56R-3254 .......>~ RESOLU'l';OlJ NO. "1254 ~'.. ,...... A RESOLUTION 0;'- THE CITY COUllCIL OF THE CITY OF jlJifAHEDI ASCERTAIl'lIl'!G AND DETE.."ttHINING THE PREVAIlING RATE OF WAGE" TO BE PAID FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPl'; CF,WHKilA" OR ;lECHANIC NEEDED FOR PU3LIC \JCRKS OONTRACTS FOR THE FURNISHING OF .'\1,L MATERIALS, PL.lL':T, LABOR AND SERVICES FOR 'l'HE CONSTRUCTION AIm CONPLETION OF \'IATER STORAGE RESERVOIRS, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. WHEREAS, tile City- Council of the City of Anaheim does l'ind. fe!ld determine that YJublic convenience anct necessity reouire the acc1lJ.isition or matel'ials, plant, labor and services for ;'lublic imDrovements, includiw' the construction and completion of water stor'Gge reservoirs in the City of Anaheim; and 'vvHEP..EAS, Section 17'70 of the Labor Code of the State of California reauires that the City Council ascertain and de- ter'n:ine the gener'pl 'ol'evA:Lliw- r2tc of hourly ,.rages and rates for legsl holida~Ts and overtime hark onoublic w.orks and im- proveme"ts in the locality in vlhide the work is to be performed, for each craft or tyne of workman, laborer or mechanic needed for the execution of such DubIic contracts and the making of such public improvements, an<5- for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and eouipment and performing all work necessary for tne execution 2r:d. completion of se.id pub15c contracts or imDrovements. NO',/, 'THl!:RE?OFE, BE IT RESOLViD by the Oi ty Council of the City of Anaheim that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code of the state of California, the CJ.ty Council has Escertained. 2rlec Qoes here'oy determine the general prevailinF: rate of' hourly wages and rates for legal holj.CLays and overtime j,TOrle on public works and 'oublic improvements consisting of construction and completion of water storage reservoirs in the City o:~ Anelleim, in the 10ca:U.ty in which such work is to be Der- !'or:ned, and ench CrfJ:;:'t or t::'De of laborer, vlOrkmEn or mechanic needed. fo}' the execution of' .:)\Ablic works contracts or contracts for fUl'n:'d1inr of a1] Dl&nt, meter;ials, labor, services and equip- ment for oub1ic improvements including the construction and com- pletioE of water stor'fJge reservoirs in the City of Anaheim, and t::12.t srid. Drevf,i1ine:: rates 80 Cletermined are as follows: T .L~ti..JE c::;~ :CSI~I(jN ----,,~._--->-_.._--- ..."'" HOURLY RATE OF PAY --- [~ AsnllaJ_t P1S.Ilt Dryerm8.l1 or FireE1En Asohalt Plant Engineer or Foreman Asphalt PLant Apprentice - Oilel' and Greaser Asohal t Ral,-er and Ironer Bootman Box xi~er OperAtor Cc1rpenter Cement Fin.isher Fine Grader (Daving) Guard 8110./01' \vatchman Heavy Duty Repairman Heavy Duty Re.pairmanls Hel.Der Laborer Motor Patrol QDerator Re .inforc .in:i I roniiorkers Road. Oil IHxing Hachine Opere tor $2.47 2.65 2.23 2.26 2.31 2.47 2.70 2.70 2.15 1.97 2.6.5 2.23 2.05 2.79 2.74 2.70 -1- ~ ,.-- Roller Gpera.tor Screee Operator .51,:ip Loader O,'gerator - ~~".heel s:':r~)C TrflCtor Queratar, Bu.ldozer, 'I'e.moer, ScraDer or Drag Type, Shovel or Boom Attachments 'Truck Drivers: DUL1p LesE than 4 yes. water level Dump 4 yds. but less than 8 yds. \Jater leveJ. DULly 8 yds. bu t Ie s s thail 12 yds. ,vater level D1.wpster Trucks, under 6 tons legal payload Trucks, 6 to 10 tons legal payload Trucks, 10 to 15 tons legal uayload Water - under 2500 gallons Winch, additional when operating power winch A-frames or similar attachments Truck Greaser and Tireman Truck Repairman Truck Repairman Helper Universal Equipment Operator (Shovel, Dragline, Clamshell or Crane) 2.57 2.35 2.50 2.65 2.13 2.16 2.21 2.51 2.13 2.16 2.21 2.19 0.125 2.24 2.63 2.24 2.88 The foregoing vrage scale and rates are for an eight hour uay, forty hour week, time and one-half for overtime and double time Sund.2.:'S and. holid.8:'s, except as other'\lrise provided in the June, 1953 revision of the A.G-.C.- A.F.L. Southern Calii'ornia ]'laster Labor Agreement and SUD ;lements. which shall i,.overn for such overtime and a.ouble time )8Y, and for the W8[e sce.Le for Foremen not other,.,,':Fe Listed. above. HOlidays as l1ere in re :Cey're0. to shall be eteemea, to be ;iSvl Year I s Day. lvlemorial Dry, Indeneno.eY1ce Day, Labor Da,/" Armistice Day. Thanksgi vine:; Da~T and. Chrtstmas Day. If' ar:y of the above mentioned holidays, other than LHbor Da:' aHl TLanksgiv' Day', fells on Sunday, the Monday f'0110'ti1nf' shall be c,onsiderec. a .Legal hol:i.o.ay. The overtj,r;e r'_~le establishinG': the rates of overtime ana.. l.:.o.Lic.tl,"1 WOl'll:. shri.l1 be in El.CC,or6..ance t'\Ti th tile follo\'11ng: ~'[here a sl.m'le shift is ,\'0 r;'c8 C\., eiGht hours of continuous employ- ment, exce'Jt for Lunch')eriod.s, shall constitute a day's w'ork begin'J].:lg on ","onc.:<y I.net continuinr; throug.r-l Fri6,ay ee.ch week. 'Iinere ....orz is reouiped in exce s s of e i['ht hours in anyone day or Cluriq" the 1.nterva1 Df tir.le from 5:00 o'cl.ock P.M. Friday G.Y'Q 12:00 o'clock micnig'ht Satureti':,: niCht, such work shall be oaio. for 'it t;he min:,L'wn rDte of one and one-nalf (1-8-) times ti:e casie r,,:,te of \ilTEL:e E'-, enc:. on Sund.EL=:'~8 and holictB,Ys such work 8~,:..all be naij for at the minimum rate of double the basic rate of wages, exceut as otherwi8e ol'oviejeo. in the June, 195::< revision of the A.G-.C.- A.F.L. Southern C81ii'ornie Me.ster Le'-oor Agreement and 3u::nle~de n t s . Pro':)erl y;.nctentureC a"))rentices to fmy of the trad.es listec a'Gove may be em1)loyed Hocn such public improvements vii tb sKilled. 1wrkrJlen, s'..lbJect to tne'Jrovisions of Section 1777.5 of ~he L~~or Cofie of tne state of Caljfornia, the wage rates for such auurenticeA to be ~eterrui~ed as crovided in said Section 17r>~ c:: , ( ( . ~ . - -2- Till.. FCEEGl.::J;G- H:O:SCLDTIC;; is a-r:YJroved ana signed by me "tllis 1st Qay of lliln;y, 1956. r~ jf" /.-;/ / ....:J . -~~~--- I'LAYOR OF THE CITY OF A'l''IEST; ~/.. c- . '-i-- / /;//'//. . r. '_,..I" ,~~~_ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF JlXAfu;:!:ll. STATE.. OF CALlF'ORNIA COUNTY UF ORAliGE CITY OF Al:AHE 114 j:, mi:IJE 1.1. VnLLLi\l~S, City Olerk of the City of Anaheim, 6.0 he.r<!DY certify tLnt till" foreE;oinc Rep-olution "'as :!Jassed and adouteu at an adjourned ~eell1ar meeting of the City Council held on the 1st dE.;';' of May, 1956, by the foll~Q1;'rtnc' vote of the members tllereof' : ~~y!~ S : COUlICILlIIEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and l.aSSeI'. eWES: COUITCEdEn: llone. A.:...C,SENT: COUNCILMEN: ITone. AI'Tn I FUR'I':iER CEH.TIFY t119t the }l2,:/or of the City of Anellei;;! sic'nea 1Lld 8.l )roved 81'.16. Resolution on the 1st dr.y of l~lay, :L956. ,-- IF 1I'::',:E38 \iti:E;H~W?, T hpve hel'eunto set my hand and af'fixec. "he seol of the City of Anaheim this 1st day of May, 1956. ~...' ",-'-- ." ,,"---, -r-' . /" _ __' 2'~..._ ~~~_ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ~ -:3-