57R-4040 - - ,~ RESOLUTION NO. 4040 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE D]ijPARTMENT OF COM- MERCE, BUREAU OF THE CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES, TO TAKE A SPECIAL CE~US IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND AUTHORIZING '$E PAYMENT OF THE COST THEREOF BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND T1IEj :CI'rY CLERK TO EXEOUTE A CONTRACT THEREFOR~ i: W!IEREAS, Article 1, Chapter 117, Part 2, Division 3, Title 4, or the Government Code or t~ State or Calirornia ~tho~ize. the taking of a special cepBus between the years or taking. the Federal census; and WHEREAS, the City or Anaheim ~s, since the last cenaus, exp.rienced unusual and rapi~ growth due to increased development and the annexation of new! territories; and 1 ' WHEREAS, the City Councilor the City or Anaheim does rind and d.etermine that a special cen~us is necessary and desirable at this time ror the best ibterest or the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council does rind that the Depart- ment or Commerce, Bureau or the Censu~, has submitted an esti- mate or the cost or a special Federal census to be taken and conducted in the City of Anaheim or $~1\?25.00, based upon an assum~ population of 70,000; and that ~,580.00 is to be paid to the Bureau or the Census, and $7,045.00 is the estimated cost ror the enumeration and local supervisory and clerical aSsistance, and the cost or printing the schedules at the time that the cost or these items is certiried by the Special Census Supervisor. New, '!'.tI..J:&W!;FORE, BE IT RESOLVE)) by the CityCouncll of the City or Anaheim that the Bureau of the Census, Department or Commeroe or the United States or America be, and it is hereby, requested to take a special census or the population or the City of Anahei. i~ediately; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to the Bureau of the Census, Department or Commerce or the United States, the sum of $4,580.00 to cover the cost or preparing ttie sp~cial cenaus maps, tabulation or results, supervisor's salary, travel and subsistence, overhead, supplies and miscellaneous; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk be, and they are hereby, authorized to enter into a con- tract with the Bureau or the Census, Department or commerce or the United States or America ror the taking or said special census in accordance with the terms and upon the conditions herein speciried. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 13th day or August, 1957. ~./~ ~ / '-~- ..- , ~ST' /~~b~-O~IM - .- , STATEm, ~ ~ ~ OPOJIDCI! ..~ em OF '-Ill I,.DE1IE M.WTT..n_, city Clerk ~f tn. City ~f'~, do hereby certify that the foregoing Reao~tion was <haly p&ue4 , _ adopted at a regdar -.tiag of the C!ity CWA~U of tll,e; Ci,ty of Anah.~,. uld 01\ the 13th day of bg\latl, 1957, by the followiAg vOte of . the ....%'$ Uut:N9fl A.YES I COlJICIrJliJh Pearson., Cooas, Fry, Schut te ~d Will$.er lI8ES I (DJJ(CIIJlElh None JJISEJlT J ,OJ.JJCILJliJh McJAe .. I 'PUll'" (3!JlTIFY tUt'the .ayar'.ftlteCtty ~f ~a approved.. au $igned said Resolution on the 13tA day oJ...t, 1957. II IIIlIESS WHDEOF, I b.ave hereUnto .et .y)laldaJUi affbed the ~al of the City of bahti. t~ 13tb. ~yo.f August, 1951. I' c,-,~ JJ~.. //{.'/ CITt C$1H OF 1H! cr' QF . . (5l!AL) , ' , i.'1 ~ J