56R-3323 -- RESOLUTION NO. 3323 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEII1 FINDING AND DETERMINING '!HAT PUBLIC CON- VENIR~CE AND NECBSSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROV~1ENT, TO WIT: TiE LEWIS S'I"R~~':t RJ:Wlr.R TVPB.OVlr.MT.NIP r lI'Rn'M lUU. M'D TO A. PC} IIT'f 1, COO RF.1l' !lIOn.... lJIWRJr.Oll't 3M NO. 1Q69. AND APPROiTING THE DESI:GNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DR1!:W- INGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- ING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. WHEREAS~ publio oonvenienoe and neoessity require the construotion and oompletion of a publio improvement in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Lewis street Sewer Improvement, f'rom Ball Road to a point 1,060 f'eet south there- of', consisting of' the oonstruotion of' standard manholes, 16-inch V.C.P. sewer laterals, re- modeling existing manhales, and appurtenant work, aa (j. indioated on the plans, Job No. 1069. AND WHEREAS, the City Counoil instruoted Geor~e E. JOlYQke 0111y J:pa'iuer to prepare detailed des gns, plans, proriles, drawings and speoifioations, and estimates of quantities and costs, and make neoessary surveys for the construo- tion of said public improvement; and WHEREAS, said City Engineer has prepared said detailed d~signs, plans, profiles, drawings and speoifications for the oon- struction of said public improvement and has submitted the same to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Counoil finds that the detailed de- signs, plans, profiles, drawings and speoifioations for said publio iltlprovemmt above mentioned are in aocordanoe with good engineering praotice and are adequate to serve the needs and requirements of the City of Anaheim and the citizens and residents in said area for th e purp ose s for which they are intended, and that they are ade- quate for the construotion of said publio improvement and should be approved. .r" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counoil of the City of Anaheim that the detailed designs, plans, profiles, draw- ings and specifications for said public improvement hereinabove mentioned and desoribed be, and the same are hereby, approved and adopted as prepared by said City Ew;I.'ineer . AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said public improvement sha 11 be constructed in accordance with sai d detailed designs, plans, profiles, drawings and speoifioations as prepared by said City Engineer and hereby approved, and suoh addenda or mMlfioations thereto as may be appro ved prior to the awarding of bids therefor. -1- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and she is hereby, authori~ed and directed to pUblish a notice aooording to law, invitipg sealed proposals for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equip- ment, a~d all utilities and transportation, inoluding power, fuel - and water, and performing all work neoessary to construct and oom- plete in a good and workmanlike manner, in str1et accordanoe with said detailed deSigns, plans, profileg, drawings and speoifioa- tions as prepared by said Clt~ Enzlneer , the public improve- ment hereinabove mentioned and esoribed., and fixing the ~e1;.b. day of July , 1956 ,at the hour of 7:00 o'olook P.M. as the daTelT;d hour for tneopening of .said bids at the City Council Ch,J"))~)~S in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, and that saiel. 1;' re shall be publiShed twice, the first of which publications :;,:11 be at least ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for the (:;,,;'l~::og of bids, and that said Pu..blioations shall be at least five I~) days apart. AND BE: II' FURTHER R::':;SOLVED that the suocessful bidder or bidders "'~,-i."1 b8 requirsd to enter into a contract wi th the C1.ty of Ana'.l":.IY in the manner and form approved by the City A-~~tor';0Y 01.' TJ:-~e CEy of Anaheim for the construction, installa- tier, ani C'om.nlf'tion of said publio improvement hereinabove men- tioned ane. doscribed; in acoordance with the plans and speclfioa- ti or~ preparGrl by ~R.jd C1t.y Engineer , the notioe inviting se:\~I.ed p:,op,:)3ale, this resolution and all applicab;J..e City Ond:lnan oes or Code Sections an d the laws of the State of Cali- fo:mia, and shall be required to post bonds and insurance in the amounts 8.l':Id wi thin the time required by 1 aw, as speo ifi ed in the notice inviting sealed proposals, and in a form approved by the City Attorney. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was approved and sign ed by ~a1;h day of June , 195L. me this ATTEST: ~~. .' ! --", -----. 1,.', _ , . ~. ~~ c.J./ ~ERK .~ T~d!h.-mtiEIM. ~... ~~~/~NAijEIM. iIIii ,..... . ",-.. -2- .~-.. sun OF CAI.I1OU.U ~ 0<llftI (]p 0.... 88 ern OF WJIID(. I,RB )(. 1fILI.IAMS, City Clerk lU'. the City of .Anaheim, do hel"8by eertif'y tbat the foregoing ileaollttioon 10. 3.323, .... a40pted upolt a final reading at .. l"8gUlar ..Ung of the City Council of tu City of .In&heiDl, held on the 12th dq of June, 1956, --. by the following vote of the IIIlll8Ibera thereaf: AlD': ClOUII:n.tlII: Coou, Fry, Schutte and nslS81'. NOIS: COOCn.MD: lone. ~: COVJfC1JlI891: Pearson. . ....... lID I ~ GlII!IPY thIlt the~f the City of i1aheiJI. &pprol.a. and. IigJlecl said ....lutiofi Qn tbs 12th day of J~; 19'6. II "loT -.. L, I haft he1'8\1Rt.O set III\r hand .and a.:f'1'1:.ad toke ae&1. or the GUt of AMhe1m. thb 12th _ tlt JllDe, 1956. ~t~.. ..(-.t) ."", .-. ~~