58R-4680 r r - - HESOLUTiON NO. 4660 A RESOLUTIU1'i 0~j'~'.tJ, CITY COl'",CIL 0.1:<' 'l'hE crn (; 2' Al'-AB.i.:IIvi A,sCuil'AIN Il~G A11D DETERMIN~ ING TEE Pl1EVAILIi\3cAl'L OF' WAGES 'r'O BE i'AID J'-'Oh EACh C::,Alj'I' Oh 'l'YPE OF'wOHKHAN OR IvIECBANIC liEEDED POH "GBLIS lvOhKS CON'l' EA CI'S FOR mE ?URNISLIl'n O~ ALL VATEHIALS, PLAN'I', LABOR AND SEHVICES POR l:.2 C01,SI'RUCTION AND COMPLETION OF PUBLIC lii:.:Sl' nUON FACILITBS IN LA PALl'IA STADIUX AT LA rAU~A PARK, ANA~IM, CALIFORNIA, JOB NO. L~3E. WIlliR:B;AS, the City Council of the Oi ty of Anaheim does find and deterrr.in8 t1-1at public convenience and necessity require the acquisition of rr.aterials, plant, labor and services for a public improvement consistinG' of' the construction and completion of p11b1ic rest room facilities in La Palma Stadium at La Palma Park, Anaheim, California, Job No. 438; and ~~EREAS, Section 1770 of the Labor Code of the State of California requires that the City Council ascertain and determine the gener2,1 prevaj ling rate of honrly Hages and rates for legal holida;Ts and overtime Hark on public Horks and improvements in the locality in Hhich the work is to be performed, for each craft or type of Horkman, laborer or mechanic needed for the execution of such public contracts and the making of such public improve- ments, and for the fUI'nishin.. of all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment and pel'form:Lnc. all Hark necessary for the execution ano. completion Q" such p~).01ic contracts or improve- ments; NO\v, 'l'f,EkIEFORE, BE n' RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that, in accordance Hith the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has ascertained and does hereby determine the general prevailin-_~ rate of hourly Hages and rates for legal holi- days and overtime HorI, on public Horks, and the public improvement consistin of the construction and completion of public rest room facili ties in La Palma Stao.ium at LE'_ Palma Park, Anaheim, Calif- ornia, Job No. 438, in the locality in which such work is to be performed, and each craft or type of laborer, workman or mechanic needed for the execution of public works contracts or contracts for furni shin: all plant, roa teria ls , labor, servic es and eqlJipment f'or the public improvement consisting of' the construction and completion of' public rest room facilities in La Palma Stadium at La Palma Park, Anaheirr, C8.1ifomia, Job No. L~38, and that said prevailin' rates so determined are as folloHs: -1- 1 .J r- r\ _. ..- AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said public improvement shall be constructed in accordance with said detailed designs, plans, proriles, drawings and specirications as prepared by said~ and hereby approved, and such addenda or mOdI1'IC8:tTons thereto as maybe approved prior to the award- ing or bids therefor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk or the City or Anaheim be, and she Is herebY9 authorized and directed to publish a notice according to law9 Inviting sealed proposals ror the rur- nishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, ruel and water, and perf'orming all 'work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with said detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings and specirications as prepared by said ~rchitect. , the public improvement here- inabove mentioned and described, and fixing the 21st day or ~auat ,1958 ,at the hour or2:00 o'clock P. M.. as t e date R.nd hour for the 'opening of said bids at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City or Anaheim, and that said notiee shall be published twice, the first of which publica- tions shall be at least ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids, and that said publications shall be at least five (5) days apart. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the successful bidder or bidders shall be required to enter into a contract with the City of Anaheim in the manner and form approved by the City Attorney of the City of Anaheim for the eanstru.ction, installation and comple- tion of said public improvement hereinabove mentioned and described, in accordance with the plans and ~pecificationg prepared by said Mchite"t.._ . ___' the notice Invitlng sealed proposals, this resolution and all applieable C:lty Ordinances or Code Sections and the laws of the State of Callfo:r'nia, and shall be required to post bonds and insurance in the amount.s and within the time required by law, as specif:1.ed in the notice inviting sealed proposals, and in a form approved by t.he City Attorney" THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was approved and signed by me this i:)t.h day of Augu.u ___~__, 195...6..-. ~ OR HE CITY OF A ~;~--- ATTEST: L~ ~~~~/ THE CITY OF NAHEIM -2- _. """ STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) .~ I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the Clity of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was i~troduced and adopted a t a It- .,.J___. regular meeting provided l:Jy law of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the ~h ! day of .Aa&a.~ 195 8 ,by the following vote of the members the eof: AYES: COUNCIIMEN: PearIOll. :a.Mo.. ~. S.th u4 Coou. NOES: COUNCIIMEN: .ou. ABSENT: COUNCIIMEN: .011.8. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of ~he City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution on the ~lh i day of ~~ 195 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ~y hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this ~day of Aua.', 195 II 11--,< ']-x. ~~;,~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHElM (SEAL) , .... Q~.&A'II'I~aI .- ClVpellt.ZOI: O"'lllt.ZO .....eel 1'1001" lfozokezo If_1. POWlZO Saw 4p.vatozo Jb.111f'Z"lgAt Saw FUel" a....t .....a.: O...nt KaIO. (x.g.ellte, ~..llte-~.zozoas&O &ad --,tlo Oo.,olltl..) a..at Xaaoa O....t rloating and Flal8h1ag Jlachine ~ezoator Iro.WOl'k.zo.: -.lnf8rolDg Iron Worker 8vlIctlU"al Iron Worker F.... Irect.- Wel4.-: .... .... leale as craft to which .eldlng 1. 1lleld.atal Lab...r.: LabOrer., G.neral or Con,tru01;lo. Gterator. &ad ~.nd.r. of P.....tlc aDd Il.otrlo fool., Vlbratlng Xaohi... &a4 .~lv X.ohaaloal foole, Dot I.paratell cl...ltie4 "1"81. Aa8al t Rak.r aDd II" oller Aapllal t ShoTeler O.aoret. Curer, l.,erylo... Xembr... . 'orm 011.1" W atohIIaB L&11ng of all ao.-.etalllo plpe, lDoladlllg S...r Plpe, Drain Pipe and UadergroUd ~U. Wldow Cle..er ~...... and Xortarllal'l Operatlag Englneers: Aepllalt Plut rlrell&n ...-lIalt or Orll.lUng PlaDt Englnelr BOring Raohi.. Operator IfJ.oachiag Xachine Operator ..pllal t or aODOret. Spr.adl:ng, X.chan1cal Ifaaplag or rlal.hillg Machi.. Op.rator R.ller Op.rator Brlokl.,.r.: B1"lsk1&18r and Stone ....oa Brlskt..d.r GladoJ"~ fil.. ;~:c:::; "lJer Sl..~l.l...; . Sl"~ZOlt11"W1r.... 06t_ Ipl~081" LatMZO: ""OIl&Jl Lat_r 'alAtozo: Br...h Ip)oay "an or 8aAdbla. tor 8. Journel'" 'luter.1". : 'ero... P4ater.r Pluter Ifeader ....tezo. : _tel" rore... JOtlZOn'1m.. -1- !Wi III -U .3.375 3.575 ,..475 3.575 '.455 3.42 ,.,. ,.55 '..3. 75 ,.625 ,..It25 2.68 2.89 2.a, 2.78 2.87 2.48 2.99 2.8, 2.13 ,.1+1 '.11 '.52 :3.52 3.71 '.52 '.90 2.15 '.135 ,.,~ 2....JI.. ~:H ;:f~: ,.2$ 3.5- 3.13 4.1875 J:Jit~ '.55 ,.z. -,,:,.--. .~ c~ ..&.RSI.7IO.A.T101 R.&.n: Pill _.I. auet .etal: .~, "tal Worker Dr1ver. of Du.p !ruck. of Le.. !haft: 4 14.. w..ter level 4 ,.... .ut 11" tUa 8 Jell. water lenl 8 ,... .ut le.. taaa 12 Jds. water level 12 ,.... .ut le.. than 15 Jd.. water level l' ,.... or .ore water level Driver, of !ruck. Legal '811oad OapacltJ: Le., thall 6 t.as , 'tOn. to 10 tonl lC to.1 to 15 to.s lS to.. to 2t tons 20 toa. or .ore Dr1 ver. of !r....d t-lIix !rucks - uder J Jd.. Dr1ver. of !ransit-Xix Trucks - :3 yds. or lIIore !raok (hoea.er ....d !irelllall !ruk a.pair..... !rack a.pair... Helper Aa1 clasl1f1eat1o. omltted hereln not less than 'lQ' Kealth and Welfare where reqQired. PllUlfrlqe labor COlts as Bet forth in Southern Cal1fornia Xaater Labor Agreement dat.d Kay, 1'58. lage leale glven ls subJeot to negotlationl aow ln progress &ad approved lnoreases effeotive during constructle. period. t,.,. 2.8) 2.86 2.91 2." '.21 2.8) 2.86 2.91 2.99 ).21 '.01 '.21 '.16 ,.61 2.94 2.68 *.a.a iaoreal' of to.1875 - effectlve 5/1/58 lB nesotlated wlth 4eslgaatlon of aIIIo.at pendlng. -3- If'>....'''_.... .- - r All foremen, unless separ'ately classified, shall be paid as 9roviaed in the May, 1950 revision of the A.G.C., B.C.A., H.B.I., E.G.C.A., A.F.L.-C.I.O. Southern California Master Labor A::;reement. Apprentices may be employed in conformity with Section 1777.5 of the California Labor Code. The rates of per diem Hages for each of the various classifications of work shall be the hereinbefore set forth pre- vailin' rates of hourly Hages multiplied by eisht. Eight hours shall constitute a day's work, it belns understood that in the event that workmen are employed less than eight hours per day the per diem Hage shall be that fraction of the per diem wage herein established that the number of hours of employment bears to eight hours. 'l'he overtime rule establis~lins the rates of overtime and holiday wOl'k shall he in aGcordance with the following: Where a single shift is worked, eight hours of continuous employment, except for lunch periOds, shall constitute a day1s work beginning on HODCo8-7 and contin'J.in; throw;h ::criday each week. Where work is req1:ired in excess at ei'~sht hours 1n anyone day or during the interval of time from 5:00 olclock i.M. Friday and 12:00 o'clock midnight Saturday, s'lch work shall be paid for at the minimum rate of one and one-half times the basic rate of' wages, and on Sundays and holidays such work shall be paid for at the minimum rate of double the basic rate of Hages, except as otherwise provided in the May, 1958 revision of the A.G.G., B.G.A., H.B.I., E.G.C.A., A..8'.L.-C.I.O. Southern California Easter Labor Asreement. Holidays as herein referred to shall be deemed to be New Year's Day, Decoration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Armistice Day, ThanksGiving Day and ChristNas Day. If any of the above mentioned holidays, other than Labor Day and Thanks- giving Day, falls on Sunday, the folloHing Honday shall be con- sidered a legal holiday. It shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded and upon any subcontractor under hiN to pay not less than the said specified rates of Hages to all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed by them in the execution of the c::mtract. T::IB i"OREGOIk3 hESOLU'I'Iu1\ is approved and signed by me this 5th day or AUI;ust, 195[). ~~ ~~ r"'LAY j, H ~t; CI. _ OF AHAHEll1 \.... Ar~trEST : r , . 7c~~' ..~~ Oc TID~ C-LTY OF' ANAHEHl -4- - -~ r SI'AfrE 0," CALLiOHNIA COUNTY OF ORAl:GE C HY OJ' Al,AlfLIB ) ) ss. ) I, DENE I'i. WLLIAT"S, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meetinc provided by laH of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 5th day of Awcust, 195P, by the folloHing vote of the members thereof: AY:B;S: COUNCIIJViEN: Pear..n, Borda. ~. Schuth aDd Coon.. NOES: cm:NCILMEN: Ione. ABSE:NT: COUl\CILE.2;l\: Ione. AND I~'URTf1EE CEll'l'IVY that the Nayar of the City of Anaheim aporoved and si"nsd said 2esolution on the 5th day of Aupust~ 1958. IN WrrNES;;, \VTiEirEOP, 1- nave her'eunto set my hand and affixed the off'i cial seal of the City of Anaheim this 5th day of AUFust, 1956. ~L~h'?~EIM (::.i~L) r -5-