58R-4918 ,........, -- USOLU!IOIIO. 4918 A U80LU!IOI or !Ill CU'Y CODeIL or !IDI OIft or ADIIIJI rIDI. .Am) :9!1l8J1IIII'G !B.A.T A CUJG.. or ZOD III DOI8UIl1' II ClllTAII .ADd or !D CUY. .An !B.A.! .Aa!ICLI IX. 0B.l.P!Jl1l 2 or m jJW[JIJI MUlIOIP.AI. CODl .OULD D .lJIDD1D TO AOOOI(p.. LllE SAID CEAI&. or ZOIl. pnW'S. the CUy Plau.illC Co.m.don of tho OUy of "'..01m has h.re- tofor. 4uly p....4 and adopted a r..olut10n d.clarillC it. intention to Chance the bo~ie. of the lone or lone. herei.att.r .entioned and 4e.cribo4 &D4 did fix a U.e and place for the holding of a public hearing thereon ilL the -.u.er and as pr..cribo4 in Article IX. Chapt.r 2 of the ADanei. Municipal Code. and did duly hold and coDduct ~Ch public hearing to con.ider .aid propo..d chaDce of lone or loae., ant 4i4 receive evideace aDd report. fro. per.on. int.re.t.d ~erein; and pnW'!l. "ithin a period of forty (40) d~. folloring the f1uJ. hearing thereon. tho PlaRaing Commi..ion did du17 announce by fora&! r..olutio. it. find- ine. of facta aDd declare i h opi.i... ad reason. for r.co_endi:ag a ..endMnt to said Article IX. Chapt.r 2 of the ~ei. Manicipal Code to effect the propo.ed chaDce. in the boundaries of the Ion. hereinaft.r mentioned and de.cribo4; &D4 pnw'S. upon r.c.ipt of the report and r.commendation of the City P1anniJIC COllllll..ion. the CUy Council did th.rn.pon fix the 16th ~ of Daa_b_ . l' 58 . as the ti.. and the Oouncil Cham....r in the OUy Hall of the City of An.~~1t as the place for a public heariJIC upon .aid propo..d chanCe of Ion.. and did giTe noUce thereof ilL the lI&Jm.r and .. prOTld." in .aid Article IX. Chapter 2 of the ADanei. Maalcipal Cod.; and ..--'S. at the tim. and place fixed for .aid public heubl. th_ Clt, Council did dul, hold and conduct .uCh Jablic hearing and did giTe all per- .ons int.re.ted ther.in an opportunlt, to b. h.ard an! did r.ceiTe evidenc. aDd reports. and. did thereu.pon cadder the r.c....DdaUo.. of the Cit7 Plannlac Co_i..ion; and ~",. the City Council doe. find and determine that the propert7 ad area proposed to be chuge4 fro. the Ion. in whic1l it 11 no" Ii nated to a differut lone. .. hereinafhr set forth. 11 .ore n.itable for the loae or lone. h which it 11 propo.ed to chNace said propert, ad. area and that the inclu.ion of ..id prop.rty an4 area in such ne" lone or I~Jie. rill inerea.e tho Tal.... of said property an4 area ..d will Jiot depreciate the Tal..... of propert7 in ad.1oiIL- iac lones. lOW. ~.~II. BI IT 1I.0LTID by the Oit7 Council of the Oity of ADanei. that all of tho preperty ad. area .it..to4 in the Oit7 of Jaaheim. Count7 of O~. State of Califonia. described a. follo"s. to wit: /- P.Aacm. 1: .All that certain real propert7 1n ~ CUf of J.ub.ei", Coutf of Orlllll:e. State of Ce1ifol'1lia. beiDe that portio. of the Southwe.t qaarter of the Southeast qaarter of Section 12. 'fo_aMp 4 South. Ruge 11 Weet. S. :8. :8. .II M. d.e.cribed 8.11 follns: CoIlllllO:aciDg at u..e South q:urhr corner of s.U. Sec1;1oa 12; thence kster17 alOJIC the South liae of said Section. "e.oo feet; theace lorth.r~. parallel with tile West liae of .aid. Southeast f{Urhr. 674.00 f..t to tu tru point of beci1miJlC of the ltO\'Dldar7 of the laa4 herein described.; thoace We.ter~. parallel with .aid South line. 195.00 foet to a 11>>.e parallel with .aill West line uul 4htant "tnl, 13,.00 fe.t there- froa. meanred at right &JICles; thence 1iorther~. aleae sait parallel liae. 115.00 feet; thence kster17. parallel ri th -1- .~,." said South line, 85.05 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 270.00 feet; thence Southeasterly, along said curve, 144.90 feet; thence Southwesterly 83.00 feet more or less to the true point of beginning. PARCEL 2: All that certain real property in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, being that portion of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 12, Townsrdp 1~ South, Range 11 West, S.B.B. & M., described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of the South 686.66 feet of said Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter with the West line of the East 265.00 feet of said Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence Westerly, parallel with the South line of said Southeast quarter 509.05 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 330.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along said curve 170 feet more or less to a 1 ine paralle I wi th the Ivest 1 ine of sa id Southeast quarter and distant Easterly therefrom 395.00 feet, measured at right angles; thence Northerly along said parallel line 180 feet more or less to a line parallel with said South line and distant Northerly therefrom 908.66 feet, measured at right angles; thence Easterly, along said parallel line 669.~ feet more or less to the West line of the East 265.00 feet of said Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence Southerly along said West line, 222.00 feet to the point of beginning. be changed from R-3, lVfULTIPLE-FAlJ;ILY RESIDENTIAL and R-A, RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL ZONES to the following zones, upon the condition hereinafter set forth: That Parcel No. 1 be changed from R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE to R-l, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE; and That Parcel No.2 be changed from R-A, RESIDENTIAL- AGRICULTURAL ZONE to R-3, MULTIPLE-FAJ1ILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE, upon the following condition: /--.. That the ovmer of subject property place of record standard City of Anahein~ R-] Deed Restrictions covering the area being reclassified R-3, being Parcel No.2 above described, approved by the City Attorney, which restrictions shall limit all buildings erected on said property to one story in he ight. BE IT FURTHER RESCLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City Council an amendment to Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim fc1unicipal Code to amend said l'maheim Municipal Code to accomplish the object herein found and determined to be neces- sary and proper. -2- .-- THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 16th day of December. 1958. ~yOQ?~E ~~ ATTEST: /i ~LdrOF~g~AHEm STATE Of CALIfORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) S8. CITY OF ANAHEH'I ) 1, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 16th day of December, 1958, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~lliN: Borden, fry, Schutte and Coons. NOES: COUNCIL~ffiN: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~ffiN: Pearson. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 16th day of December, 1958. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 16th day of December, 1958. ___ <4.------- ~E~f ~~<Oi~EI~ ( SEAL ) ,_.. . _'l._ -'