56R-3564 -.......... r RESOLUTION NO. 3564 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING A VARIANCE. WHEREAS, the City PlRnning Commission of the City of Ana- heim did receive a petition f~om the property owner and/or a~ent of certain real propert~' situatedin the City .. Anaheim, County of Orange, State of lalifornia, described as follows: Tract No. 2530, located ~t the S.E. corner of Loara St. and Claredge Drive [end more o'JTtic1larly described as follows: 'rhat portion of Sectlor: 9, rL~s, Rlot-J, S.B.S. & T1. in Rancho San J'~2n Cajon de SDnta --na, he::;ln;;ln D.t the H.W. corner of Lot 3, as ShOW~l on q map of' .'1 port:1 on 0.2 S2.1d Section made .for F. M. lnelschmo.n recorded in the orfico of the County Recorder of Oranse County, State of CaliPornia, in Soak 1, Pa3e 56 beglnning at the 1-1.1r-J. corner 05-' sald Lot 3 rind extendin'; Baste!'ly 677 feet along the north line of said Lot 3 to the N.~. corner thereof; thence S~uth alon~ the East line o~ said Lot 3, 3E6.05 feet; thence West 677 feet p&rallel with the north line of said Lot 3 to the west line of sa:1d Lot; th(~nce north 366.0:; feet to the point of be- ::;innlng. AND WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a pub- Ite hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim upon said peti- tton on Sentember LL. 19S'6 , notices of which said public h$arings were duly given as required by law and the provisions of S$ction 9200.17 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiga- t$on and studies made by itself and in its behalf and after due cQDsideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, dtd adopt its Resolution No.U3 , recommending to the City Coun- cil of the City of Anaheim that Variance No.612 be granted ~~ ~"-.eBQ~~~858-8~a~8Q-i5-8aiQ_P8.8~~~~8R; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find that: 1. There are exceptional or extraordinar: circum- stances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intenden use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 2. That such a variance is nenessary for the pre- servation and enjoyment of ~ substantial property right possessed by other propertJ in the same vicinity and zone and denied to the p~operty in question. r 3. That the granting of such ""riance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 4. That the gl"anting of such 1TR.riance will not ad- versely affect the comprehensive general zoning plan. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Gi~ of Anaheim that a conditional zonjng variance be, and the aa. is hereby granted to PA3HE CONSTRUCTION CORP., l2Lj2 Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, to ievelop the property hereinabO~~i' '~~~~.~ "" ~ -1- - -..'-'" des,ribed with lots of 7,200 square foot minimum area or R-l, Sin~le Family Residential lots, upon condition t~at all engineer- ibg requirements of the City of Anaheim be complled with as re- qui~ed by the City Engineer. The City Council hereby reserves the right to revoke such v.rlance permit for good cause or failure of said owner or their h.i*s. successors or assigns, to comply with the Anaheim Munioipal Oo~ and regulations and the conditions herein. Said variance is gra.'ed for the term prescribed by the Anaheim Municipal Oode unless oth.~lse specified herein. :J.Jt. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION day of November is signed and approved by me this , 19 r:;h? . /~i~<' ._" _Q //~:/ / - ~~ 1<< ... . 'ir"ARl1b!;IM \ A'1'T,-ST: ~:t~ ;;ai'{fri 1.~ S'1'A'IE OF CALIFORNIA ofijlffi OF ORANGE ss. otT't or ANAHEIM I, D~~. WI~I~S , Oity Olerk of the City of AIl.i., do e1"81 cer 11'"1 that the foregoing resolution was intro- dlf-ceId and adopted at a REGULAR meeting provided by law, ot _ City Council of the Oity of Anaheim, held on the 13th day of ~9v...her , 19 56 , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. OOUNCILMEN: None. COUNCILMEN: None. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 13th day of November, 19 C;4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I the official seal of the City 19 C;+ have hereunto set my hand and affixed of Anaheim this 13th day of November ----- .- ~ ~- ~ ' hI' - ._~. ~ OF-! ffl ~IM ( ltEAt.)