56R-3563 ,,- r R:::30LUTION NO. .3.222-__ 1-. ~1.bSOLUTIOH OF 'I'HZ CITY COUlJCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACC~PTING A SEALLD PROPOSAL AND A\IAlillING A CONTfu;.CT TO THE LO\.:r::ST RES- POI~SIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, ~illTERIALS AIID EQUIP- LENT AND ALL UTILFf'IES AND TRANSPORTATIQl\T, IiJCLUDING POWE:t, FUEL AND .lATER. AND PER- FORlHlvG ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND CmfPL:LTE TEL FOLLO.iII!G PUBLIC I;]~ROVE}.rr::NT: IMPROVffi1ENT OF SECONTI ALLEY N. OF LA PA~ffi AVE. Ji~T~:tfI{~~j~fT.J~.tID X~p. ~:- =AN~~~(;~})~ S. OF CENTEH ST. '3ETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AN'l) Cr;AtJ'ljINA STS., UNITS -'fj[If-AND -,rWr HEm-cYl':rvm:y;-jorr~-iillr;-127. ~iHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim d.id cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, 9rinted. published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: 'I'he Anaheim Bulletin, on the_g6j~,.l1Aay of Q..~tob~LM~L2n~~~0:f, ___Nov:.lt~ber_...A.. 1956 __.' a notice inviting sealed proposals for furnishing the following: All plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the followins public improvement, to wit: UNIT A: The improvement of the second alley north of La Palma Avenue between Patt and Kemp Streets, by excavation, construction of a lS-ft. strip of 6-in. cement concrete and appurtenant work, as indicated on the plans; and UNIT B: The improvement of the second alley south of Cen- ter Street between Philadelphia and Claudina Streets, by excavation, construction of a 20-ft. strip of cement con- erete, adjusting an existing manhole to grade, and appur- tenant work, as indicated on the plans, Job. No. 127. in accordance with the designs, plans, profiles and specifications of said. public improve'Hen t on file in the Off' ;e of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and iiHERLAS, said notice inviting sealed. roposals for said )vlblic improvement did provide that sealed pro osals would be re- ceived by the City Council of the City of Anah im at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim up to th8 hour of 7:00 o'clock ? ;.. on the ...llth day of November J 1956 for the furnishing of all plant;lLclSOr, services~--materials and e-quipment, all utili- ties and transportation, inclu6.ing power, fuel and vlater, and per- forming all work necessary to construct and complete, in a good and "'orkmlinlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more particu- larly mentioned and described and which notice did state and declare th~t pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code, the City Council of the City of Anaheim had ascertained the prevailing ra te of .rages in the locality in which this type of labor is to be pe1- formed for each craft or ty~)e of 1;rorkman or mechanic needed to execute the contract and cUd set forth the prevailing hourly "rage scale so ~ ascertained; and , .dEnEAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did re- ceive tile followinb sealed proposals prior to 7:00 o'Clock P. E. on "elle" -J..3.th_ .d.ay of __NQY~~______" 195..2.- ,in resi)Onse to the n00lC$ aforesaid. inviting sealed proposals, to wit: -1- ,-.... - .L\U UN~fIM"~T TOTAL PRIOE B -- r SULLY-I'lILLER C:ON- 'rRACt'ING COMPANY ,-';.. 2,035.68 ,~ 3,206.82 $ 5,242.50 <1l' ~. L. J' . DAVIS 2,140.00 3,363.60 5,503.60 PARKVIEW BUILDERS 3,401.00 5, L~38 .12 8,839.12 l('tJ:I'I'TIER CONCRETE COMPANY 3,500.50 5,469.58 8,970.08 WHEREAS, the City Counoil did thereupon reter said bids to the City Engineer tor examlnation, tabulation a~ report to the City Council, and said City Engineer 41. examine and tabulate said sealed proposals and did report to the Oo~oll the result of his examination and tabulation; and WHEREAS, the City Counoil finds that the sealed proposal sub- mitted by SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY, P. O. Box 432. Oran~e. California. lsthe lowest responsible proposal submitted for the furnishing of all plant, labor, servioes, materials and equipment, all utilities and tr..nsportation, including power, fuel and water ami performing all work ne~essary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner in striot accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings th,refor on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Ana- heim of the public improvement hereinabove mentioned and desoribed, totether with the appurtenanoes thereto, and as speoified in the notioe inviting sealed proposals, and tr~t said proposal of said abOve named bidder should be accepted and a contract awarded to said bidder in aooordanoe therewith; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the above mentioned se.led proposal is the lowest responsible proposal received and that the person, firm or corporation submitting said proposal is a re.ponsible person, firm or corporation and that the proposal sub- mi1ted is the best suited and fitted for the publio improvement to be oonstruoted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OI'Y OF ANAHEIM, that the sealed proposal submitted by SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY. r fo~ the furnishing of all plant, labor, servioes, materials and eqUipment, all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordanoe with the speoifioations, plans, and drawings therefor on file in the offioe otthe Oity Clerk of the City of Anaheim and the notioe inviting ,ealed proposals, the publio works and improvements hereinabove more partioularly mentioned and described, together with the appurtenances thereto, be, and the same is hereby, accepted, and that a oontract for the oonstruotion and completion of said public improvement be, and the same is hereby, awarded to the said above named bidder. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the successful bidder or bidders upon each contract awarded as hereinabove set forth shall be, and they are hereby required to execute a contract in the required -2- -- - -",-.. fQrm with the City of Anaheim upon the terms and oonditions speoified in the notioe inviting sealed proposals and the proposal submitted by said sucoessful bidder or bidders and in accordance with the plans and specifications for said public improvement hereinabove described and in accordance with the terms, conditiol)s and provisiqns of this resolution, and that said successful bidder or bidders to whom each contraot is awarded shall be required to furnish a surety bond in an aaount equal to one hundred per cent (lOO~) of' the contraot price for all labor, materials and equipment to be furnished and performed as set forth in the sealed proposals submitted by said bidder for the oonstruotion of said publio improvement together with the appurtenances thereto or suoh portion thereof as is covered by said oontraot as seourity for the faithful performanoe of said contract and a separate surety bond in an amount equal to one hundred per cent (lOO~) of the construction cost of said public improvement oove~d by said oontraot as security for the payment of all persons performing labor and furn- ishing material for said projeot. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said sucoessful bidder or b~d.rs be, and they are hereby required to furnish to the Oity of Allah_im in companies satisfactory to the Oity of Anaheim publio l~ability, property damage, oompensati~n, and other insuranoe in the amount-s and, for the purposes as set forth and specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals and subJeot to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and sufficiency. AND BE IT FURTHER RESeLVED that the Mayor and the City Olerk of the City of Anaheim be, and they are hereby, authorized and direoted to make, exeoute and enter into for and on behalf of the City of Ana- heim a written oontraot with said sucoessful bidder or bidders for the furmlshing of all plant, labor, materials, and equipment and performing a1.1 work as hereinabove more particularly desoribed for the,oonstruc- tion, installation and completion of said publio improvement herein- above desoribed upon the terms and conditions as speoified in the notioe inviting sealed proposals, the detailed design, plans, prOfiles, drawings and general specifications and detailed specifications and drawings and all addenda thereto and all modifications incorporated therein prior to the date of the opening of bids, on file in the office of the Oity Clerk of the City of Anaheim and in striot aocordance with the terms, conditions and prOVisions of this Resolution, and in aooord- ance with all the contract documents herein speoified. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this l~th day of November , 195-L-. /.7 'n~r;~~ --.".- A1'tIST: ~1R7~- T~~IM ,-.r-- -)- ..- .- IJ'rftE OF ClLD'ODa ) COOITY OF ORANGE ) 3:3. CITY OF ANAH:lIM ) ~- I, JllII X. vn.l!o'P", City Olwt of tla.. City of A.naAei~ do hereb:y oerlifT tat tlt.e f~U. -.-l_U-. .. ~ed. at .. rlif'1la.r -..t:iar ht tlle City Ce\Utcil of the City of A.Mlt.ei:a, HlG. on the 13th .,. of lo~, by tb fellowiR9 TOte of the .....rJ1 tMreof: AI1I3: COUIC:ruaJ: PellrSO!l, CoolUl, Fry, SalaHe a:ad Wi..er JOE: COUICILMD: Iolle AMIJ'r: coneILMD: IDe AID I l',tJfilUR CDTIFT that the Mayor' flit tile City of Auhei-. apprOYed &ad. ai9'lled. said. l-.olllticm O!l tlt.e Uth day of IOT__r, 1151. II If.ct.ftbo lmEIIOF, I NlTe urftllto .et ., lwtd. ad. affixed. the ae&l of ta. City of Auheia ill. 13th day of ....-er I 1t51. /, -~ '---- ~~", , ~'/""" '~-,. '0{1iI ~~DfBEii~ (SEAL.) ~-