59R-4992 - .--" RESOLUTICN NO. 4992 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AN.A.HEIJV: GRANTING SPECIAL USE PERJllIIT TO }\ENGER PROPERTIES, INC. TO ESTABLISH A TRAILER PARE ON THE PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED. 'fIlHEHEAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive an application from Kenger Properties, Inc., 977 East Colorado Street, Pasadena, California, for a Conditional or Special Use Permit to establish a 2l6-space trailer park, with recreation building, s1rJirmning pool, play area and utility buildings on the following described property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California: Triat portion of the North Half of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Sect ion 27, TO\VIlshlp 4 South, Range Ie ~lest, San Bernard ine Base and Mer idian, described as foIl O\oJS : Beginning at the Southeast corner of the North Half of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 27, said corner being on the center line of Haster Street and bears South 10 19' 30" East 651.80 feet from the center line intersection of said Haster Street and Katella Avenue; thence along the Southerly line of the North Half of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 27, South 890 '-:6' 25" 1lest 30.00 feet to the Westerly line of said Haster Street and the true point of beginning; thence continuing along said last mentioned line South 890 48' 25" "liest 1291.09 feet to the Southwest corner of the Northwest (,uarter of the IJortheast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27; thence continuing along said Southerly line of the North Half of the North Half of the Northeast Quc:rter South 890 L~9' LiOll ',lest 8L~l.ll feet; thence parallel ~-Jith the center 1 ine of H2,rbor Blvd. North 10 21' 0011 irlest 39n.31 feet to a point 265.00 feet South of the center line of said ]{atel1a Avenue; thence parallel with said center line of Eate11a Avenue North 09051;' 30n East 947.75 feet; thence North 10 20' IS" 'Jest 205.00 feet to a point on the Southerly] ine of said l':2tella AverltJe; thence along said SOLtherly line ?'orth 690 51r' 30n East 100.00 feet; thence South 10 20' 15" East 205.00 feet; thence parallel with said center line of Eate] 13 Avenue North 890 51!.' 3011 East 10\.:J~.70 feet to Ci point on the \"lester1y line of said Haster Street; thence along said ~esterly line South 10 19' 30" East 306.64 feet to the true point of beginning. j\ND 'dHERE'AS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim upon said application on December 15, 1950, notices of which said public hearing were duly given as re~uired by law and the provisions of Sect ion 9200.17 of the ?naf'2 im rlunic ipa 1 Code; and - ;niEHEAS, said Conmliss ion, after due inspection, in- vestigation and studies made by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, did adopt its ~eso1ution No. 130 Series 1958-59, grantinu Conditional or Special Use Permit No.1, upon the conditions therein set forth; and -1- dtIE~L\S, L1Cre8.~'ter, vlitLin tHenty (20) days from the date of the adoption of said resolution, the City Council did elect, upon its Olm motion, to review the action of the City Planning Comrdssion in granting said Conditional or SpeciaJ Us- Per it and did thereupon fix the 20th day of January, 1959, as the time an~ the Council Chamber in the City Hall of the City c:: [mar.eif: 2S the plo.ce fo]' a public hearing upon said Conditional or Special Use Permit, and notice of such public hearino was duly ~iven os required by law and the provision~ of Section ~200.l7 . of tiF' o''.na:1eim ::unicipal Code; ar.d ,,- dHEiT:--.AS, at the tir,,8 c\nd plaCE: fixed for said public hearing, t~e City Council did duly hold and conduct such hearin~ an6 did give all persons i]1t~rcstrd therein an opportunity to be t(;2rd 21~d jid recpiv~ 8vid811C~ and repol'ts; and "'JliL:~(j_/-,[\,~;, t1i Ci'~:/ C'Tuncil finds, after careful con- si cr:::.tloL cI t"l2C r(:C:J:ilrllcnC:2_tion~, 0: thE:; Cit~i Planning Comrnissicn ani all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, that said Co~dition21 or :pecicl Use ?er~it should be granted upon the tcrl~:S Qnd :onditions ~1erein2fter set forth. ,', Di:: IT (ESCLVED by the City Council of the City of Anahein that the action of the City Planning Com- mission granting said Conditional or Special Use Permit, be, and the SCF_C is hersby a;-Iprovs::t, Oend that SPECIAL USE PEmUT NO.1 be, acld the sarJ? is ':crcby,~;r2.ntcd to Eenger Properties, Inc., 977 East Colorado Street, Pasadena, California, to establish a 2l6-space trailer pc,r!., Hit}; recrcalion building, s,,,imming pool, play area and utility buildings on the preperty hereinabove dcscrit:ed, upon the; f~)ll'::;\]:n~j c~).nditions: .~ 1 j . T~at the o~;cr or subject property deed to the City of "\neche ir" c Sll i~') 21"' lcnd ';5 feet in width from the centel' I ine 'Of the strest :don~l Haster Street, from ]~atella /\.vcn12c s;)utherly, for street \tlide:1ing purposes. -) -- . T:1at theO\I!Er Oi~ subject property deed to the City of rl.11ahci:n a SCt'ip of land 60 feet in vlidth from the center line: of the otrcct alcnr-: :Catella Avenue, the entire 12Ii::]tl of' ~1j:)jc:c~~ pr';Jpcrt:;J, for street \videning purposes. ., ;, . 'Triat 2.J 1 en:;'inec'In(: l'equire:.nents of the City of Anaheir", 2lon\ Hast21':;tr::;et ar.d ;;atella Avenue, such as curbs 2Gd gutters, sld~wnl~s, street grading and paving, drain- 2~;C l'ccilitt s, ')C ,)t:,er pertinent work be complied ,:it', co re:C{.iircd the City En:::Jineer, and in accordance wit~ ?lans nd specifications on file in the office of said eit:,' En~,inccr; and that the cn~lineering requireF]ents :'.1.,-,".'(' ;Ta"t""..'trn;,'+ "",,1 .t1-j(> J r(l-:n<Jt ontrance on ]"a;.C'1Ll _ ,_ ," .~ ::> ~. ~ ,_).., '::.,.., l.- ,_"L.~,. 1,.,. . _. ",' _ ,.. I::i I l.. \.-'-' "~ r~vcnue be C:Ji'iipJ i8d ~di t '-1 lc\ti tt,_ in 3. per iod of 90 days :frot;. d2.te i-.creol', and 3.1~)n'~~ the rer'i\J.ining portion of lCatel12. ,',VC:Jl:C. fJr the cnt i r;' ] c'n'L: of subject property, within a period of t~R 1\ 112) months froQ date hereof. T~~t 32id trGl12r be constructed in accordance wit~ the City Council and on file with )'-' ~"- , . ~ the f'! 311S sU~]:!ii tt..c;<' t.,:) t~E-' CIty of Ana~ei!il. -' . r.rh~lt U e '~)i,'v71cr~>;: s-:Jb 1;.?C"t property pa:y to the City of /,11I1.11,,1.c t" SeL).. "per front foot for street light- ing ptll~pOS2~;. " ,-- 6. That the CJ\JECT c': sub cet property pay to the City of ...Lnahc'iLl tho? SU1':~ Di .C'(l per trailer space for the 8cqui~-';ition:)r p3.r\ and recreation sites. 7. Tl1nt a ~ecord G~ ~urv8Y be prepared and filed with the City I~ngineer of the City of fll1aheiiTl. ,~. That all of the abovs conditions, with the exception of Condition No. L and with the exception of the engi- neering requirem8nts along a portion of Katella Avenue, as set fort!> in Condition No. J, be complied \vith \.,rithin (j;C' day's froFl date herRcf. The City Ccuneil hereby reserves the right to revol:e s\1ch Special Use Per it for good cause or failure of said owner, its suecesscrSTr assigns to CJInply >1ith the l\.naheim f.'Iunicipal Code and regu12tians nnd thp conditions herein. TIE IIJG ,J.~SCUJT 1:);' is appr :lVed and signed by me th is:: (';th Ja.y ,--:'"' J ar:i.12 ry, 1 (). r'Mo{lJ'CI~~' j\TT)~~.3T : JI ! ;1-1 1~I'~C~ FSH~ ~? TjI{['-&~'~~~-<jJA1'rL II'; SL\TC OJ;' Gel UCUJIA. CQUIlTY CF on..0J\JG= CITY C F PJL::U-IE I~.: , , I I J ss. I, D.~::l";:= ~". ',IILLL'\1"S, City Clerl( of the City of Anaheiln, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at an adjourned reguiar meeting provided by law of the Cl t:r Counc i 1 of tile Ci t:;, of Anahe im, held on the 20th day of January, 1':59, the 10110'\-ling vote: ,Wi.:.S: COUlTCI LEEN: Fry, Pearson and Schutte. liOS5: ccur;Cn::EI;: Dorden. I\13SEI~T: CUUrlCILI"':ET. = Coons.. ,'lEJ I ?U"~'L '''' '" .l~' ~;,at the r'layor of the Oity of ),.712.heirfl approved and sign8d s,dd r..:solution on the 20th day of January, 1959. IN ',lITf.lESS :iliEHEOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and :L-nxcd the official seal of the City of J\naheim this 20th clay of Janu~ry, 1959. - , '-_ Ci--., ~\t.rcLT~~.;tC';iH~AHf H) \.., 1 .L..... ~ .~... 1.'....... .1 -'.. ( SEJ\.L ) ~ -.,,- ./