58R-4930 _. USOLU!IOI 110. 4930 A U80LUfIOI OJ !D CIn COUlfCIL OJ fill CI!! OJ ABUIII J'IlIlDI& .AID DlDIIIIl'IlIG fltA! A CUDI OJ ZOD II BlOII...llT II _UII .AUAI OJ !D Cln. .A1fD !BAt ...fIOLI IX. CBAPDll 2 OJ fBI .ABJUIII MlDICIPA1. ooDl mOULD JI .AllD])J]) !O ACOOMP- LISH SAID ClI!UR:I OJ ZOD. pmll&S. the CUy PlIllUl1Dg Co~.don of the Oit7 of .&aue1m has here- tofore Iluly pu.ell and adopiled. a re.oluUo:m declarillg ita intention to change the boun4arie. of the Ion. or lone. herei.atter .ention.d and d..cribed ~ dill fix . ti.. aD4 plac. for the holding of a public h.aring th.reon in the ....er and a. pre.cribed in !rticle IX. Chapter 2 of \h. AAahei. Municipal Code. and did dull' hold u.d COKuCt nch public hearing to condd.r said proposed change of lOne or 10.... aD4 did receiv. eTi4ence aDd report. fro. per.on. inter..ted th.rein; and pml.&$. within a p.riod of fort7 (40) d~. following the final hearing thereon. the PlaDaing Co..1..ion did. d.u17 announce by for.a1 r..olution it. find- lIlg. of facts and declare ita opi.io.. u.d r.a.on. for reco_endiIlg u. ..enelllent to .aid Article IX. Chapter 2 of the ADabei. Municipal Oode to effect the propo.ed change. in the boundarie. of the lone hereinafter mentioned and de.cribed; aD! ywma.&R. upon receipt of the report and reco..endation of the Oit7 Planning Co_l..ion. the C1t7 Oouncil did thereupon fix the 2'3rd d~ of Deceaber . 19 58 . a. the U.e and the Oouncil Cham..r in the CUy Ball of the Ci t7 of .&a_~~. a. the place for a public heariIlg upon said propo..d chu.ce of zone. aDd d14 give noUce ther.of in the aaJmer u.d ao provid.d i. said !rticle IX. Chapter 2 of the ADanei. Maaicipa1 Code; and 1fIlmD.&S. at the Ume aD! ])lace fixed for oaid pabl1c heglac. th. Oit7 Council did dull' hold and conduct sach pablic hearing u.d did give all ])er- .on. intere.ted therein an opportunit7 to be heard ..d did. receive eTilence aa4 reporh. and did thereupo. cORdder the reco..endaUo.. of the CU7 Planniq Co_i..ion; and ~'&$. the Cit7 Council doe. find and d.termin. that the ])ro])erty and ar.a pro])o.ed to be cha:aged. fro. \he zon. ill whieh U 18 now a1 tuahd to a diff.r.nt lone. U h.reinaft.r .et forth. 18 aor. .ui table for the lone or BO." to whIch 1 t 1e propo.ed. to change oaid property aD4 area and. that the 1ncluoion of eaid property and area in .uch new zone or B~." will increa.e the val.... of .aid ])roperty and area and will not de])rec1ate the Tal..... of ])roperty i. adjoin- ing lone.. BOW. 'llRDwYOU. :BI If USOLTJ1) lI7 the CUy Council of the OUy of ADanei. that all of \he property and area ei 1I1I.&'ed in the CUy of Auhei.. Coun'y of ~. State of California. d..cribed a. follow.. to wit: !he Borth IS acres of the southeast quarter of \he southeast qaarter of Section 18, !l'ownship 4 South. iaJlge 10 West. in the Rancho Lo8 Coyote.. in the City of Anahei.. Oounty of OraDge. State of California. a8 said section is shown on a map recorded in :Book 51. Page 10 of MiecellaJileous Maps ill the office of the Oounty Recorder of said county. ~#I/fIII"".." -1- ;L .;!;? c; ''/ 3' 1/ .~. be chaaged fro. B.(' 6 lI1el"IT_MWUl!ROT 'T~ wn1'll'" i:ft to.. of." nvi.C' .ft..... "J-" to._ conAi tieJlS here matter set forth: '!'hat that portion of subject prop.rty frontiDg on Brookhurst Street. aat extendiDi; westerly a 4epth of 400 feet. lie chaDged. to C-1, DIQ.BllOlUI)O]). COMMERCIAL Eone; &llll '-'hat the rSlII8iDder of sUBject property be chuged to :&-" MUL!IPL1l-J'.AMILY RlSIDilTIAL sone. upon the fol1ev1q collditiens: 1. !!'hat the owner of subject propert7 place of r.cord et&Ddard City ef .Allaheim C-l and 11-' Ileed restrictions cOTerlD€ the respect1Te ...... app1'ond b7 the City Attorne7. and that the .., restrictions shall limit the lluild1ngs construcbd. on lUl;y lota abuttiJlC 11-1 property to one story in h.ight. 2. !!'hat the owner of subject property deed to the City of .Aubel. a strip of land 6e f.et in vi4th. from the center line of the street. aloJ2g :Brookhurst Street for street wiclen1J1& purposes. :3. !hat all eDgmeeriDg requirements of the City of .Anaheim. n.eb as curbs an4 gatt.rs. sidewalks. street gradiug and paving, draiJUlC. faci1iti.s. or other pertinent work. .e COJlp1ied with as required. 'hy the Cit7 Jlngm.er. and in accordance with plans and specific.... tions on file in the office of said City Bngineer. 4. !'hat the owner of subject property pq to the Oi ty of Anahelm the ... of $2.00 per front foot for street 1ightlug purposes. 5. !hat all of the abOTS collditiollB shall be coaplied. vith vithia a period of 90 dqs from date hereof. or n.eb further tiae as the council mq grant. :BJI If J'Ull!BD. USOLnD that the 01\7 AUorne7 be, _d he 18 hereby .athorized and directed to prep..e and submit to the Oit7 Oounci1 an amendaeat to Article IX. Chaphr 2 of the Anahsia JIaJl1cipal Code to amelld said AIlahelm Municipal Cod. to accomplish the object herein found and deterained to be nece.sary and proper. 1'BJl J'OlU1GOIIG BlSOW!IO:l is sSped and apprond by ae this 23 cillOV' of "e....1' . 19.51-. . .; . ....-J ~~r~(/6~-~-~ MAYOR OJ' !1m OIf!' OJ' AltADIM. "-- ,~ l" / --,.. '-~:- ~..-'"..... , /....xP_ ,/Jr. /Aj~~ . I CLDX OJ' TBI OIf!' OJ' AJ:.A!IlIM. -2- - " STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 55. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DEME 14. WILLIAMS, Ci tyClerk of the City of Anal\eiJI, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular aeeting of the City Council of the City of Aftahelm, held on tke 23rd day of December, 1958, by the fOllowing votea AYES a COUNCILNENa Pearson, Borden, Fry, Schutte and Coons NOES a COUNCILMEN a None ABSENT a COUMCIIJIENa None KND I llURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of th, City of Anaheim approved and signedsa1d Resolution on the 23rd day of December, 1958. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official sea1.of the City of Anaheim this 23rd day of Dece~er, 1958. ~ I:/t. ~~ CIn CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) ,