56R-3326 RESOLUTION NO. 1126 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIH FINDING AND DETERI-lINING ':mAT PUBLIC CON- VENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION oJ:t' A PUBL IC IMPROVEHENT, TO WIT: THE IKPR.OVEJq:N'f OF VElUlON'r AVENUE 1:ROM LOS .oGEI.J:S S~ft'I' 'l'O LaOH S'PR17.!. JIB 10. 118. AND .APPRO-VINGTHE DBS!: GN.s~ PLANS, PBOFIL~S, DRAW- INGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONS'rRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. \~EREASI public convenienoe and necessity require the construction and completion of a public improvement in the City of Anaheim, to wit: 'I'he improvelll8nt of Vermont Avenue from Los Angeles street to Lemon Street by excavation, oonstruction of plant-mix paving, concrete curbs and gutters. plant-mix berm, construct- ion of storm drains, including all equipment, castings, structures and excavation, removal of concrete weir box, and appurtenant york as indicated on the plans, Job No. 118. AND WHEREAS, the City Counoil instructed George E. HOlyoke, City Eng1aeer to prepare detailed designs, plans! profiles, drawings and speCifications, and estimates of quanti ties and costs of and make necessary surveys for the construc- tion of said public improvement; and WHEREAS, said City Zn~inee~ has prepared said detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings ~~ specifications for the oon- struction of said public improvement and has submitted the same to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the detailed de- signs, plans, profiles, drawings and specifications for said publio improvement above mentioned are in accordanoe with good engineering practice and are adequate to serve the needs and requirements of the City of Anaheim a.nd the citizens and residents in said area for th e purpose s for which they are intended, and that they are ade- quate for the construction of said public improvement and should be approved. ~ NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counoil of the City of Anaheim that the detailed designs, plans, profiles, draw- ings and specifications for said public improvement hereinabove mentioned and desoribed be, and the same are hereby, approved and adopted as prepared by said City Engineer . AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said publio improvement shall be constructed in accordanoe with said detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings and speoifications as prepared by said City Engineer and hereby approved, and suoh addenda or modifications thereto as may be approved prior to the awarding of bi ds th er efor e -1- .- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and she is hereby, authorized and direoted to publish a notioe acoording to law, inviting sealed proposals for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equip- ment$ a~d all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel .'-- and water, and performing all work necessary to oonstruct and Com- plete in a good and workmanlike manner, in stl' jet aocordance with said detailed designs, plans, prOfiles, drawings and specifioa- tions as prepared by said ai~ KR~i~~ ' th~ publio improve- ment hereinabvve mentioned an desori e , and fixing the lOt. day of J~ , 195' , at the hour of 7:00 o'clook P.M. as the date lTC: hour tor tneopening of said bids at the City Council Cr"81l:FcS in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, and that said ,c' r,f; shall be publiShed twice, the first of whioh PUblications ;;hsl1 be at least ten (10) days prior to the date fjxed for thp ';e.'~~g of bids, and that said publications shall be at least live ~J~ days apart. Alill BE IT FURTHER R2S0LVED that the successful bidder or bidders ~~" ~.l b8 required to enter into a contract wi th the CUy of' 1\.'12:':'!); L, the manner and form approved by the City At;tor,,::;~t of lLe CL':.y of Anaheim for the oonstruotion, installa- tier, anr). C'0;nn:Lstion of said publio improvement hereinabove men- ticJl€Q and doscY'ibed: in acoordanoe with the plans and speoifica- tbrs pl"epar'erl. by :::ald City JjnJl.~.J" , the notice inviting se~t'.ed p:::'uposale J this resoluti on and all applioable City O:>:>dina"1 ces or Code Sections an d the laws of the State of Cali- fo :mia, and shall be reqni red to post bonds and insurance in the amounts and within the time required by law, as specified in the notice inviting sealed proposals, and in a form approved by the City Attorney. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was approved and signed by 12tla day or .rue , 195L. me this ;?;ST: L~)~irf~F . ,,:::--4-~.- , ./ MA;;R"\~ ~~ ANAHEIM. ..... 111M ~.~- c. - . / .,p,.' ~/_~ <-ai>___~ '1 E CITY OF ANAHEIM. ".- -2- BUn: OF C.lLIFOIUUA . COOTY OFOJWD: CI'l'Y OF AIAHBIM ) ~ ss ) ) .-. I, lBJIE M. WU:,I."'{.l~, City Clerk of the City of Anaheilll, do ~reby certii'y that the foregoing Resolution No. 3326, o,.s adopted. upon a final reading at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheilll, held on the 12th day of June, 1956, by the following vote of the ueJllbers thereof: AllIS: COUJJClLMII: Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOJIS : C01JJIClI.HD' : Hone. 4E- ~: COVEIIMI: Pearson. ~".... AND I lun1iD CilTIn tbat the Jfayo~f the City of Anaheim approved and signed said ".o1.ution on the 12th day of June, 1.956. IN WITlIUS ~F, I have hereunto set my hand and "affixed the seal of the City of Anah9ia this 12th day of June, 1956. L2~k 4/~ CITY CLJ:I[ 01 ~ . IT! Of . IX. (SIW.) ~-