56R-3103 - - RESOLUTION NO. 5105 r A BESOLUTION OF THE C In COUNCIL OF THE CIn OF AIABEDI ACCEPTIHG A GRAlfT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM aER'1'AIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR BflAl) OR HIGHWAY PUBPOSES. lliiREAS, the City Council of the City 01' Anahelll i. desirous 01' purchasing the hereinafter described real prop- erty for public purposes, to wit: An easement tor road or highway purposes; and WHEEEAS, the City Council 01' the City 01' Anaheim finds that it is tor the _nefit and best interest of the City 01' Aaahe1m to accept said otter and purchase said real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council 01' the City 01' .Anaheim that the ofter $1' IRVIIG SCHNEIDER, MIlIDELLE SCHBIDIR, EDW.A.RD S. MIrnS. BELLA JULIES. ESTHER CARL, BURIal: CARL, LOUIS HENNIG AND IA'1'.m.EEN HENlIIG to sell to the Oity 01' Anahelll the fol.lowing described real. property situated i& tae City of Anaheim, County 01' Orange, state 01' California, and more particularly described as follows: PARCI;L 'B': A strip 01' land one hundred (100) teet in width and being fifty (50) feet on each side of the foll.ow- ing desoribed center line: Beginniag at the South one-quarter corner 01' Section 22, '1'.4 S., R. 10 V., San Bernardino Xerid1an, said corner being the intersection of the center lines of Iatella Avenue and Harbor Boulevard; thence, N. 00 141 J01 Y., along the East line of the Southwest one-quarter (SWl) of said Section 22 and the oenter line of Harbor Boulevard, a distanoe of IJ2l.35 feet to the Northeast corner of the Southeaat one-quarter <sst) of the Bouthweat one-quarter <SIi) 01' said Sec- tion 22. r- , PA,ElCEL "C'; A strip of land one hundred ten (1.10) teet in width and being sixty (60) feet on the iest side and fifty (50) feet on the East side of the following desoribed center line: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the North- east one-quarter (NEt) of the Southwest one-quarter (Bit) of Seotion 22, '1'.4 S., R.10 W., San Bernardino Meridian,said corner being in the center line of Harbor Boulevard; thence, N. O. 141 J01 Y., along the East line of the Southwest one-quarter (B1rt) of said Section 22 and the center line of Harbor Boulevard, a distance 01' 1)21.00 feet to thecenter of said Section 22; thenee, N. 00 l2t IJI W., along the East line of the Northwest one-quarter (lfWt) of said Section 22 and the center line of Harbor Boulevard, to the Southerly right 01' way acquired by the state of California on Harbor Boulevard. -1- -" -. r- f PAROEi 1: .ginning at the South onerquarter corner of Seetion 22, T.4 S., R.10W., Sani Bernardino Meridian, said corner being the interseet~n of the centerline. of (atella Avenue and Harbor Bo evard; thenee, Wester- 17, along the center line of (a ella Avenue and the South 11ne 0 f said Section 22, ~ distanoe of 150.00 feet to a line, said line beingi at right angles to the above described center line; th~nce, Norther17, along said last mentioned right anglej line, a distance of 40.00 feet to the true point ofibeginning of this desoription; thenoe, continuingi Northerly, along said last mentioned right angle 1 ine i, a distanoe of 20.00 feet to a line parallel with an~ 60.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from the oenter line of Iat- ella Avenue; thenoe, Easterly, along sald parallel line, to a point 75.00 feet Westerly,meaeured at rlght angles, from the center llne of Harbor ~oulevard; thenoe, North- easterly, in a dlrect line, to the intersection of a line parallel with and 75.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from the oenter llne of latella Avenue with a 11ne parrallel with and 60.00 feet Westerly, mea.ured at right angles. from the center line of Harbor Boulevard; thenoe, Northerly, along sald last mentioned parallel line, to a 11ne that is at right angles to the oenter line of Harbor Boulevard and 150.00 feet Northerly, measured along the center line of Harbor Boulevard from the center line of Katella Aven~e; thenoe, Easterly, along said last mentioned right angle line, to a line parallel with and )0.00 feet Westerly, measured at right angles, from the center line of Harbor Boulevard; thenoe. South- erly, along said last mentioned parallel line, to a 11ne parallel with and 40.00 feet Northerly. measured at right angles, from thecenter line of tatella Avenue; thence, Westerly. along said last mentioned parallel line. to the true point of beginning of this description. ...-.- P ARC!! 2: eginning at the South one~quarter corner of See- tiOR 22, !.4 S., R.10 W., San B,rRar4ino Meridian; said corner being the intersection or the center lines of Katella Avenue and Harbor Boulevard; thenoe, Easterly, along the center line of Kat ell. Avenue and the South line of said Section 22, a distance of 150.00 feet to a line, said line being at right angles to the above described center line; thence, Northerly, along said last mentioned right angle line, a distanoe of 40.00 feet to the ~e point of beginning of this description; thence, con- tinuing Northerly, along said last mentioned right angle line, a distanoe of 20.00 feet to a line parellel with and 60.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from the center line of Katella Avenue; thence, Westerly, along said parallel line, to a point 75.00 feet Easterly, measured at right angles, from the oenter line of Harbor Boulevard; thenoe, Northwesterly, in a direot line~ to the intersection of a 11ne parallel with and 75.00 feet Northerly, measured at right anlf;les, from the center line of Katella Avenue with a line p$rallel with and 60.00 feet Easterly,measured at right angles, from the center line of Harbor Boulevard; thence, Northerly, along said -2- - -, .,-. -f last mentioned parallel line, to a line that is at right angles to the oenter lin$ of Harbor Boulevard and 150.00 feet Northerly, mea,ured along the center line of Harbor Boulevard from the center line of Xatella Avenue; thence, Wester+y, along said last mentioned right angle line, toa line parallel with and 40.00 feet Easterly, measured at right angles, from the center line of Harbor Boulevard; thence, Southerly, along said last men~ioned parallel line, to a line parallel with and 40~00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from!the oenter line of Xatella Avenue; thence, Easterly, along said last mentioned parallel line, to th$ true pOint of begin- ning of this description. to be used for road or highway purp~ses, be, and hereby, acoepted by the City Councit of the City and that the City of Anaheim aocepta conveyance property. the same is of Anabei., of said BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED th~t the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim be, and he is her~bt, authorized to payout of the 1954 Street Improvement Bond FUqd, to the owners of said real property, or their authorized ~epresentativesf the SUII. of One Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ~1,350.00). THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ts approved and signed by me this 24th day of January, 1956. ;f ,<) ~ ~wfaf/J/~~F-1 ~ ~~ C ~ ~~IH. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUJI"l'Y OF ORANGE ) sa. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Dene M. Williams, City Clerk of the Citr of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed at a regular meeting of the qity Council held on the 24th day of January, 1956, by the fo!l1owing vote of the m.... bers thereof: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Peatson, Fry, Schutte, WisBer aDd V anWagoaer. NoM. Non.. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY thati the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said Resplution on the 24th day of January, 1956. r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havei hereunto set my haDd ud affixed the seal of the City of Anah~1m this 24th day ot January, 1956. (SEAL) ~~~- C . ERK. ':r ~lil1'u!. -3- A. L i