57R-3721 - .""" RESOLUT ION NO. 3721 r- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING THE DESCRIPTION OF IN- HABITED TERRITORY PROPOSED FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did, by Resolution No. 3719, give its consent to the pro- ponents of the annexation of the territory described in said resolution; and WHEREAS, the description as contained in the proposal and said resolution has been checked by the City Engineer of the City of Anaheim and the County Surveyor of the County of Orange and in certain particulars is deemed to be possibly indefinite and uncertain; and WHEREAS, certain alterations of the description are deemed advisable to make such description definite and certain a~d in conformity with the request of the County Surveyor in his capacity as adviser to the Boundary Com- mission of the County of Orange. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the boundaries of the territory for which proceedings are proposed to be com- menced for the annexation thereof to the City of Anaheim, as have been set forth in Resolution No. 3719, are hereby amended to read, and are described, as follows: r' . - NORTHEAST ANNEXATION NO. 2-A ,-.., ............." A parcel of land located 1n the County of Orange, State of California, and more partioularly de$cribed as follows: Beginning at an angle point 1n ~he existing City Limits Line of the City of Anaheim as establis~ed by the Northeast Annexation of the City of Anaheim, pass~d by Ordinanoe No. 1108 on December 6, 1956, and filed with the Secretary of State on January 8, 1957, said point being the Southeasterly corner of Lot 8, Block 9 of the Golden State Tract as shown on a map filed in Book 4, Page 66 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thenoe, 1. Easterly along the Southerly line of Lot 7 of Blook 9 of said Golden State Tract, to a point, said point being the Southwest corner of Tract No. 1067 as shown on a map filed in Book )4, Page 34 of Miscellaneous Maps 1n the office of said County Recorder; thence, 2. Continuing Easterly along the Southerly line of said Tract No. 1067, to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 6 in Block 8 of said Golden State Tract; thence, 3. Continuing Easterly along the Southerly line of Lot 6 and its Easterly prolongation through Blocks 8, 7, 6, 5 and 4 of said Golden State Tract to a point, said point being the Southeast Corner of Lot 5, Block 4 of said Golden State Tract, said point also being the Westerly line of Tract No. 994 as shown on a map in Book 33, Page 8 of Misoellaneous Maps in the office of said County Recorder; thence, 4. Northerly along the Westerly line of said Tract No. 994 and its Northerly prolongation to a point, said point being in the Southerly right of way line of O~angethorpe Avenue 80 feet wide; thence, 5. Easterly along the Southerly right of way line of said Orangethorpe Avenue to a point of intersection with the Easterly right of way line of Miller St~eet 40 feet wide; thenoe, 6. Southerly along said Easterly right of way line of Miller Street to a point of intersection with the Northerly right of way line of Anaheim Road 40 feet wide; thence, 7. Easterly along said NortherlY right of way line to a point, said point being in the Westerly line of Lot 42 of Hazard's Subdivision as shown on a map filed in Book 1, Page 26 of Records of Survey in the office of the Oounty Recorder of said Orange Oounty; thence, 8. Northerly along said Westerly line to a line parallel with and 424.64 feet North of the Southerly line of said Lot 42; thence, ~' - 9. Easterly along a line parallel with and 424.64 feet distant from said Southerly line o~ Lot 42 to a point o~ inter- section with the Easterly right of way line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, lOO-foot right of way; th~nce, 10. Northeasterly along said Easterly right of way line to its point of intersection with the Westerly right of way line of Jefferson Street 59 feet wide; thence, -2- - /""""' "'-.,,"" 11. Southerly along the Westerly right of way line of said Jefferson street to a point, said point being 20 feet Northerly from the Southerly line of Section 32, Township 3 South, Range 9 West, S.B.B.&M.; thence, 12. Westerly along a line parallel with and distant 20 feet as measured at right angles from the Southerly line of said Section 32, a distance of 20 feet; thence. 13. Southerly 20 feet to a point. said point being in the Southerly line of said Section 32 and distant 20 feet West- erly as measured at right angles from the Easterly line of said Section 32; thence. 14. Southerly along the Westerly right of way line of Jefferson Street to a point of interseotion with the Southerly line of Lot 2 of Section 5, Township 4 South, Range 9 West, S.B.B.&M., as shown on a map filed in Book 1, Page 29, Records of Survey in the office of the Oounty Recorder of said Oounty; thence, 15. Continuing Southerly along the Westerly right of way line of said Jefferson Street to a point of interseotion with the Westerly prolongation of the Northerly line of Lot 21 of the J. D. Taylor Tract ae shown on a Map thereof filed in Book 5. Page 16 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange Oounty; thence. 16. Easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot 21 and its Westerly prolongation 673 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being the Northwest corner of a tract of land described in a Deed recorded on March 26, 1912 and filed in Book 207. Page 235 of Deeds, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence, 17. Southerly along the West line of the last mentioned tract of land, the following courses and distances: South 490 18' East 131 feet; thence, South 120 181 East 160 feet; thenoe, South 470 10' East 353.34 feeet to the point of intersection with the Northerly line of the Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company Canal, as shown on the Map of Reoord of Sur- vey filed in Book 4. Page 45 of Reoords of Survey. in the office of the Oounty Recorder of said Orange County; thence, 18. Southerly in a direct line to a point, said point being the Northwest corner of Lot 1 of Tract No. 58 as shown on a Hap filed in Book 10, Page 6 of Miscellaneous Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence, 19. Following the Westerly and Southerly boundary of said Tract No. 58 to the point of intersection with the East line of Section 9, Township 4 South. Range 9 West, S.B.B.&M.; thence, 20. Southerly along the East line of said Section 9 to a point, said point being 2000 feet North of the South line of said Section 9; thence, ~ --. 21. Westerly along a line parallel with and 2000 feet Northerly of the South line of said Section 9 to a point in the East line of the Southwest quarter of said Section 9; thence, 22. Oontinuing Northwesterly in a direct line to a point. said point being in the East line of the West One-half of the Southwest one-quarter of said Section 9 and 2300 feet -3- - .-..... _.~. - - North of the South line of said Section; thence, 23. Northwesterly in a direct line to a point in the Easterly richt of way line ot the aalito. rnia State Highway Route ORA-VII-4)B, said point being 1950 feet Southerly as measured along said Easterly right of ~y line from the inter- seotion of said Easterly right of way line with the Southwest- erly boundary of said Tract No. 58; thence, 24. Northeasterly along said E~sterly right of way line of said State Highway to the point of intersection with the Southerly prolongation of the East line of that parcel of land described in Deed No. 51318 to Marsaret I. Hill and reoord- ed October 2, 1952, in the Offioe of the Oounty Recorder of said Orange Oounty, said East line also being shown on a map in Book 25, Page 26 of Records of Survey in the Office of the Oounty Reoorder of said Orange County; thenoe, 25. Northerly along the Southerly prolongation of said East line to a point of interseotion wi'th the Northerly right of way line of Santa Ana Canyon Road; thenoe, 26. Northwesterly along the Northerly right of way line of said Santa Ana Oanyon Road to a point of ~nterseotlon with the Eaet line of Lot 16 of the J. D. Taylor Tract as shown on a map thereof tiled in Book 5, Page 16 of Misoellaneous Maps, Reoord of Orange County; thenoe, 27. Northerly along the Easterly line of Lots 16, 15 and 7 of the said J. D. Taylor Tract to the Northeast corner ot said Lot 7; thenoe, 28. Westerly along the Northerly line of Lot 7 of the said J. D. Taylor Tract to a point of interseotion with the Northerly line of the Ranoho Santiago de Santa Ana; thenoe, 29. Westerly along said Rancho line to a point ot inter- seotion with the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line ot Lot )4 of Orange Grove Aores No. 2 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 7, Page 36 of Misoellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County; thenoe, 30. Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 34 and its Southerly prolongation to the Northwest corner of said Lot}4; thence, 31. Continuing Northerly along the Westerly line of that strip of land described in a deed to Orange Oounty and fUed in Book 4)3, Page 202 of Deeds, Records of Orange County, a distance of 100 teet to the Northerly line ot said strip of land; thence, )2. Easterly along the Northerly line ot said strip of land to a point of interseotion with the Easterly right of wa, line of Newkirk Road; thence, J). Northerly along the Easterly right of way line of said Newkirk Road and its Northerly prolongation to a point of intereeotion with the Northerly right of way line of State Highway Route l75-B; thenoe, 34. Westerly along the Northerly right of way line ot sa1d State Highway Route 175-B to a point of intersection with the Southerly prolongation of the Oenter Line of Dowling Avenue; thenoe, -4- -",.."... - ,-... - - 35. Northerly along sa1d South~rly prolongat10n to a point of 1nterseotion w1th the 80utherl~ r1ght of way line ot Corona Stre.t; thenoe, 36. Easterly along said Southerly rlght of way line a distanoe of 20 feet to the Souther~y prPlongation ot the East- erly right of way 11ne of Dowling Aven~; thence, 37. Northerly along said Sout~rly prolongation and sald Easterly r1ght Of way line to the ~outherly right of way 11ne of Anaheim Road; thence, 38. Westerly along the 80utherl~y r1ght ot way 11ne ot sald Anahe1ll Road to a point of interselotion with the EasterlT 11ne of Lot 1, Block 10 of Golden Statel 'l'ract as shown on a map thereof' filed ln Book 4, Pages 66 and 611 of Miscellaneous Maps, Reoords of Orange Oounty; thenc., 39. Southerly along the Easte~ly line of said Lot 1 to the Southeast oorner Of said Lot 1; t~enoe, 40. Westerly along the Southe~ly line ot Lots 1 and 2, Block lOot sald Gallien State Traot to !a polnt ot lnterseotlon with the Nortaeasterly right of way 11qe Of State Hlghway Route 175-B; thenoe, 41. Southerly ln a direot 11n~ to a po1nt or lnterseot- 10n or the Bouthwesterly right ot way ~lne of State Route 175-B wUh the Eaaterly 11ne of Lot 8 of the iSouth Plaoent1a Traot No.1 as shown on a map thereot t11ed 1n Boo. S, Page 42, Misoellanou8 Maps, Reoords of Orange Oounty; theno., 42, Southerly along the Easte~ly 11ne of sald Lot 8 to a polnt Of 1nterseotlon wlth the North~rly rlght Of way line ot ma.t La Palma Avenue (otherwise known ~s last North Street); th.noe, 43. Westerly along the Northe~ly r1ght of way 11ne of &aid La Palma Avenue to a polnt of lnt~r.ection with the exlsting 01ty Llmlt Llne Of the 01ty of Anaheima. estab11shed by the Ealt Sycamore Annexatlon and pas8ed by Ordinanoe 1017 on September 27, 1955, and tiled wlth the Seoretary of State on October 28, 19S5; thenoe, 44. Northerly along the exlst~ng 01ty Limit Line to an a11l1e polnt, .ald polnt belng on the Northeast,rly rlght ot war 11ne of sald State Blehway Route 175-B; thenoe 45. Northwesterly along the N~rtheasterl, right of war line of State Route 175-B and the eX~8t1ng 01ty Llm1t L1ne to a polnt of interseotlon w1th the Bouther+y 11ne of the Northeaat Annexation to the 01ty ot Anaheim as e.tabllshed by Ord1nanoe 1108 on Deoember 6, 1956, and fl1ed with th. Secretary ot St~te on Jan- uary 8, 1957; thenoe, 46. Easterly along the Southe~ly boundary line ot laid Northeast Annexation to a po1nt or int_rseetion of the Southerl, prolongation of the Eaeterly 11ne of L~t 12 ot Blook 9 of th8 Golden State Traot a, shown on a map t~ereot filed 1n Book 4, pase, 66 and 67 ot M18~ellaneoua Xapa,Recorda Of Orange Oounty; tbence, 47. Northerly along the ex1.t~ng Oity L1mit Line and the Easterly line of sald Lot 12 and its SoutherlY prolongatlon to the point ot beginn1ng. -5- - ........ r THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 8th day of March, 1957. ~J ~F 'c Y~~ ATTEST: ,.- ~~ bF~;~-ing'AiiEIM. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILL~S, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim do hereby certify that theforegoing resolution was passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council held on the 8th day of March, 1957, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser NOES: COUNC ILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said resolution on the 8th day of March, 1957. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 8th day March. 1957. CbR;irT~~ (SEAL) r ! ..