56R-3577 ,- RESOLU'l'ION HO. 3577 r A LESOLUTION OF'TEE OIT'Y COUNCIL OI" 'rIlE CITY OF ANAHJ:<;IN DENYING v ARIliI,')'';; liO. 643. 1'ffiEREAS, the City Plarmj,nc: Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a petition from the owners and/or agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange. State of California. described as follows: Lot Nos. 58 and 59 of Tract No. 1591. Said property is located at the Southwest corner of Euclid and Crescent Avenues. AND WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public :b,earing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Octo- ber 15, 1956, notices of wb,ich said public hearing were duly given, as required by law and t~e provisions of Section 9200.17 of the Anaheim Ilunicipal Code; and l,'ffiERE:AS, 8[',ic City Plumdn;':;ommission, arter due inspec- tion, investigation and studies made by itself and in its behalr. and arter due consideration of all evidence and reports ofrered at said ~earing, did adopt Resolution No. 77, Series 1956-57. re- commending that Variance No. 6L~3 be denied for the reasons therein set rorth; and WHEREAS, thereafter, .vi thin twenty (20) days rrom the date of the adoption of said resoh1tion. a written appeal was riled with the City Council of the City of Anaheim protesting the action of the City Planning Commission in denying ,said variance. and said appeal was set for public hearin,:; on November 13, 1956. at 7:00 o'clock P.M.. at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, and notice or such public "learin,.; ,JaS duly':ivell e.s required by law and the provisions of Section 9200.17 of the Anaheim ~unicipal Code; and VJHEREAS. 2t the time and p13ce fixed for said public hear- in,::;, the City Council did duly hold and conduct such hearing and did Slve all persons interested therein all opportunity to be heard and did receive evidence and reports and did thereupon close said hearin,:c and dec18.re that the rne,tter HOlJ,ld be further considered on Novemb~r 20. 1956; and iNREREAS, aTter oue investisation and studies made by it- selr and in its behalr and arter ~le consideration or all the evi- dence and repor:~s o:frered ,'?t said he[~ril1~T, the City Council does rind and determine that: 1. There is no substantial property right possessed by other ~'roperty in t"le same vicinity and zone and denied the subject property. ? -. It appears that the subject property can be ade- quately developed and 1J,sed under the present zone. r , Ci t~T of denyini:: operate be, and be. and JOW, THEREFORE, BE IT F:ESOLVED by the City Council or the Ane.heim that the action or the City Planning Commission Variance No. 6h3, requestin,,:; permission to construct and ~, service. st~'\tion on the ~er~inabove described property. ~ne same IS nereby, sustaIned, and that Variance No. 643 the same is hereby, denied. -1- I i , 1 1 .- ::H}; ~OREGOIN(} I~=SOL.T'?IOl~ (lay of Hov(-~(;ber, 19 6. approved 2nd signed by me this 20t~1 ,r' :t~/~~ :'lAWH OF' ',,1'1L CI'r:r OF ANABETIJ] l ArIl1ES~~ : L- ~-)~( -2r/'~,~~~,. CITY. CLSRJI.: OF CiT(JE; CP"Y Of" ANAH'~n: STATE 0" CALV':)i'U,L" GOUr.J~~ OJ~ ORAN(}E s s . -JI'.~Y OF ,iiN;-iT{EIT-,]" I, DENE . WILLIA?1S, City Clerk of the City of Ana- ~eiro. do horeby certify that the rorezoinz resolution was lntrod~)eed and ~1..Cjo~te:j at D.n r:,djolJ.rDGd re,:jular rneetinc , provided C,:r 1m" of' the:a r,y:;ouncil of the Oi ty of Anaheim, held on the? 20th o,f l~'oveml)::r, 19:;;6, by the followinG vote: AYES: COUFCILj'!EI~ : Pearson, Schutte and Wisser. HOES: :j:)UY{;ILl'IEI"T: None. i.BSSN'Il: GOU._'-(jIL1.'I3H: NO'l' eIOTING: COln-'.;-~~ILl"IEI\J : Goons. .".m I E"Ull'"E:;::n OEPTEi'{ thFl t tte hayor o~ the City of Anselm si~ed ~nd apDroved said resolution on the 20th day or November, 1956. T~.~' ",I:'rnES3 hlI-IEi{EO.~', I sffixed t~~ officiul seal OF day of' ?~ovcmber, 1956. hE've ;~'ereunto set my hand and the ::i t~l of Ane,}},eim this 20th M?&<: )x crrrv GLEH1\: OF' U~-~ 'rIIE CITY OF' ANAHEIM r , -2-