56R-3094 RESOLUTIOI NO. ~Q~4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUHC~ OF THE CITY OF AJWlBIM ACClnIIG A GR.ur1' D i'D C ONVEYIlIl TO 'DIE OITY OF WDIIl 0"'Al1 REAL PftOPBJr.lT 11'08 U 1U~"''1' l'CIt ROAD AND ~UBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES i' WHBREAS, the C1tf Counoil ot ~. e City ot Anaheim i. d..1roua ot puran..1ng tba heretnatter .cribed r.al property r... publio pu:rpo..., to wit: An .......n tor ROAD AND PUBLIC I UTILITY PURPOSES . J ,and WRIRIAS, ~. City Council of tte City ot Anaheim rinds t~at it is tor the benat1t and be.t Inte eat of the Clty ot A.ahela to accapt .aid otter all4 pmooha.. ..lel real property. An easement for road and publil.c utility purposes over, under and across a parcel of land being a portion of Lot 27, Anaheim Extension, lopated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, St~te of California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 55 of Tract 1909, as shown on a map' recorded in Book 59, Pages 1) and 14 of Miscellanepus Maps, Records of Orange County; thence North 0-502)' 37" West 100 feet along the Northerly prolonga tiion of the Easterly line of said Lot 55 to a point; thence South 74029'00" East 27 feet to a point on t~ Northerly prolongation of the centerline of Cambridgie Street; thence South 150 2)' 37" East 100 feet aloing said Northerly prolongation of said centerltne of Cambridge Street to a Doint in the Northerly ~ine of said Tract 1909; thence North 740 29' 00" Wes~ 27 feet along said Northerly line of Tract 1909 to the point of beginning. (' be., , and the lame 1. hereby, accepted bYJ~~! City Council of the ctity or Anahela, &Jld that the City of A1ruwiJII accept a CCXlvey- ~c. of salel property. BE IT FUR'l'HER RESOLVED tha t ~. e City Tllea.ItUr9l' of the Oity of Anaei. be, an4 he 18 hereby, a thor1zed to pay to the- qillIlar. ot ..ld real PJ!O perty, out ot Ge I'd Fund. of the City at Anahelm, the 8UIl of ODe and no/1OO lhra (~)l.OO). -- -1- -- ~ ~.i" r-. ; THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this _?UL_day of' JanuaI'Y__19......5.9_. ./ / . / ..;?7 ~ . --~~61r~~fii1JGffi wfuHEI~ _ c-2?tr~~ CLERK OF T.iiL; CTTY 01"AJA1J.I:I!'l STATL OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF OR~NGE ss. CITY OF Al,AHEUI I, DENE M. WILLIAMS ,0ity Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do he-j."eby- -c-erf.ffy--th7;-t-thc-foregoing P.esolution was passed and adopted at a __ _~_n~~~li!:~~______meeting of' the Ci ty Council hal6. on the 24tQ_day of ~~n__~' 19~, bV the f'ollowing vote of The members thet'eof': AYES: COUFCILLEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOBS: COUl-;CILfiiEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILl1EN: Ncme. AND I FURTHEi'l CERTIFY the.t the Hayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approveci said Resolution on the -2.iULday of __~Jl).ya:r:i_____ ~__n'___'" 19.i6_____. IN..fITI';E3S <HE~{EOF, I have hel'ounto set my hand and affixed the saa: of the City of Ar.s.heim 'chis Jjt.ll, day of Jf.IlWl.n______ _______, 1956_ _.___' /) . ~" -~~F-riEE-~IN