56R-3576 , ~, _. RESOLUTION NO. 3576 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUB- LIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CON- STRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVE- MENT. TO WIT: THE HASTER-KATELLA STREET IMPROVE- MENT, ON THE 1.lIEST S IDE OF HASTER STREET FROM KATELLA AVENUE TO THE FREEWAY. AND ON THE NORTH SIDE OF KATELLA AVENUE FROM HASttR STREEt WESTERLY 660 FEET. JOB NO. 129: AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUC- TION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. WHEREAS, public convenience and necessity require the con- struction and completion o~ a public improvement in the City o~ Anaheim, to wit: The Haster-Katella Street Improvement, on the west side of Haster Street from Katella Avenue to the freeway, and on the north side of l{atella Avenue from Haster Street westerly 660 feet, consisting of the following: On Haster Street, paving with 3-inch plant-mix and 6 inches of untreated rock base, adjusting existing manhole to grade, installation of curbs, construction of cross gutters, and appurtenant work as indicated on the plans; and on Katella Avenue, excavation, paving with )!_-inch AC paving, installation of curbs, and appurtenant work as indicated on the plans, Job No. 129; AND WHEREAS, the City Council instructed George E. Holyoke, GiiG Enqineer. to prepare detailed designs, plans, proriles, draw ngs and specirications, and estimates of quantities and costs and make necessary surveys ~or the construction of said public im- provement; and WHEREAS, said Enqineer has prepared said detailed designs, plans, pro~iles, drawings and speci~ications for the construction or said public improvement and has submitted the same to the City Coun- cil; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the detailed designs, plans, prOfiles, drawings and specifications ~or said public improve- ment above-mentioned are in accordance with good engineering practice and are adequate to serve the needs and requirements o~ the City of Anaheim and the citizens and residents in said area for the purposes for which they are intended, and that they are adequate ~or the con- struction of said public improvement and should be approved. '''--- ".,-.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City o~ Anaheim that the detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings and speci~ications ~or said public improvement hereinabove mentioned and described be, and the same are hereby, approved and adopted as prepared by said Ci ty Eng ineer -1- ..-.' -" -.- ,- AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said publio improvement shall be oonstruotp~ in accordance with said detailed designs, plans, profiles, draW1~gs and speci~ications as prepared by saId Cit~ Enrineer and hereby approv6d, and such addenda op ..di~icat ons thereto as may be approved prior to the award- ing or bids thereror. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Cle~k or the City or ADahel. he, aDd she is hereby, authorized and directed to publiSh a notioe accordiag to law, inviting sealed proposal. ror the fur- nl~Dg o~ all plant, labor, .erTic.s, materiall and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, inclu41ng power, rueland water, and per~ormdDg all work necessary to construot and oomplete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordanoe with said detailed designl, plans, pro~11es, drawingl andlpeoiriaationl a. prepared by laid City Enoineer , the public improvement here- inabove mentioned and described, and rixing the "11th day ot ~c@~r , 195 6 , at the hour or 7:00 o'clock p. X. as · e da e and hour tor ~opening ot said bids at the City CQW1cll Ohambers in the City Hall ~,n the City ot Anaheim, 8.11d that said notice shall be published twioe, the tirst o~ which publica- tiona shall be at least ten (10) nays prior to the date fixed tor the o~enlng ot bids, and that said publications shall be at least riVe (5) days apart. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the suocesstul bidder Or bidders &hall be required to enter into a contract with the City or Anaheim in the manner and ~orm approved by the City Attorney ot the City o~ Anaheim ror the construction, insta11atiOD and comple- tion or said public improvement hereinabove mentioned and desoribed, in accordanoe with the plans and 8peci~ication8 prepared by aaid Citv Enaineer , the notice inviting sealed proposals, this resolution and all applicable Oity Ordinances or Code Sections and the laws of the State ot Caliro~nia, and shall be required to post bonds and insuranoe in the amounts and within the time required by law, as speciried in the notiee inviting sealed proposals, and in a torm apnroved by the City Attorney. THE FOREGOING RBBOLnTION was approved and signed by me this 20th day ot November , 195~. ",/ ,," //"/~) ~~;:~1rl;AHl!k J.1''!BS'l: ~) ~P~_IR -2- ,.-, fDJ,'I ot ~IlOIJIl. ) ~,'.t (fI ... ).. OM ", "XX } ~- I, HIE M.. WILLIlJI'i, City Clerk of the City . .lJuIAeia, - .. nrlify &t tA. forepillt' luoltltioa .. ~- at 1I.~~ ~ ~ Ute City CelWlil of the City of .bOeia, h.-lei Oi\ the mh. .,. of ..,~, 11., .., ~ feU-.u..' -.. of tAe- ~ sra **_: 10m: ccanrcIUlD: P....., c.u, Be)a#te __ l(iMu COUEIUlDI 10M .llIB : .lB8D'f: concIUlD: Fry AD I yu.et~n. curD'! tllat tlle lIa;yOr of tu C:ity of AuMia appr.... ..1.... said Id01lltioJl o. tlle lOt) day of Jl'0T.e.r, 11M. DllllTlmB lrIIIEiIOF, I haTe herento set .,. hanci .- affix_ fu .eal ef t_ City of Ault.e:1ll th.b 2tth. diq of ......-.r, lUG. (SW.) .-.,-