58R-4853 ".-., - RESOLUTION NO. 4853 r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'fEE CITY OF ANAHEIM INITIATING A PROPOSED NEW ZONING ORDINANCE WHICH REPEALS ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS THEREOF IN CO~FLICT THEREWITH AND RE- FERRING SUCH PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A RECO~'ffiNDATION AND REPORT. WHEREAS. the City Councilor the City or Anaheim. arter due investigation and studies made by itselr and in its behalr. deems it to be ror the public interest to pass and adopt a new comprehensive zoning ordinance and to repeal all ordinances and parts or ordinances in conrlict with such new proposed zoning ordinance. NOW .fHEREF'ORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council or the City or Anaheim that the City Council does hereby initiate the adoption or a new proposed comprehensive zoning ordinance ror the City or Anaheim. which ordinance would repeal all ordinances and parts thel'eor in conrlict therewith. a copy or which new proposed zoning ordinance is attached to this resolution and by rererence made a part hereor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such proposed new comprehensive zoning ordinance and all maps. plats. diagrams or documents incorporated by rererence therein. be. and the same is. hereby rererred to the Planning Commission or the City or Anaheim ror report and recommendations thereon. a copy or which report and recommendations shall be riled with the City Council. THE f<'OREGOING RESOLUTIOl~ is approved and signed by me this 4th day or November. 1958. i~~~ MA~OH; 1f . CI ~ ~ST: C f()Gi.~OF ~~ ':'6Jl~AHEIM r -1.. J