57R-4006 - ItIIllLUTION NO. 4qp6 _.r"- . A ReSOLUTION OF THIl CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMAHltM Aa:lPTIlI3 A GRANT tED CDMYJYING TO mE CI TV ell AIWIIUl CIlttAIN RSAL JIlI)PERTY FOR AN EA.s...r ..1lQil ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES . WHERBAS, the City Counci 1 of the Ci ty of Anaheim 1.s ....!rous of purchaaing the hereinafter describetl real property _ public purposes, to wit. An easement for road a-9d D~l1C utili tv DurDoses . , a WHEREAS, the 01 ty Council of the City of Anaheim tl... tMt 1 t it for the bIn"! t and be.t interest of the Ci tyot Anahelm to accept lai4 gffer and purcb.a. .aid real property. -, mBRliKHtS, BE IT RBSOLVID by the Cl ty Council of the C1 ty of Anaheim that the offer of IDA T1.BHOA nA J 8 JIItp........ ~t'I t]~~.toatr.ft!trif ~JfKl~~:lrn.s l'e81 prop-. " trty 11tuat. In the City of Anabel., COUnty of Orange, Stat. .f Calif.rn1a, t.IM used for an ,as,nut t'Q,t iaq &.tI..lJ-qp:b1i... ~t1l1 t7( DU;rl;1oS8lII ,and mort pt:rt!cull1'ly 'Cl'ibtd II l.h.. An easement t'or road and public utility purposes over, under and across the Southerly 30 t'eet ot' that parcel ot' land located in the City ot' Anaheim, County ot' Orange, State ot' California, described as t'ollows: The East half, of the Northwest quarter,ot'the Northwest quarter; of the Northwest quarter of Section 16, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian. . ~ ~"; N, and the lIame 1& hereby, accepted by the City Council of the C1 ty of Anaheim, ancl that the City of Anaheim accept a convey- "'C& of laid property. BE IT FURTHER ReSOLVED that the C1 ty TreasureI' of the e! ty of Anaheim be, and he 18 hereby, authorized to pay to the ....r. of laid real property, out of General Punda of the City of Anahelm, the sum of One and no/lOa Dollars ($1.00). ..1" - ,,-.. th1e 1HE! POREGOING RJ$Ol.uttON I, signed and approved by me 2 ':l.Y>i1 clay of .1:n\1: 19 r:.7 . "'- ' ATTBST I ~.... _.. )( / . , . RJ({pM~ STATE OF CALIPORNIA ) 00UJrITY OF QtlAMGE ) CI TY OF ANAHEIM ) I, nw:.l1. \iLLIA. . ' city Clerk of the City of Anah.1m, do h.r.by c.rtify .~ fO"901,,; R.solutionwu PUled and adopted at a rlll~?l~i.1'. m..tlng of the C1 ty ~uncll held on the ~3~~ day ot .r,'lJ7 ' 19 77 , by the followIng vote of the .-Hr. th.rlOf' AVES, CXlUNCILlIBlh Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wjs &er MOBS I CDUNCILllEth None. ABSENT. ~UNCILMlNI None. AND I FURTHER ceRTIfY that the Mayor of the City of Mah.ill signed and approved salda'~lut1on on the ~qr~ day of July , 19 '?Z · . 1M WITNESS JllPll)F, I have h.r.unto .et my hand anet affixed the ..al of tl:ae C1 ty of AMh.la thh nrd liay of Ju11 ' 19 ~7 ' i) -i., ~- t<~&'o. ~. ,-. ---...f -2";