58R-4592 -, - ~ RISOLtlrION NO. 4592 A RESOLtn'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM po INn lHO AND DETERMIN INO THAT A CHANG! OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND, THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUM IC IPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPL ISH SA In CHANG! OP' ZONE. WH!R'!AS, th.City Planning Commhsion of the City of Ana- hel. hat heretofore dUly p""d and adopted a r..ohltion declaring ita Intention to change the boundar!.. of the zone or zonu her.in.. athr mentlon.d and dllcr!bed and did fix a time and place for the holdl.g of a public h.ar!ng thereon !n the manner and at pre.cribed In Art!cl. IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Mbnicipal Code, and did duly hotd and conduct such public hearing to consider said propo.ed change ot zone or zones, and did receive evidence and reports from p.rson. Interested therein, and WHEREAS, within a period of forty (40) days fOllowing the ti.al h.aring thereon, the Planning Commission did duly announce by to~l re,olutlon its findings of facts and declare it. opinion. and ,...o.s tor recollllllendlng an amendment to said Article IX, Chapter 2 ot the Anaheim Municipal Code to effect the proposed chang II in the boundaries of the zone hereinafter mentioned and described, and WHEREAS, upon receipt of the report and recommendation of the City Planning Commission, the City Council did th.r.upon fix the ~day of ~, 19-5i , as the time and the Council ~ln the ~h. cTIy ot Anaheim II the place for a pa~llc hearing upon said proposed change of zone, and did give notiee thereot In the manner and as provided in said Article IX, Chapt.r 2 ot the Anaheim MUnicipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed tor said public hear- Ing, the City Council did duly hold and conduct such public hearing aad did give all person. interuted therein an opportunity to be h.ard and did receive evidence and report., and did thereupon con- Ild.r the recommendations of the City Planning Comml.,lon, and WHEREAS, the City Council doe. find and determln. that the property and ar.a proposed to be changed from the zone In which It I' now .ltuated to a different zon., a. hereinafter .et forth, i. 1101" tultable for the zone or zone. to which it i. propo.ed to change .aid property and area and that the inclu.ion of said prop.rty and ar.a In such nrw zone or zones will increa.e the value of said property and area and will not depreciate the value, of prop.rty in adjoining zonu. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ctty Council of the City of Anaheim that all of the property and area Ilt.lt.d In the City or Anaheim, County of Orange, State or California, delcribed a. followw, to wIt: P.ARCEL .1.: ~ That portion of Lot 7 of .Anaheim Exh..ion, in tae City of _aile a, as a.oVll on a aap of survey ~ VHllaa .aael, ackaowledled )y Alfred .o)la.oa, Trustee, recorded In L.. _gel.. County; California, ..scrih.. as foI1o~: .eglaRing at the S..thea.t coraer of taat certain parcel of 1&1141 conveyed to Fred O. no.pson, et ux, hy d.e. re- corded Decea)er 2, 1944, in aook l286, Pa.e 419, Official .;....~i+. -1- ' : -:'" ...~ _.-:.~.:' "" - ,.-... Records, iR the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, said point beini located on the ceRter line of Placeatia Avenue at a pOint 213.00 feet North O. 07' 30. East from the intersectio. of said center line with the center line of Ea$t Center Street; run- ning thence North O. 07' 30. East, 86.03 feet along said center line; thence S.uth 81 19' 30. West, 351.13 feet to a point in the Vest line of said parcel; thence South 120 08' East, 85.00 feet along said Vest line to the Southwest corner of said parcel; thence North 81. 19' 30. East, 338.35 feet to the point of beg iJUl ing ; EXCEPTIBG THEREFROM those portions included withiR Placentia Avenue. PARCEl. 2 t That portion of Lot 7 of Anaheim Extension, in the City of ARaheim, as shown on a map of sarvey by Villi.. Hamel, acknowledged by Alfred Robinaon, Trustee, recorded in Los Angeles County, California, described as follo~t Begianing at a point Which is North O. 07' 30. East 141.'3 feet from the bolt marking the intersection .f Placentia Boulevard and Center Street; thence South 81. 19' 30. Vest 137.83 feet to a p.iat; thence Borth 12. 55' 20. Vest 70.19 feet to a point; thence North 810 19' 30. East 153.85 feet to a point in the center line of Placentia Boulevard; said center line being the Easterly line of said Lot 7; thence alon~ said center line of said Placentia Boulevard South 0 01' 30. West 10.83 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTIHG THEREFROM that portion included in an easemeat for road and public utility purpese. over, under and across the Easterly 50 feet of the above described property. ,""-" PARCJL 3 t That portion of Lot 7 of Anaheim Extension, in the City Gf ARa.eia, as shown Oft a aap of .urvey by William Hamel, acknowledged by Alfred Robin.on, Trustee, recorded in Los ARgeles County, California, described as followst Beginniag at a bolt marking intersection of Placentia Boulevard and Center Street, and running thence along the center line of said Center Street, South 74- 37' 30. Vest 105.55 feet; thence North 120 55' 20. Vest 152.90_ feet, theBce North 81. 19' 30. East l)7.8) feet to a point ia the center line of P1acentia BOUlevard, thence along said center line South O. 07' 30. Vest l4l.B3 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPTIJIU 1JiERRFROJII! that portion included in public highway aloag the South and East sides. -2- j ,,-.., ,- -. be changed from R-A. RR.~'~TAJ_~RICUL{f:&1 ~ te C-l. IEIGKanRYnaD_ CGI'IIItCUL ZOIfE, apon the 0 10vlag condit, O.SS 1. That the owners of sabJect property place of record st..4- arc City of Malleia C-I D..d Restrictions, approved lay the City Attorney. That the GWDers of subject property deed to the City of ARahe1m a strip of land 53 fe.~ in width, from the center line of the street, alonl Place.tia AYenue for street widen- ing par,oses. That all engineering re.-irementa of the City of Anaheim, sach as c.r~s and gatters, sidewalks, street ,rading and paYia" draiaage facilities or otijer pertinent work be cemplied vith as re.-ired by the City Engineer. 2. 3. 4. That said chaa98 of zone aha11 not become ,effective unless vithin ninety (90) days, $r such farther time as the C.uncil aay grant, the restrictions herein reElaired to be imposed apon the property ahal1 haye been ,..~.t.d by the owners of the property, a.bmitted to the City for approYal and filed of record; the deeda for street videning purposes executed and deliYered to the City; and the engineering requirements complied vith as requiradby the City Engineer, or bonds, approyed by the City Attorney, posted vith the City in amounts s.fficient to cover said improyements as required by the City Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City , Council an amendment to Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to amend said Anaheim Municipal Code to accomplish the ObJect herein found and determined to be necessary and proper. 1 7 t.1l ,,-., , THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Is approved and signed by me th~s day of Jane , 19 ~8 0 ~ ('.,/-. ..-...... //, ' ~-.J , " ./' C OF~", ~ ./~t~~. -3.. - """' STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUJlTt OF OItAlfGE ) $ $ . CIn Of AlWtEDI ) I, DENE K. WlUUIIS, City Clerk of the City of .....heI., do her,by certify thAt the foregoing Resol",tlonwas Introch.t<:edaJld a..opt" a~ an adJou.meo regular .-etug of the City CoUncil of" the City of Aftahea, held on the 17th day of .June, 1958, by tlie following w~, . AYES, COUJCIUUUh Pearson, Borden, Fry and Coons NOES , COUNClUO!N, Mone ABSEIIT, COUICIIJWh S chu t te AJU'> I FURnmR CERTIFf that the Mayor of the City of bal}ea approved aJld signed said Resolution. all the 17tK day of .1un&, 1158. IN WITIEI$ WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ayhaJld llnd . affixed the official seal of the City of Anabei. this 11th day of .June, 1958. 12 Jz j--- "~ ,tf- )Y'~(~~ ~ CIn CU!DC 01 THE CITY OF. 'HEDI (SEAL ) l