56R-3477 - f............ RESOLUTION NO. 3477 A RESOLUTION OF 'l'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANASElM PlHtlING AND D~alUNING '11IAT PUBLIC COlIV!llNX.CE AND NECI$Sl'l'Y REQUIRE THi COWSTRUCTXOI AND CCKPLETION OF A PO'BtIC IM- PftOVEMEJl'l, TO WIT: CONSTRUCTION of PLACENTIA AVENUE SEWER FROH KATELLA AVENUE TO 350 FEET NOR TH OF IVINS TON ROAD, JOB. NO. 1076 AID APPRWrl<t iBi paIGE, Pt,ABS, ~HOFU~gS, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICAnONS FOR '1'BE CONS'fJtUC- TIOli THEREOF; AumORIZllfG '1U CONSTRVCTIOI OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROV1ltfDlT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SP8:}IFICATIONS, ETC.; ANt> AUTHOR- IZING Am> DIRECTING 'DiE CITY cLERK TO ptTBLISS A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR !HE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. WHEREAS, public oonvenience and neeeas1ty require the oonstruct1on and cOIlplet1on .ot a public impr.ovement 1n the C1ty ot Anahe:la, to wi t: Construction of the Placentia Avenue Sewer from Katella Avenue to 350 feet North of Winston Road, consisting of the construction of V.C.P. sewer, sizes as indicated on the plans, and incluc1ing excavation, manhole construction, resurfacing, jacking, and aopurtenant ",'ork as indicated on the plans, Job No. 1076. ,.............. AND WR8REAS the City Counc1~ instructed George C. Holyoke, CIty Enlineer ta prepare detaIled de- sign., plans, prornes, ci!'awins_ and SPecifications, and eat1- mateBot quantities andeosts, end make necessary suneya 1'0P the eanstl'Uction ot said public improvetneDt; and WHEREAS, .aid Engineer has prepared said detailed desians, plans, profiles, drawings and speClf'1eat1ona to.. the construction of said publio lnlP1"'Ovem.eJ'lt and has submitted the 8~e to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Cauneil finds that the detailed duisns, plena, prOfiles, drawings and specif1cations tar said. p'llbl1e improvement above mentioned are in acca1"dance with go04 engineering practice and are adequate to serve the needs and re4u1P&D1ent$ of the City of Anaheim and the oitizens and residents in said area for the purposes tor wh10h they are intended, and that they are adequate for the construction at said publ1e 1mprovenllillnt and should be aPP1"Oved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counoil of the City of Anaheim that the detaUed desigDS, plans, pro- files,draw1ngs and specifications tor sald public Imp~ovement hereinabove IIle1'1t1oned and described be, and the same are here- by, approved and adopted as prepared by said Engineer. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said public improve- ment shall be constructed in aocordance with said detailed designs, plans, prOfiles, drawings and specifications as pre- pared by saId Engineer and hereby approved, and such addenda or modit'ications thereto as may be approved prior to the awarding of bids theretor. -1- ~ ,.-. ~...f BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and she is hereby, authorized and direoted to p~bliah a notice according to law, inviting sealed proposals for t~e furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equip- ment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and com- plete in a good and workmanlike manner, in stlr'1ot accordanoe with said detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings and specifica- tions as prepared by said City Engineer , the public improve- ment hereinabc,ve mentioned and described, and fixing the 9th day of October , 1956 , at the hour of 7:00 ofclock P.M. a13 the cate-:t:,"cl hour for tf.i'eopening of said bids at the City Cbuncil Cha'n:J";'s in th_e City Hall in the City of Anaheim, and that said r:).~" r"E: shall be published twice, the first of which publications ;::1.811 be at least ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for the ;:)a"1::,~g of bids, and that said publications shall be at least five (:;) days apart. AND BE rc FURTHER R8S0LVED that the successful bidder ot' bidders "l,c::' ~,l be required to enter into a contract wi th the CUy of Ana'J'.:'.'. rr in the manner and form approved by the City Attor:J::Jyof i:le 8i,'jy of Anaheim for the construction, installa- tL:.rJ cmrl C'om'01etion of said public improvement hereinabove men- tioned and dO'3C'ribed, in accordance with the plans and specifica- tl::,;""s preparert by ~ald City E~ineer , the noti'ce inviting sf\<',ed p:'0p'Jsal~, thi.9 resolut on and all applicable City O:n.d~.nan ce~ or Code Sections an d the laws of the State of Cali- f,) mia, and shall be requi red to post bonds and insuranee in the Qf]C\unts and "rithin the time required by law, as specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals, and in a form approved by the QHy Attorney. 'IRE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was approved and sign ed by 25th day of September , 195..2.-. me this ') ". ,,-) //) . P, 'L~ ~~""~/~FL--{~M. ~' / --'. . '. . .. .-. ~~6F '!&i~'iI~~AtiAHEIM. ,...., --. -2- L ! r $I. A. IE QFCAlIFflUUA ) -.ry OF ~ ).... ~TY OP JdfAHE]jM ) .--., I, DEle M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of AnaAria, do ~eby certi fy that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular aeeting provided by law of the City CoUncil of the City of Anaheia lleld on the 25th day of Septesber, 1956, by the following vote. AYES. GOUlCIIJIBh Pearson, Coons, Fry, SbhVtte and Whser. NOES. COOJ<<::ILMEN. None. ABSENT. COU~r..IE)h None. All> 1 .FURTHER CliIlTIJIY that the Mayer of the City of AnaheiM ap- proved and .signed said Resolution on the 25th day of Septesber, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set wry hand and affixed the offiCial seal of the City of Anaheia this 25th day of Sept.wer, 1956. j ) .' ) . ..' / . ~~ ~:~HE"~~A~~ (SEAL) '--