ted u e.crow. vh. all co:adiUo.s of saiel .scrow haTe 11.. _t _4 co.pUeel wUh. m:I J'ORJlGlOIS DSClLl1'UOB is appreTe4 and a1ped b7 .. this 20th d.q of J_uary, 1959. - 4tJ. ~~. JUYS OJ' C I!f!' or B.ADII. .A.ftIS! : /! '- .- l.- ,i4~cW;;:,h~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) COUNTY OF OlWlGE ) SSe CITY OF AlWiEIM ) l I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at. an a4,j ournBd regular lIleeting provided by law of 'the City Council ,of the City of Anaheim, heild on the 20th day ,of, J8.I1Uari, 1959" by the tbllowing vote~ AYES: COlllfCIUolEN: Borden,;: Fry, Pearson and Schutte NOES: COUHCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCIlHEN: Coons AND I FURTHERCERTIF,y that the May~r of the City:. of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution 'on the 20th day of January, 1959. IN 'WrrN'ESS~, I have hereunto set my hand and at~ixed the official seal 'or the City of lnabeta this' 20th day of January, 1959. ~' U / M _ · ~;'L~ -',~ CITY CLERK OF THE- CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) , "'.. ~ . ,'I ~ ~