58R-4577 HESOLU'rION NO. 4577 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEH1 ESTABLISEING A NEW SCHE- DULE FOR THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY, TO BE KNOWl~ AS SCHEDULE L8-2. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that increased costs of labor and material make it necessary to establish a new rate schedule applicable to lighting districts for street and high- way lighting service supplied from overhead lines where the City owns and maintains the street lighting equipment: NOW, THEREF'OiiE, BE IT HESOLVED by the City Council of the City or Anaheim that there be and is hereby established a new rate schedule applicable to lighting districts ror street and highway li:hting service supplied from overhead lines where the City owns and maintains the street lighting equipment, erfective as of June 11, 1958, said schedule to be known and designated as "Schedule LS-2." a copy of which schedule is attached hereto and made a part hereof. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 11th day or June, 1958. ~--<-~~ MAYOR OF '1' HE CITY OF ANAHEIPt- A'f'I'EST: ","-... ,f>/-; '" ;t-~ ~'" ~>u h;' _A ,/'( !:::::2.~~ --,llI"C-.,...' ITY CLE \: OF THE CnlY OP MAEEIM STATE OF CALIFOHNIA ) COUNTY OF' ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I. DENE fl. WILLlfu~S, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certiry that the fore;~oing resolution was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting provided by law of the City Council of the City or Anaheim, held on the 11th day of June, 1958, by the following vote: AYES: COU~CILMEN: Pearson, Borden, Schutte & Coons NOES: COU1~CILMEN: None ABSENT: COJ1~CILJVJ.EN: Fry AND I ?JRTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor or the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 11th day of June, 1958. - IN WITNESS wEJEREOB', I have hereunto set my hand and afrixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 11th day of June, 1958. (SEAL) -1- o -(:' ... ,..... , """ CITY OF ANAHEDl Anah9im, Cal1fcrrlia :3(;HEDULE LS-2 ~IGirf:I~':C:~ -:~TREET AN::; HiGiiWAY CrTY-OWNED SYSTEM SER VI Q1: I Applica:.lE: -:,0 lil;hting dietricts for street e4d highway lighting eel"vice supplied. from o'lA'!'h'Jac. J 3.ne5 "he:'c ',b'3 Ci~.;r O',,711fl alt.d mainteins the stre~t ligbting equipIf,e:lt- RATE: LAMP SIZE & TYPE_ l,'f,) LlTIllen :::n0andescent =.) :;CiJ L\.ll'll{;'tl In<::andescent 4,000 LWllen Il1ca;,iescent 6, (YJO Lunen Ir;cande[;1cor:t 10,000 Lu.'11en Ilica:,del:cer,T. 15) 000 ;~umen Ircardt)[:cnnt 10,000 ~.~:!!len :';odium Varor 20,000 Lumen Mer:t1Ty \'ere' 35,000 1.lUll3n Mer....1:ry 1pO:-' ~J1;R ~p FiR MONTH ~IQ!L SERVlCl . *2.10 300 3 65 4 40 t: 20 8,35 (.85 P""'? Ot:., , 1;" ',5 SPE;CIAL CONDlTIUNS: (a) Standard Equipment Furn:'..3hed.. Pra::-h~t or mcst C.,'m ,:c.nstructien ....ill :"8 furnished ',Ihere feaeibh' with exist::.J1lg fac1lities, cer.ter .".lqpen- "ien C,:1"~ :-uc',iOD lTlay te furni::,.hed" Enclosed l1.TIllinaries will be f':1'n- i~.hf'd .for ,_al~~_'" ci' 25'-'0 lUlnens, ,)r J.L>rg~r 8'.d <Jpen reDectors light- ing l:n i ts..:i '~. ~)? fllrnishe-d feT' lamps 0f 1000 1unens. Such stal1dard ')'-J"''':'' wi. ' b8 &ttached to wooJ f/:,les. :\r rLl.Cl ,h81. 0~'C'~ -': E:'-:i.:p;",mt- Wl'er'l tho C:lstor.ler l'equests tl'.e 1r.stall- IitJ.cn uf uti'er t.haT'. tr8 r;tar.JaI'd equi;mer,t ami suet, requested e(;uipment ~_s /leef-,-t '.l ~f v) '..f~ ~ity, the Cit.: wi.21install the requ<Jr:ted equipment :,r'O'lLl','j 'i:fO ':'::-:_'){;.cr agrees t. adwmC3 the efitimated differr,nce in cost o...,t a~ icc: te t",,~en Soler. err lii,me:,t ant; "rta:,d5.rd €lld..pment Aclvances mad~ :or tiis ;--;I'j.(,se.liJl :"0-;' be refUl'lded Facilities installed :n connec- ~i :;;,.'.l t l such agr",e!]:e,\~.s b€':OID9 9n:~ r~.rr[\in the sole property of the C1 ty. G f t I -l c Ji '::r~ :- ~ i'