59R-4955 ."-" USOLutIOJI 10. 49SS .1 DSOLUtIOI 01 !D CI!! conOIL ~ SI ClfY OJ .uAilIM J'III1DIJIG .1ID DlDIllIIIIG S.U A CIAR. OJ ZOD IS DC.SI...Y II CRUll AUAI 01 'fD CIn. .lID !tir .AJl!'ICLI IX. CBUDi 2 OJ mK .AUUIM IItJIIOIP.AI. CODl mOULD J. J.RUDJD TO AOClOM:p... LID UID CUR. 01 ZOD. VWWD"S. the Oit7 Plaaniac Oo-.1..ion of the Cit7 of .baaeiah.. here- tofore lul7 p....4 en4 adopted. re.olutio. declarine it. intention to Chance the boUD4arie. of the lone or lone. herei.after _..ti..ed en4 4escriied ~ 4i4 fix . ti.e an4 place for the holcl1ne of . public h.arine thereon in the .....r an4 .. pr.scribed in Article IX. Clapter 2 of \he AAahei_ Municipal Code, en4 did lul7 holl and conduct .-Ch public hearine to consider said proposed chaDce of lone or zones, and did r.c.iv. evidenc. aa4 report. from per.on. int.r..ted ther.in; and ~t'.. withb . period of fort7 (40) 4qs followine the fiJla1 hearine thereon. the Planainc Co..i..ion di4 du17 announce b7 foraal resolutlon it. fin4- inc' of f.ct. and I. clare It. opi.io.. and re..on. for reco....41nc an ....lae.t to s.i4 Articl. IX. Ch.pter 2 of the Aaabei_ Municlpal Cole to .ffect the propo..d ch~.. i. the boun4ari.. of the Ion. hereinafter m..tion.d end de.cribed; aD! WJWD"S, upon receipt of the report and recoaaend.tion of the Oit7 Planning Oo_i.81o.. the OU7 Council did th.reupo. fix the 6th dq of J-..,.v . 19 59 ..' the U.e an4 the Oouncil Chaa'Mr b the OU7 Hall of the CU7 of .b1lll~~It.. the pl.c. for . public h.arinc upon ..i4 propo.ed chanc. of lone. aad 414 giTe notice th.reof in the aaJm.r and .. provided in .aid Article IX, Chapter 2 of the .baheta Maniclpal Code; and 1fRl!1IJ'S. .t the tille an4 plac. fue4 for .aid public h.arue, th' Cit7 Council did lull' hold an4 cont.ct .-Ch )ablic hearinc and dld giv. all per- .on. intere.ted therein an opportunity to be heard an4 did receive evi4ence an4 report., an4 did th.reupo. cODsider the recoaaea4atio.. of the Oit7 Planni., Co_hsion; end ~I'S, the Cit7 Council doe. flnt and deteraine th.t the prop.rt7 and ar.. propo.ed to b. chMged fro. the Ion. b which U i. now 81tuated to . differe.t Ion.. .. h.r.inaft.r ..t forth. 18 more n,U.bl. for the IOU or 10... to whiCh it i. propo..d to chalice .ai4 property aa4 ar.. end th.t the i.clu81on of ..id prop.rt7 an4 .re. in .uCh n.w Ion. or I~n.. will i.cr.... the val.. of .aid prop.rty an4 are. ..d will not d.preci.te th. val... of propert7 i. adjoin- inc Ion... lOW. ~'70B:J. B:J It B:JIOLTID D7 the Oit7 Council of the Cit7 of .bah.i. th.t all of the propert7 anA ar.. .it..to4 i. the Cit7 of .laah.lm, 0...t7 of ~., 11ate of Californi.. I..crib.d .. follow.. to wit: Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. Block 1. !raet Jlo. 419 as per aa.p recorded in Book 16. Page 2. lIi acellan.oua Maps. records of Orance CO'\UI.t7. California. ,~ -1- r/ r-C' ", ~c' . "". ~ r d <1 "0 /' -,] be chuged froa "'.1. DSIllU!UL-AaICULTtJlUIl zelle to "'1. LIGB!r-HAIUJ'AOmllllG zone. upon the followtDg conditiolls: 1. fhat the buildiJl.i; proposed. to be erecied on subject property be of frame and stucco coastruction. or better. 2. fhat the parldDg area be iaprOTed with black top. an! tllat there be prOTided the mmber of parking spaces as &hown on the plot plan aubmitted to the City Council and on file with the City of Anabeia. J. !hat the owner8 of subject property place of record staadard City of _aheia 11-1 deed restrictions. approved by the Oity .1tiorJLey. which reatriction. &hall 111\1 t the M-1 11..88 of the property to aheet aetal fabrication and the sale. storage. service and maintenance of air conditioniDg and heating equ.ipaent. U If J'UR'fBD BUOLTm> that the CUy AUorney be. and he is hereby ..thorized and directed to prepare and 8ubait to the City Council an amendaeat to Article IX. Chapter 2 of the .bAbelm lluicipal Code to ..ead said _aheia Mull.ic1pal Code to accomp11sh the object herein fO\U1d and dehrainecl to be neceaaary and proper. fEJl J'OUGOIBG U80LUfI05 is s1gned and. approved by .e thiB 6\h dq of January . 19.52-. "- "-4. R(>t~,j",~ MATO. 0-. eIfT 0-. .AKADIM. AftET: I ~.?/<-L-))f ~~-~ n<.-"'- eIn OLIU 0-. !'III CIn or. AlI.u:1IM. -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 55. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) , I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~as introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting provided by la~ of the City Council of the City of Jnaheim, held on the 6th day of Jan~ry, 1959~ by the following vot~: AYES: COUNCIlMEN: Bbrden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCIlMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 6th day of January, 1959. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 6th day of January, 1959. '- r i;lf. / ,'4/'" ~-'1(_."-- // ~ //v~~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) "