56R-3346 - r(E SOl-jUT 1:C1\ dO. '3ilLt1 --""--'~ A ill:SOLiJ'T.ld; Of 'l'Hi Clfi'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A1JAHEL.; AUTHORIZLG THE SAL:S OF CERTAIN REAL ?ROPEd.TY :CC If 1,::; CCUH'IY OF ORANGE, Al\D AUT'HORIZING THE .c,;X.ECUTIOrr OF A CCNVEYAI,'CE TH.;:;:'{ECF. ii:HEPcEAS, tile City of' Anaheim is the owner of the hereinafter depcrlbe~ real property; and ,~HER2AS, 86ic. re;cd Jroperty is not presently needed 1'01' any im:nediateJublic use nor municinal purposes; and ,iFZ=t~AS, the Coun'GY of Oran.Fe has offered to purchase S6.1.0.. re:"lJroaerty for the sum of -J;10:'.500.00 cash, lawful money of' the Un! ted State s, to be ~)t'id. to the City of Anahe im upon delivery of B good &no.. SUTficient deed, conveying said property to tLe:::')UJ1'G.\T of Ol'ac,cre; and. .iHt~IEA..3, tne City Council finds that it is for the oone1'i t anc. best intel'est of the CHy of Anaheim to accept said offer a:1d sell anc. conve:l SD.lc, reel Dl"OOCl'ty' to said County of Ora.n[c:e, upon the terrr,s and. conditlJns hereinafter specified. ,.o.v, ;.i'HEt'.EFuffi~, BE IT ilLSOLVED by tl1.e C1 ty Council of vIle C it:. of ArLE.:le 1;" tllc,.t Lle offer of the County of Orange to :JUl'Che8e tile hereinafter' o.8scrL;ec real )rO'Jel'ty for the sum of :wlC,jOJ.UQ C8811, lcu.'f'ul Llonc,'i of' tile Unitec. States, be acce-:oted upon the following terms ~_~& cOl:~itians: 1. 'l'll~lt the SUiL of' G,,:50u.OO CBSil, lawful money of tile Uni~:ed Stetes, oe ,xl.id. to '~Le Cit,y of Anaheim upon the de- livery to t.fle COt~nt.y~ u;:-> Cr.::;.nc.'e of H {sood ane.. sufficient deed, co:wey 2a3.(;. l'oal 'Ji'O:X l't:'. to~,~.lc, Count:;: of Orange. 2. '" t sc .L(J.. :rG ",___':)"U~, sI~EL11 be solei subject to covenants, con~itio~8, restrictillDS, reservations, rights, r1f'hts-of'-way aIll\ e8.2,;"ient~. of record. jji: =~. FUj:i.TE;,-{ Rli:SCLv.8D 'Gilf..t tne 1'.0..1'01' ano.. the City Cle:eK '08, [.L1Cc t!.cey aro hel'eb:.', a1.1.ttlorizec, to execute a good ano. su:Cf1clont deed co::ve:v1ng to tne County of O1'an[:;e the followln~ de8cri~ed real nroperty, situated in tne City of Anacleic" Oounty of Or,), ,St:?te of California, ana. more particul. rly depc1'ibed as follows: LGts 15, :1-7 :'.\.~H::.. 19 o:c .d.J1;e:i.11e im RomE: T::,"ect, in cl'c8 C1 tYJf Anane:.rL, as shovin on a map tnereof recorded. in Book 6, page 34 of kiscel.laneoti8 8, recor~s of said Orange COlmt;r. EXCEP'=' Ii\G TFEREFRCj.7 the I" .... ~afu 10 feet. ALSO 1XOEl:<r =~.,-:. l'hS.~FRCL of said Lot 15. "'c:lle l.orth 10 feet ,~ ana. to uelt"ler E-;eid. (5..eeci .~c ti-le County of 011EnC8 upon pa.y-rnent o:C the fULL purchase orice as hS2einabove orovided. -1- - ,..-. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed to oertify a oOPY of this Resolution and oause the same to be attached to the deed to be exeouted by the Mayor and the City Clerk on behalf of the C1 ty of Anaheim. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 26th day of June, 1956. KAY~~ Z'~ C.Y . .w )',. C !tE~/~F (cii~~6if'ABAHEIM. STATE OF CALIR>RNIA COUN'l'Y OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ) ss. ) I, DEllE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the Oity of Anaheim, do hereby oertify that the foregoimg Resolution was passed and adopted at a ~. regu.l81" meeting of the 01 ty Council of the Ci ty of Anaheim, held on the 26th day of June, 1956, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry and Wisser. COUNCILMEN: None COUNCILMEN: Sohutte. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the 01ty of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution on the 26th day of June, 1956. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim. this 26th day of June, 1956. ~ ~ ~ ~~-< . ,. // " CI .'~ F ~~~M. (SEAL) r- -2-