58R-4920 ~- USOLU!IOI Bo.4920 .l D80LU!IOI OJ !U OI!! COUI'OIL OJ mOl!! OJ .lUBlIN J'IllDIJI .uJ) DI!DJlIIIBG !JUT .l CIWfG.I OJ ZOD IS DOIS8AJlY II _UII .uJA8 OJ mOl!!. .AJID !JUf ""!ICLa IX. OJWlDR 2 OJ !HI -'BUIll ItUIIOIPAL CODl IIIOULD :sa .Alu&OJD !O .lOCO)lJ\. LID S.lID CltARI OJ ZOD. ywmD.'S. the Oit7 Pl~iag Oo-.1..ion of the Oit7 of Ja...imha. here- tofor. dul7p....d and ado,t.d a r.solution declariag it. int.ntion to chanc. the boua4ari.. of the .on. or .ones her.i.after ..ntlo.ed and d..cri\ed ~ did fix a ti.. &D4 plac. for the holding of a public h.aring th.r.on in the BaDner and a. pr..cribe4 in Article IX. Chapter 2 of the Azah.i. Manicipal Cod., and did dul7 hold and coaduct .uch public h.aring to con.ider .aid propo.ed chamce of Ion. or 10.... &D4 di4 r.c.iT. 8Yid.nc. &D4 report. fro. per.on. int.r.sted th.rein; and ynJI.'lf. withi. a p.riod of fort7 (40) dq. following the f1Jl.al h.aring ther.on, the PlaDaiag O...i..ion 4i4 du17 aDnounce b7 foraa! r..olution it. find- i.,. of facts aDd declare its opi.io.. &D4 r.a.on. for r.co..endiag an ....da..t to said Articl. IX, Chapter 2 of the Ja...i. Municipal Cod. to .ff.ct the propos.d ch&Dg.s i. the boUlldar1es of the Eon. h.reinafter menUoned and d.scribed; aII4 ywmD.'S. upon r.c.ipt of the report and r.commendation of the Oit7 l1anniag Commi..ion, the Oit7 Oouncil did th.reupon fix the 16th dq of December , 19 C;8 ,a. the tim. and the Oouncil Chamhr in the CU7 Hall of the CU7 of An.~~. al the plac. for a public heariag upon laid propolOd chanc. of uno, aDd did giT. notic. thereof in the uaner and .. prOTided. in laid Article IX, Chapt.r 2 of the Azah.i. Maaicipal COd.; and ~'S. at the tim. &D4 plac. fixed for .aid public h.....ac. th' Oit7 Council did dul7 hold &D4 conduct .uch pablic h.ariag &D4 did giT. all per- .onl int.r..ted th.r.in an opportunit7 to be h.ard and did rec.iTe 8Yid.nc. aa4 r.ports, &D4 did th.reupon cOIle1d.r the r.c....Jl.datiOJll of the Ci 107 Plaaninc Oo_i..ion; and ywmD.'S. the Oit7 Council do.. find &D4 d.t.rmin. that the prop.rt7 ad area propo.ed to b. chaage4 fro. the EOno in wh1e1l it 11 now .Uuated. to a diff.r.nt lone, a. h.reinafter .et forth, i. more suUable for the loae or 10... to which it 11 propo.ed to cl'wace .aid prOpert7 and area and that the 1JI.clu.ioa of .aid propert7 aII4 area 1JI. .uch ne" Eone or lonee will increa.e the Talue of said property and area ad will not depreciate the TalU. of ProP.rt7 iJ'l. ad.1oiJ'l.- lag Ion... BOW. ~'~KI. II I' KlSOLTID b7 the Oit7 CouJl.cil of the Cit7 of Anah.i. that all of the propert7 ..d ar.a .it.-t84 in the 01107 of .i.aahei., CouJl.t7 of O~e, Itate of OalifoRia, ducr1b.d a. follo"I, to wit; That portion of Acacia Street (vacated) and Lot 1 in Block 2 of the Koeff1er Tract, in the City of Anaheim, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 30, Page 17, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California, described as follows: -- Beginning at a point in the Westerly line of Palm Street as shown on said map, 5 feet Northwest of the most Northerly corner of Lot 3 in Block 1 of said tract; thence Southwesterly parallel with the Southeasterly line of Acacia Street (vacated) 119.35 feet; thence Northwesterly parallel with the Westerly line of Palm Street, 100 feet; thence Northeasterly parallel with the Southerly line of Acacia Street (vacated) 119.35 feet to the Westerly line of Palm Street; thence Southeasterly along the Westerly line of Palm Street, 100 feet to the point of beginning; -1- EXCEPTING THEREFR01J] the Northeasterly 10 feet adjoining the Westerly line of said Palm Street. ,- be changed froa R-2. TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE. to C-1. NEIGHBORHOOD- COMMERCIAL ZONE, upon the following conditions: 1. That the owner of subject property place of record standard City of Anaheim C-l Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, which restrictions shall limit the C-l uses of the property to administrative or pro- fessional use. 2. That the sidewalk and curb on North Palm Street be repaired where necessary as required by the Director of Public Works. 3. That a sign be placed at the rear of subject property entering upon the alley, reading, "Stop and Turn Right Only." 4. That a sign be placed at the end of said alley entering upon La Verne Street, reading, "Stop Before Entering." 5. That the building to be erected on subject property and off-street parking provisions be in conformity with the Plot Plan and elevation presented to the City Council and on file with the City of Anaheim. BJl IT ~!BD USOLTG that the CU7 .1ttone7 be. ..d he 18 hereb7 .athorized aDd directed to prepare ..d subait to the Cit7 Council.. ..eD4meDt to ~t1cle IX. Chapter 2 of the .babeia JlaDicipal Code to ..eDd ,aid Aaabeia Municipal Code to accompliBh the object herein found aDd deterained to be neceeear~ and proper. d~ ot !Bm l'OllllGOIJIG lUIISOLl1!rIOJl 11 eigned and approved by me thie December . 19~. 16th f7 .' -) ~ /~ ,', .. ~/ ~/ ./.- /', /-" //-:. . /,.~.... ~- - // ," _,~ / / /'7 'KiT~~i\{~ ~Ii:1~~- -- .1~T: ii''' ~~ ;(C~ ;)1. t:.~~ Ol!!' CLIU OJ m Cl!!' 0"1 AB.AHllM. -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. 'CITY OF ANAHEIM ) " I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting provided by law of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 16th day of December, 1958, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Borden, Fry, Schutte and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 16th day of Decem.ber, 1958. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have llereu,nto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 16th day of December, 1958. ~ -);V. -~~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) ~