56R-3268 ..... RESOLU~;ICl, NO. 3268 ,...... A RESOLUTIOlJ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHl.:Hf .ASCERT.AliHNC} AND DETERIHNING THE ?REVAIL LNG RAT:2 OF ';IAGES TO BE l)AID FOR EACH CRA.n UH 1'Y?E OFl'!CRKHAN OR ;,1ECEANIC NEEDED FOH PUBLIC i';ORKS CCl'TTRACT3 FOR THE FURNISH- ING OF ALL kATEHIALS, PLANT, L.A.i.jOR AND SER- VICI:S FCH THE REMOD1::Lll:G OF EXISTING FLOOD- LIGHT FACILITIES IF LA PALMA PARK IN THE OITY OF AlSAHEIE, JOB 1:0. 376. 'ViHERii:AS, the City Counci1 of the City of Anaheim does I"ind and c.etermine that public convenience and necessity require the acouiE1ition of' materia.ls, :ole.nt, labor and services for a public imDrovement consistinG' of the remodeling of existing flood- l:lght f'a.ci1ities in La Palma Park in the City of Anaheim, Job No. 376; and ivHEREAS, Section 1770 of' the Labor Code of the State of California requires thHt the City Council ascertain and de- teprnine the g'eneral :)l'eVclc.lin,.; rete of hourly wages and rates for legiel hOliday"' and overtime work on :oublic works and im- provements in the loo[,li ty in ,,'hich the Ivork is to be perforrned_, for each crE..ft or ty:;e OI~ iwr.'.:ma.n, laborer' or mechanic needed for tile execution of such public contracts ancl the making of such public improvements, 8.nd i'or the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and eqUipment and performing all vfOrk neceE;,sary for the executLm s,;~lci completion of such public contracts or improvements; ~;C\.\, 'I'I-T-EllEFOHE, BE ~~T R.C.;SOLVED by the City Councilor tile City of' Anane im th~,.t, in EJCcordD.nce vri th the provis ions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code of the state of California, the Ci tv Counc':.l has ascertained and. ewes hereby determine the gen- erai preva'.lini" ra te of hourly l'>fa,<;'es and rates for legal holidays ano. ove:'tiue work on 7:moJ.ic works, and the public improvement consist1.w;' of the remocieling of existing floodlight facilities in La Palmo Park in the City of Anaheim, Job No. 376, in the localit;,,- in which such Hark is to be perfor'med, and each craft or tyoe of laborer, workmen or mechanic needed for the execution oroubl' c ~,'orks contrccts 01' contracts for' furnishing' all plant, material.f;, labor, Bel'vices end eouic;ment for the public improve- 'nent consistinf' of the remociel:LrH: of existirw flOOdlight facilities in La PE,lm;1 Perl<: in t"le City of' Anaheim, JOb-No. 376, -and that said preVailing rates 80 determined are as follows: CLASSIFICAT ION -.,-.- .-. ._, ----"." HOURLY RATE -,_._-, ~. General Foreman Foreman Subforeman Journeyman Lineman Journeyman V!ireman Cable Snlicer Groundman Concrete Mobile Nixerman Crane Operator Trenching Machine Ooerator $ 4.11 3.76 3.54 3.35 3.35 3.65 2.55 3.06 3.24 3.06 -1- - _. All foremen, unless seDaretely classified, &hall be oaid. as provided in the Seutember, 19.55 revig~nottl'1e A.G.C.- A. F. L.'3outhern Ca:LiI'ornia Mastel' Labor Agreement. . Ap:orentices may be employed in conformity with Section 1777.5 of the California Labor Code. The rates or Der diem wages 1'01' eaoh of the various classificBtions of work sha.l1 be the hereinbefore set forth prevailing rates of hourly w8.ges multiplied by eight. Eight hours shaL,. constitute a day's work, it being understood that in the event th&.t worKmen are employed less than eight hours per day the per diem wage shall be that fraction of the per diem waGe herein established that the number of hours of em- Dloyment bears to ei~ht hours. The overtime rule estabJ.ishing the ra.tes of overtime and holiday work shall be in accordance with the following: Where a single shift is worked, eight hours of continuous em- nloyment, except for lunch periods, shall constitute a day's work beginning on f;[onc.8Y and continuinf; through Friday each week. Vlhere work is required in excess of eight hours in any one day or during ~he interval of time from 5:00 o'olock P. M. Fr:'iOo.y and 12:00 olclock midnight Saturd.scy, such work shall be Daid for at the minimum rp.te of one and one-half times the basic rate of Nares, a:1d on Sund8Ys end Holidays such vrork shall be ::>aid fo!' at the minimum 1'8 te of double the basic rate of wages, except as otherwise;wovidec. in the September, 1955 revision of the A.G.C.-A.F.L. Southern California Master Labor Agreement. Holidays HE herein referred to shall be deemed to be New Years Da.=" Decor11tion Day, IndeDenc.ence Day, Labor Day, Aruietiee Day, Thanke[o'iving Day and Christmas Day. If any of the above mentioneo. holiol):)'8, other than Labor Day and Thanks- giving Day, falls on Sundl>Y, the followint'; lilondRY shall be con- sidered a legal hOli6.I"Y. IT SHALL BE EANDATORY uoon the contractor to whom the contrect is awarded 2nd upon any 8ubcontrnetor under him to pay not les,' than the Eala s})ecifiec_ rRtes of wages to all laborers, workmen ana. mechanics ec~loyed by them in the execution of the contract. THE YOHEGOBG RESOLUTION is eilS'ned and ap:oroved by me this 8th da:r of May, 1956. // ~ .. J- ./ .. -. / ?~.-;-c~~<-. MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ATTEST: J7 2 k '1--. . ~.;y J".d~-~_ OITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ~~ -2-