56R-3181 rM'''' - "u;>( iLUTlC>N n~. 3181 --~"_._,-,-,-_._. -.- _._- """""" r ~ESULUTlCJ', 0;' niE ~lTY ~OUNCIL (-'I' Tlib CITY or' \NAlLFIM PFCLuUN,-; ;\LJ WEEDS ANT) HAM,~RnWTII ';RO\VING UPuN PUBLIC S'lRiJ"TS AND VACANl LOTS TO i ~H J\ NUl S ANC I . . FE IT '~I'SOLVU' BY 'lLf- CITY ';OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: That there are c:rowing upon various streets in the City of Anaheim and vacant lots adjacent to said streets certain weeds and rank growth, ane' that said le.ts in the City of Anaheim are hereby declared to bE' a nUJsance. rile' Superintendent of Streets of the Ci.ty of Anal1eim is hereby authorizeci and directed to giVe notice rec!uired by law to the owners of saie; vacant lots and streets aJjaccnt tlll'reto to remove the same, as re- quire': Lv law. ;:,aid Superintendent of Streets is hereLy authorized and directed, upon the expiration of a period of ten (10) days after notice as required by law, to remove any weeds and rank ;;rowth which have not been removed from saic; lots or streets, an.j to charge tllC' cost of such removal to the lots cleaned and to the property adjacent to the strr>cts cleaned by said Superin- ten~cnt of Streets. \;90P removal said Superintcndent or Streets of any of said weec,s or ran;, :;ro\Vtil, sail. Superintendent of Streets shall report to the Ci ty Council the location awl ,lescrip tion of any property from which he has removed said weeds or ranK;ro\Vth, anci unless the cost of such removal is paid hy Lle owners of sai,1 Jots and rarcels of lanel, or the owners of lets anci parcels p[ lane' adjacent tD sai(( streets, the same Shall become a lien upon :,aie propert~'. Ti I,: F(<l{}J;c'INC 'ESCLLTlUI\ is approved and si,;ned by r,lO this 13th Jay of ;\'arch, 1956. ,..l..}__<..." ~. " ( ATTl:,ST: r )1 / .k-~~ .~ "---. ' - 1 ..- ,(1:~_ /~~.:;~~~_~.<!-~: CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHl2lM /"'"'. f~ STAT} Ul;,~ALlFUi{1\U (,'UU?\T't' Of ORANGE ss. CITY OF ,;J\AliEIM 1, DEl\): t". WILLIAMS, City Clerk of tlle City of Anaheim, do hereLy ccrb fy that the foregoing ,(eso1ution was passed and adopted at a regular uJ('eting of the ,,;ity CounciJ of the City of Anaheim, held on the 1.ith day of ,"iarch. 1956, i~y the fo11o\\lil1;:; vote of the meniLJers thereof: I\Y},:): COlJNCIU:EN: Pearson, Fry, Sch~tte, and Wisser. NO~FS : C~OUNCIl},El\: None An S I'NT : COUl<ClLi'.,U;: Van Wagoner \NI) I HJRTLER (:E1\TII'Y tiiat thE Hayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signee saie' ;(osoJ ution on the 13th day of March, 1956. JNI'ITNESSiVli: i:EOI'. 1 have heH~unto set my hand and affixed the seal of sai,; ,:it1 or 'nahei[:: this ]Jth day of March, 1956. I - (-'. . )' .. '-... 'T"_.. . _~~ ";yo _ ?U~....-..-~ CITY CURK OF T!llc CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) '-">~~"""""^