57R-3970 - RESOLUTION NO. ." 3970 -- ,-..., A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF ANAHEIM, FIXING RBGULla DATES FOll PAYUlfT OF SALAllIU AJtD COIlPBJlSATION OF CITYBMPLOYBBB AXD RBPBALING ALL OT'" RBSOLUTIONS WHICH CONFLICT KlllEWITH. WHEREAS, the City Council has deteraiDed that it w.uld ,. for the 'enefit of the City of Ana.ei. and the _ploye.. tJ&ereof to have regular and definite dates fixed for the payaent of salaries aDd coap.n.atloDs of said City e.'loy.... aDd an authorizati.n of sueh pay..nts 'y the FI8&no. Dir.ctor and the City Treasurer. andprovi4ina for approval thereaft.r by the City Council. HOW, THBREFOllB, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, that the regular salari.s and co.pensation. of all City e.ploye.s be paid twic. .onthly on the 5th and the 20th day of .ach and every .onth here- after, and overti.e .arning. of all City e.ploye.. will be accuaulated for the entire .onth and paid on the 5th day of the following .onth, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the head. of all Depart.ent. of the City of Anahei. be and they are hereby directed to furnish the Finance Depart.ent of the City of Anahei. payroll and attendance record. of their various depart.ent.. duly certified for pay.ent and approv.d by th_ as to the ..ployee. in their respective depart.ents thr.e da,. prier to the close of the payroll period of each and every .onth hereafter, and the Finance Director of the City of Anaheia ia hereby auth..lzed to issue payroll checka for the pay.ent of salaries and co.pen.ation. therefor, and -....,-,,'~ B~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the payrolls of the City ..ployee. of the City of Anaheia, duly certified a. aforesaid shall be presented to the City Council for ratification and approval at the first or any regular "eting of the City Council auc.eediDg the delivery of - "",--",~~- sue~ payroll checks. APPROVED BY TO KAYOR THIS 2nd day of JUly, 11157. (~4a~A~~ Kayor of the City of Anaheia A'l'T.aT: L ~ ~/L-~~~ C.i~~ ~.t~~nahe1a ~TATJi 0"' CALIFORMIA ) DEPUTY CITY CLEf- ". CITY OF ANAHEIM COUIITY OF OKANGE )... C I'l'Y OF AJfAU IX ) I, D.ME K. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Aaaheia, do hereby certify that the foresoins resolution was pa..ed and adopted. at an adjClN1'ned resular aeotins of tho City CouDcil of tho City of Anahoia, held on the 2I\d day of July, 1807, by the following vote of the aoabers there- of: MOES: COOCILJU:M: Pearson, 0001'15, Fry and Schutte COUNC I LllJiM : Noae AYES: ABSBNT: . COUNCILIlBN: Wbser And I further cortify that tho Kayor of the City of Anaheia sisned and approved said Re.olution on the ~ day of July, 1907. IN WITNaSS WHEREOF, I have herounto .et ay hand and affixed the .eal of .aid City of Anaheia this ~ day of July, 1"7. _.~ If}~ )n. 7I-~ Cft,. Clerk of th.e City of Anaheia ~ ~. >>r. .;r~. . . DEPUTY CITY CLERK CITY OF ANAHEIM