56R-3419 :o,LSOLU'l'IOl'l NO. Jit19 ,..--" A hESOLUTWl~ OY TE';:::I~'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAH2:IM ,-C:XCLt DnJe CERTAIli l'E SITORY FROH BALL- DALE Al\HEXATIOl'J CO.IST'ITUTIlW LESS THAN FIVE l:'EBCEl'H OY TEE TOTAL AREA THEREOF ;'JHEREAS, tne ::ity Council of' the City of Anaheim did on the 8th da:, of May, 19.56, receive a written petition aSk- ing that certain ne" territor,;; described in said petition be annexed 1;0 the City of Ana..'leim, :"hich saie. territory was there- after d.esignated "BALL-DALL AhNEXATION"; and ,-,'HE.:lliAS, on said date tile 8i ty Council of the Oi ty of Anaheim die. adopt Resolutior:. No. 3270 declaring its intention to cal; n special e:~ection, anLl did fix the 12th day of June, 1956 at '(: 00 01 clock .? Ii., as the day, hour and place '\vhen &.nd whe)1e any Jerson o.vnini' real Y)roperty wi thin said terri- tor:: cou15. appear bel'ore 1;h8 leg-isla ti ve body of the Oi ty of AnEcheim LJ(i SLaV! cause I.lly such territory should not be annexed to the City; and ,,}iE;'{;i.AS, saie, Cit,I Council aid holeL anci conduct public hearirL.s on tne l2tL :.<.ay 01 <Tune, 19.56, on the 26th o.ay of June, i956, 0:1 the 101;i!' da,y or July-, 1956, on the 31st day of July, 1956, a:.ci on the Fth of' August, 1956; and !&H.t:AS, certE'i.118:::'o.'Je l'ty owners owning oroperty 1.[1 thin ti"e tel'ritor~l proposed to be annexed have requested that the f'ollowil1~ descri '~d prolerty be excluded from the territory J1'oposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim, to wit: .r" -1- AREA TO BE EXCLUDED FROM BALL-DALE-!NNEXATION A tract of land being a portion of Sections 18 and 19 of Township 4 Southj '-"'Range 10 West~ SoB 0 B 0 & Mo and more particularly described as followS8 Beginning at a point in the existing City limits line of the City of h.8heim~ said point being looated .30 feet south of the northerly line of Section 19j Towri~ ship 4 Southp Range 10 Westt and 20 feet east of the easterly line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 19~ thence. 10 Westerly 660 feet~ more or lessp along a line thirty feet southerl;r &Dd parallel to the north line of the NEt- of the Nt of Section 19, T4S~ RlOWp S~B.Bo& 110, said line also being the south right of w!IJ' line of Ball Roup tothesoll.theirl;r prolongs. tion of' the easterly line of Tract 787 as show on a !lap tnereef recorded in Book 24" Page 9~ Miscellaneous Maps. records of Orange County~ California~ thence. 20 NOrtherly 60 feet? more or less. along the southerly prolongation oftae easterly line of said Tract Noo 787 to a point, said point also being the southeast corner of Lot 4. Block A of said Tract Noo 787, thence. 30 Northerly 1290 feet. !lore or less, along the easterlY line of said Tract No. 787 to the northea.terly corner of said Tract ~ said point also being in tile soutkerly line of Traot No. 796 as recorded in Boot 24. Page 289 of IUscellaneoua Maps, records of Orange CQunty.! thence 9 40 Westerly.30 feet p more or les89 along the northerly line of said Tract lib. 787 and the southerly line of Tract 796 to the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of Lots 12 through 16 of said Tract No. 796~ thenoe~ 5. Northerly 606 feet 9 more or less, along said easterly line and southerly prolongation to the southeasterly corner or Lot 17 of said Tract 796.1 thencep 6. Westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 17 and its westerl,. pro= longation, a distance or .3.30.20 feet~ more or les~9 to a point, said point being in the Westerly line of Webster Street (60 reet wide) I thencep 7. Northerl,. along the vesterly line of said Webster Street a distance of 704 feet, more or les8. to the northeasterly corner of L~t :2 of said Tract 796~ thencep 8. Westerly along the :northerly line of Lots 1 end 2 and Lot 1. Block J. ot said Tract 796 and the southerly line of Orange Avenue (60 feet wide), a distanoe of 300.55 feetp more or less, to the northwest corner of said Tract 7961 thencej 90 Southerly along the westerly line of said 'rract 796 to the southwest corner thereof, said so.thwest oorner als~ being the northwest corner of Tract Noo 7e7~ thencep 100 Continuing southerly along the westerly line of said Tract 787 to the southwesterly corner thereof~ said southwesterly corner also being in the northerly property line of Ball Road (60 feet wide) ~ thencep 11. Easterly along the southerly line "f said ?tact No. 787 and the llortherl:r property line of Ball Road to a point of intersection with the northerly prolongation of the vesterly line of Lot 6 of the Po A, Stanton Tract as shown on a map thereof recordecl in Book 5. Pages 23 and 249 llUsClellaneous Maps records of Orange CountYi tlilenee9 -- 12. Southerly along the westerly line of said Lot 6 and its northerly pro- longatioa to the southwest corner of said Lot 6 j thence. -2- 13. Easterly al01l1g the southerly line of Lots 5 a.nd 6 of said Po A. 0 Stant01l1 Tract to tile southeasterly oorner Qf said Lot 5, the:Qoe>> 14. Southerly along the westerly line 'Of Lot .3 of said P. Ao Stanton Tract ~ a di.taao. ot 11.68 feet to a point~ thence>> 15. Easterly along a line parallel to and southerly 11.68 teet &SmeasurN at right ogle. w the northerly line of said Lot .3 to the vesterly right of wq line of Gilbert Street; thence $ 16. Northerly along the easterly lime of said Lot ) and the westerly line' ot Gi1~rt Street a distance ot 11.68 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot .3~ thenae. 17. !:uterIy along the eaater1yprl.'l10ngation of' the n:orth line afilaid Lot.3 to a poillltin a line parallel with and 20 feet easterly.. as measured at ., right ang].ee to the easterly Une of the Wi of Section 19.: '41, BlOli ~ SoB.B.&: M. j thence. 18. Northerly along the east said parallel line to the point of beginning. AND WHEREAS, the Oi ty Council finds that the total area or tne above described prooert;y so requested .to b~ excluded from said annexation is less than five per cent (5%)' of the total area of the territory ori( inally ,oroposed to be anl1exed to the C:L ty of Anaheim an(, the,t i t 1'.~oulo be to the advantage of and for tne benefit of saie. .JI'oporty owners and the Oi ty of Anaheim to exclude the territory hereinabove described from said proposed annexation; " NUVI, THlJ{,"F'URE, BE II R~SOLVED by the C1 ty Council 0' tne City of Anaheim the.t the tel'ritory hereinabove mentioned ailG. described be, and the same is hereby, excluded from the territol:'Y designated and described as BALL-DALE ANNEXATION, and from all subsequent proceedinp..;s in r'aid, maLter. THE FOREOOE1G- RESOLUTIOb is aopj'oved and signed by me this 14th day of Aug'ust, 1956. /) .- ~~ l'lAYOR' OFI'HE (Pro Tem) ~ CITY OF ANAHEHr ATTEST: t~E:~~1"ni~2~;&~ ~~ ANAHEiM C - ::.,.. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ I, DENE M. WILLIAM3, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution ~s adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 14th day of August, 1956, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYJS: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry Schutte and Wisser NOES: COUNCILMEN: None AR'3ENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor (Pro Tern) of the City of Anaheim approved and 'signed said Resolution on the 14th day of August, 1956. IN WITNE3S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 14th day of August, 1956. , (> ~<_~i .--" '_ >".... - ) - S+-----l-? - ~ ,oc~"CtEm:J ~~rn~~iM-lL (SEAL) ~,