58R-4513 .- - RESOLftIOJi JiO. 4513 ,r- I.. A RESOLU'TIOli OF DE cIfi c01JJJcIL OF 'fBE CIfi OIl'AlI'ADIH RESCIWDIlfGUS.OLl11'IOll l{0. 4506 . ElI'fITLED, lIA RESOLU'l'IOlf OIl' !fHE OI'fY COdOIL OIl' THE elft OIl' Alf.(om 'DEOaRIlf&' ITS . Ilf'fEl''fIOJf TO MAKE OERTAn nmtOVEMElfTS VlDER mE AU'fHmtI'fY OF THE IMPROVEMEllT AOT OF 19116 DEcl:.ARIliG 'fIlE DlPROYJSllIl.W'I'fS TO BE MADE, IAHIlfG THE STREETS UPON wtlIOH 'fIlE DU'ROVEMDTS ARE TO BE MADE, OREATIliG AI ASSESSKEli'f DISTRICT, DEc~IliG ITS ELEO'fiOI TO PUROHASE 'l'HE TO!AL AMOUlI'l OF THE ASSESSMEN'fS, AND DEcLARIliG THAT '.!HE PUBIaC Ilf!rEREST WILL BEST BE SERVED BY IOT ALLOWIlfG '!'BE PROPERTY OWNERS TO TAKE 'rHE OOJi'rRAOT." . WHEREAS 6 the Oi t~Oouncil cilia. on the 6th daY' of M.a~, 19586 adopt :Resolution B'o. 4506 entitled, itA RESOLUTI01I OF mE OITY OOUNCIL OF mE OITY OF AIfAHEIH lXEOLARII'G ITS Ili'l'El''fiOB' TO MA1O!: OERT.lnf IMPROV1:S1'l.I:!il'f'l'S UlJDER '!BE io'moRITY::OF TllE DlPliOVJSP1.I5JIT ACT OF 1911, DECLARII'G '!'HE IMPROVEMDTS TO BE HADE, lIAMIlfG mE STREETS lJPOll WHIOH '!'.HE IMPROVEHEllTS A,RE TO BE MADE6 OREATIliG AI ASSESSMEI''l' DIS'l'RIOT6 DEcLARIliG ITS ELECTION TO PURCHASE THE TOTAL J.M0Brf OJ' 'l'JIE ASSE9SKE,\i'fS 6 AID DEOLARII'G 'l'HAT THE PUBLIC II'TEREST WILL BEST B1i: SERVED BY IOT ALLOWIliG THE PROPERTY OWlIERS TO TAKE 'fEE COWTRlcT"; and WHEREAS, the CitY' Council does find and determine tbat said ResCillution 110. 4506 was erroneous and should be rescinded; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bY' the Ci t~ Council of the CitY' of Anaheim that Resolution Wo. 4506, adopted bY' the Oit~ Oouncil on the 6th daY' of Ma~, 1958, be, and the same is hereb~ rescinded. DE FOREGOIl'G RESOLUTION is approved and. signed by 1118 this 13th day of Ma~6 1958. c~ JU' .~ .l T'!ES T : a~~;;g.,~~ .}l'. ~ r-. --...... - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORlOOE ,~L CITY OF ANAHEIM ) SSe I, DElE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certiry that the foregoing resolution was. intrOduced and adopted at a regular meeting Provided by :!taw of the City Council of the City of !naheim, hel-d on the 13th day af May, 1958, by the following vote: -, AYIS: COUNCILMENi Pearson, Borden, Fry, Sehutte and Coons COUNCn.MEN: . None NOIS : ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim. approved and signed sa~d.resolution on the 13th day of May, 1958. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City.of ~aheim this 13th day of May, 1958. (SEAL) , I