58R-4542 -- ES80LU'':''ICE :;0. 4542 ".-.- A 1C:''23CLUTI(j!J OF THE CI'['\'- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .->lL'14;n~ OE'ERIIY~ TrE V heAT I ON .A..1ID ABAlIDm'l:T::NT OF i.. PORT!'l' OF .d.N ALT_EY AND A-.t.J EASE1!E!~'r FOR ALLEY l)[JRPOSES UPON, OVER, ACROSS AND ALONG T::E HEIEgrf:2"l'ER DESCRIBED HEAL PRO:?ERTY; A:TD .?J:::-:Ec_VI!lG .oUT Ef:\13EIvIENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES OVER, UlIDER AND ..,CROSS A PORTION OF 3.JD PROPERTY. WqE~iS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim, a municipal cor?orati~n of the Stccte of California, did on the 6th day of MeW, 1958, pass its Ordinance No. 1241, entitled If AN ORDH'ANCE OF THE: CITY OF Al~AHEIN DECLARING THE r:z':':'E~l'l'IOr OF TH-,; CITY COnrCIL TO 1!ACATE AND ABANDON A POR TIf';.] OF lioN ALLE::C AND AN -:;~A=E'::ENT FOR ...LLEY PURPOSES UPON, OVER, ~1.CnO'c )J1D ALCll0. THE 'PEP,E~l'T/.,},cI'ER DESC,?,IBED REAL PROPERTY; ?EBERVnm Al: E,4::El"iTT FOR ?UBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES OVER, UNDER aE ACRO~iS A?OETI01 Cf SAIL ?RCPSRTY; FEIHG A TE!E A,1ID PLACE FOR Ii !-fE;RIi'GPt.iEREOlT; A.NJ") DIRECTI~lG T':E ?03TIl1G OF NOTICES ""US" SeF ..10 TU'<; PTT';:)LICATICF C)" TETE ORDI i.NCE," whereby it r-'ecle,red its intention to V::.ccite {'cnd ",bHndon and. close to pub- lic UE;8 ,,'. ,)oortion of an alley an,~ [',n eu'ement for alley 'our- '~ose8 unon~ over, [,iCrePE' am'" along the hereinD,fter described '-rc~erty un"'er t1-p nrovisi:)J;S 0" th,e street Vacation Act of 1941; At:;:-; ~",.n::R2AS, the City Council did further declare its intention to reserve a,n ee.sement for ;ublic utility purposes over, uncer ane, across thB.t portion of the 8.bove mentioned _"roperty lying HeEt rrljT of ~: line thE:,t is yar&,llel vli th and fifteen (15) feet "rest of the ei.st line of the above mentioned nortion of al~ey; and ~'rf-:"EREAS, the Oi ty Council in sb.1d Ordine,nce referred to E Yuan on file in the Office of the C1 ty Clerk for further particulr.rs a8 to the 'Jronosed vacation, abandonment and closin;o' to ::,uhlic use 0::' satel portion of an alley and an ease- l'ient for al]_e;' :nurnoses, &nc', 8atc1 reservation of easement for '-,ublic utility ~)Ur':-,oses; bond Vf:-iEEE.AS, saE ';ity Council ..lid. fl/ su.ill Crdlnance fix the ?7th G.b.2' of l.~ay, 1958 at 7:00~tclock:? H. in the Councll C~amber in trc Clt~' Hall of G:'.,e Cit~' of .&naheim as the time [end DLce for d :;;ub11c hearin~,' on the matter of such vacation, abandonment an<l closing to pu~)llc:)_se of sald portion of an p:J.ley an(' eab e,;iO :it for all8:' ;;Ur,)OSES, foc all :;;ersons int erested in or objectinc: to Eud:: ;)rO)OfJed. vacation, abandonment and closinC: to :-mbllc use to c!..'Y':8ar cind ShO"I CEtUSe, if any they had, 1'1:::' SUC~1 porti8!1 of alle~r and. easement for a:.18Y ~JUrposes shouId not ;)e vacatec., uband.oned ceni. cloBed- to 'ubllc uEe; and ' r r'r;-:::::R~S, sal,;. OrC"i:lr..nCc, ~:aE :ublisl1ec. on the 8th day of "~" 1"50 in "'--e ,.,],,,'(.ei'-, ",,,11 e7-, n "t'eY""~"",er of' ""ener"'l "".i.d'.i, ;; 'J, .. 1.;1,_ ...~. '-'. -' ..- '.___. 'v_._" L... ,'I'IO:..,Jo..l:' ._ b c;l" circ'!};-ti.an, ,orinte<l, ::',ublished and c1rculeted in the City of ~nah8i~, ;ounty of Orange, Et2te of California; and t ha. t l~,n..r'~t::: 4' ,'\ .r: ,.:.l"......I,j,...~....., notices of by Jai(, Or~inance said City Council directed the __'&lseage of saiQ Ordinc'.nce and of the time -1- ,- ,.,...... nd pl~ce ~f the 2e~rlnc ~n the ffi&tter of the vacation, <Jbandonment ""no closi'1L: to)u1'lic use of eaid portion of ~m alley an0. easement for aIle'," :)urposss be posted conspic- uously a1)11,2; the liDS'; of sai:J_ ;;ortion of alle~r and easement iyro'nosed to be vacated, not more than 300 feet apart, at ~east te11 (10) days before said hearing, and not less than t~:ree (J) SUC}l notices sbould be por.ted; and rffiEREAS, Robert J. =vila did on the 16th day of May, 1958, post conspicuously 1:0'0 leBf than three such notices 21on~(' the lines of E'aic1. portion of an alley and easement, 'r:~ich notlces 1"e:C'8 u..osted lez, t.';:,"1 300 feet apart, and '\IGrs l.osted e,t le;.!st ten (10) de.;'c before said hearing; and r,W:REAS, sal( 01 t} Council did on the 27th day of I-lay, 1758, 8t 7:0"1 o'cloo1.'::C. :;., at saie], Oity Hall, conduct "" ;m'Jlic "Pctl"W:: on the 8c'l,tter O~' "lhethe'!:" SHiel portion of an ;,118Y "'.1".( easement for allr::,c' ; "ur:-)or,ea, ';el~einafter described, r'.'1.:)UIC be 'vacated, d":xtnclonG''::."ncl close(. to) public use, and at said. hCL~rin'? ('lid h.e;.;;.r evtt.:..C';"'iCe tl-:8T'eon; B.nd "TI--:"::;R~S, t>lC 01 ty Cou!le ,U finds fro]"] all the evidence ,..lbll1i tted that that )ortio:, of an alley an(l easement for alley purposes Ces8rlbed in the Ord1nancG of Intention and ~ereinctfter desc~ibed, are unnecessary for present or prospect- i ve al' ey pUl''.'oses, c'.l1Q that an order vacating such portion of ~n al'ey and easement for alley ~urp08es as described in the Ordinance of Intenti';n shou]i'. be rr!dde by the City Council. NO'.!, I' '--;:SY_ ''::FOR:;;;;, BE: :a H:::;;30L VED b~; "ehe C lty Council of t~e City of Aneheim: 1. That it finds the recitals hereinbefore set forth in t>lis FeSCllutim to be true; 2. That it finds from alJ" the evidence submitted that c,3.id portion of an al ley and_ ease,l1ent for alley purposes described in sai~ C~dinance are unnecessary for present or prospective ubIle purposes; 3. That it dOGS hereby order that said portion of an ",J..le./ d.nd. easement for alle;\' :;mrc)oees be, cend they are hereby, vi:t.cated, aban2.oned. ;;,nd closed to ~)ublic use; 4. That the sd.id i=,orti,;n of <:.n alley [end easement for alle:" 'ur!Joses herein or;"'.ered vacated, ah:1.t1cloned and closed to ,ublic use ",,""8 t!'lOse describeS. i" ,'aid Ordinance No. 1241, are situ[1.ted in the City of Anaheim, County of OranGe, State of :::.:..lifo:rnie., a"D cere 1lore ,'rticularl;)' descl'i'bed as follo.vs: r Be:'innlnv at the northwest corner of the oc-.rcel ~--1 '- ... of Ian:': descr10ed to Hartin ..::.. Gier and Jennie ~. Gie~ by deed registered as Certificate No. 6016, ~ecorded in Book 523, Page 137, Official Records, records of Orange County, said point alDo being 70J feet westerly of the monumented center line of North Palm Street and 256.8) feet northerly of the center 11ne of West La Verne ?treet, said 'oint alao beln~ in the north line of an ?xisting lS-foot alley; thence, -2- --- - l. 7~ tJ In' 4011 ....., ...., '1 fest to point; thence, c;;. " . ~. . ,:.. .:.:. cl. '" .. ....0 41 I ~/fl h. 51. 21~, feet to a point; thence, ,--- . J.\ . >0 ~, ,0 1.50 201 20" 'r' 26.). I)') feet to a pointj thence, - . ;,.\ . ~ i . I, 1'.'1' 740 411 4011 E. ZO.OG feet to point; thence, 1..(. ., . a ,- 1 ....0 20' 20 II .c... 310 ",..... feet to the point of ;;; . "". .1.) .-.J.I beginr.lng. .5. Thu,t it f1:1d8 that an easement for lJublic utility 'Jurpos8s o"ver, under i;~nc ""erO;3S that portion of the above desc-"ibe:i :)ro:~)ert;r lyin~; '\\lesterly of a line that is o",rallel wi tt <..n," fifteen (15) feet west of the east 11ne of the above described portion of alley should be reserved. 6. Th,,',t it does hereb:' orO.er the.t 8.n easement for :'ll'J1io ,-ltility puryoses over, W1der and acr08S that portion of t~e ",'JO e 'lescribed l.ironert;{ IJiin~: H8c'terl." of a line that is 'Jsrallel with ~Da fifteen (15) feet west of the east line of the ~o~e de8c~ibed ~ortlon of alley be reserved. AND BZ II' Fl'Rl'HER Ki;20LVED that the City Clerk be, and sha i15 :"ocr'b:" c;utnorlzed iotncl directed to cause a certified copy of this Resolution and Order, attested by her under the seal of the City of Andieim, to be recor':ced in the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California. THE FCillC:C,.QING RESO:'UTLN ic ''''In:covecl c.nd signed by me this 27th QEY of Hay, 1958. A?llES'I': ;-, -"<- --' ~, - -. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, -J" do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided b,y law of' the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 27th day of May, 1958, by the following vote: ., . . AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, ~orden, FrY, Schutte and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSEi'lT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHIllCERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 27th day ,of May, 1958. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my htind and affixed the official seal of the' City of Arulheim this 27th day of May, 1958. ~~h')~ . cr CLERK OF TilE CITY or .....1M (SEAL) } J